game master

Chapter 399 - Strange NPC

Chapter 399 - Strange NPC
Qin Haonan's sleep has been a bit chaotic these past few days. Recently, he was in the US area, and he was jet-lagged.When I went online the next day, I found that the magic teleportation array had basically been drawn.

Judging by this and the appearance, it is estimated that he will be able to return to China in the next few days.

Yao Ruoxi was the first to go online among them, and was already surveying the surrounding environment with Spirit Wolf.After all, the village will be built here in the later stage, and Yao Ruoxi is very concerned about the environment of this area.

Seeing Qin Haonan go online at this time, he happily reported the results to him.

Carol also waved to Qin Haonan, and said with a smile: "The magic teleportation array will probably be finished tonight, and it will be activated at that time, Master Fushengruomeng, take us back to China!"

"This is absolutely no problem." Qin Haonan nodded quickly.

At this time, the Brick of Rampage was also online, and it seemed that everyone was very punctual.

Now that everyone is here, Qin Haonan immediately formed a team.Yao Ruoxi, the runaway brick, Youlang, and Qin Haonan himself, exactly four people.

Qin Haonan rode on the Nether Dragon God, and carried everyone into the sky.

The address of the capital of the gods is said to be in the center of the map of the United States.According to the coordinates given by Youlang, Qin Haonan quickly let the Nether Dragon God lock the position.

The flying speed of the Nether Dragon God was very fast, and soon reached the sky above the capital of the gods.Through layers of white clouds, Qin Haonan could roughly see the prosperity of this city.

As the Nether Dragon God slowly landed, the area of ​​the capital of the gods lit up on Qin Haonan's world map.

"Who is coming, dare to break into the capital of the gods?"

As soon as Qin Haonan landed at the gate of the east city, he saw two tall knights walking up with long swords in their hands.Obviously, Qin Haonan's mount was a little too big, which suddenly increased the sense of crisis for the guarding NPC.

"You two knights, we are going to enter the capital of the gods." Qin Haonan hurriedly got off the dragon's back, showing them the [God's Order] in his hand.

As soon as he saw the [God's Order], the guarding NPC's eyes immediately softened.

"It turns out to be an envoy of God, please hurry up!" The city guard NPC had already given up the way into the city while speaking.

Qin Haonan led the team and walked directly into this bustling city.

The architectural style of the capital of the gods is very magnificent, and some places imitate Greek temples.In the entire city, many halls and halls are decorated with huge stone pillars, and there are some ring-shaped buildings.It looks very solemn and full of classical beauty.

To the west of the capital of the gods is a winding mountain range. Entering through the east gate, you can clearly see the huge statue of the God of War standing on the west side of the city.Coupled with the emerald green mountains behind the statue, the scene is really shocking.

"I heard that the mountain to the west of the capital of the gods can be climbed. It is said that there is a temple on it, but the mobs on it are all very high-level, it is said that they are above level 650." Spirit Wolf murmured As he spoke, his eyes filled with yearning.

"When the level is higher in the future, you can go and try it." Qin Haonan said.

"Yes, but now we can still visit this city." Yao Ruoxi was still very excited today, she ran forward a few steps, and soon reached the stall next to her.

On both sides of the street in the east of the city, there are various stalls. NPCs sell all kinds of products here. Looking around, it is a lively scene, and the products are also dazzling.

Walking on the stone-paved street, Qin Haonan stopped suddenly.

"Ruomeng, what's the matter?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

"Look over there, is there a yellow exclamation mark?" Qin Haonan pointed to a location not far away. In the crowd of NPCs, he vaguely saw a young man dressed as a magician, sitting Read a book under a small tree.

Yao Ruoxi looked in the direction Qin Haonan said, and as expected, she really saw it.

"Hey, there are missions in this capital of the gods!" Brick, who ran away, exclaimed.

Ghost Wolf hurriedly said: "Yes, I heard it from others before, let's explore this hidden main city by ourselves this time. Let's see how many treasures and novel tasks there are."

"Come on, let's go over and have a look." Qin Haonan said, and walked straight over with the team.

Walking to the front, Qin Haonan found that this NPC had been focusing on reading and didn't see anyone approaching at all.

Qin Haonan had no choice but to take a step forward, and said softly, "I'm sorry to bother you."

"Huh? What's the matter?" The young magician raised his head, his blue eyes filled with doubts.

Qin Haonan was a little dizzy. Didn't you say there was a mission with a question mark above your head? I didn't expect the NPC to ask the player back.Qin Haonan was helpless, but he still wanted to answer: "That's right, we're new here and don't know much about this city, so I want you to show me the way."

"Ah? There are so many people on this street, you don't ask them, but you come to ask me? Besides, don't you know that it is immoral to disturb others' studies?" The magician NPC waved his hands impatiently.

"We don't see you as a scholar, we think it's more reliable to ask you!" Yao Ruoxi explained with a smile.

"Okay, then you can ask." The magician NPC said.

Qin Haonan was really dizzy, he didn't want to ask for directions, he just wanted to take the task.This is the first time I met an NPC like this, and he didn't even take the initiative to issue tasks.

"Don't worry about that, we are here to pick up the mission. You have a big exclamation mark above your head, do you need our help?" Brick who ran away went straight to the point and said impatiently.

The magician NPC was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became unhappy. "What do you mean by a big exclamation mark above my head? Can you speak?"

In fact, in "Century", in order to make the game simulation realistic enough to incorporate the storyline, when accepting tasks, they didn't directly say that they saw the exclamation mark to accept the task.Because of the game settings, NPCs don't know the exclamation mark above their heads.

There are two types of NPCs that release the game.

One is the main task NPC, you talk to him, as long as you say hello, they will take the initiative to make a task request.If you really don't know how to speak, you can just say that you are reluctant to accept the task when you see the exclamation mark.In order to advance the progress of the main task, NPCs will pass the "exclamation mark" and other times by themselves, as the player greets them.

The other is NPCs with side quests and hidden quests. To accept quests with them, you have to chat a few words to build a good relationship before the other party will say your request.Of course, under normal circumstances, as long as they say hello friendly, the NPC will take the initiative to ask the player for help.

And the NPC in front of him is obviously the most difficult to communicate with.

"Brother, don't be angry, my friend just made a joke, don't get me wrong. We want to ask how to get to the auction house, the city is too big and I'm getting lost." Qin Haonan had to find a place to ask, after all, he was going to the auction house , then ask the auction house.

"Are you going to the auction house?" The magician NPC asked in surprise.

"Yes." Qin Haonan nodded.

"The auction house is easy to find. Follow this road until the end, it's on the left side of the city center." The magician NPC pointed with his finger. At this time, his face was completely free from the previous irritability.

(End of this chapter)

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