game master

Chapter 400 - Auction

Chapter 400 - Auction (1)

"Okay, thank you then." Qin Haonan was ready to give up on this mission, who would have thought that at this moment, the magician NPC would finally take the initiative to speak.

"You guys look like they're from out of town. Are you going to the auction to buy something important?"

"Yes." Qin Haonan didn't expect to trigger the mission by mistake.

The magician NPC hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Can I trouble you to help me? Although I know this request is too much, you don't have any reason to help me, but I still want to try."

"What's the matter, please tell me, as long as we can do it, we can do it." Qin Haonan said seriously.

"I need a kind of herb called 'Goddess Light'. I heard that there seems to be one in the auction house. If you go to the auction house, can you help me get it?" The magician NPC asked embarrassingly.

Qin Haonan was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Yes, but I have a question, why don't you go to the auction house to buy it yourself?"

"That... um... I actually don't have any money..." the magician NPC scratched his head while speaking.

"That is to say, we need to spend money to buy herbs for you and then give them to you?" Qin Haonan finally understood, "Then is there any reward?"

"I don't have any money, how can I get paid." The magician NPC was embarrassed.

"..." Qin Haonan was speechless for a moment, but his intuition told him that this task was very valuable, "Okay, we have the right to do good deeds, and I will help you this time."

"Great, thank you very much." The magician NPC was very excited when he heard it, and hurriedly told Qin Haonan the specific appearance of the herbal medicine.

"Status reminder: Life is like a dream, you have triggered the 'Goddess of Light Mission'. Please go to the auction house to take the herbs and give them to the young magician. The final reward of the mission: ???"

Qin Haonan looked at the task that was just triggered, and guessed that the reward this time should be good.

Saying goodbye to the magician NPC, Qin Haonan and his team quickly found the location of the auction house.The sign of the auction house is particularly eye-catching, the buildings here are luxurious and magnificent, and the pillars at the entrance are also exquisitely carved.

The two 800-level guard NPCs standing at the gate of the auction house suddenly raised their spears, and the crossed spears blocked Qin Haonan's way.

"This is the number one auction house in the world, please show the [God's Order]." The guard NPC said coldly.

Unexpectedly, it would be such a hassle to enter the auction house, Qin Haonan took out the token and showed it to the guard NPC, and the group of people was let go.

The resplendent gate of the auction house was slowly opened, and a beautiful NPC in a vermilion dress with long silver hair and a tall figure stood at the door to meet her.

"Welcome to the No. [-] Auction House in the World. I am Angela, four distinguished guests. I wonder if you are here to bid for something? Or are you here to consign and sell something?" Angela asked with a smile on her face. Go ahead and lead the way.

"We are here for shopping." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"That's such a coincidence, the auction will start in half an hour, please follow me this way." Angela said and walked to the next stairs, making a gesture of invitation, "I see The four look a little strange, it must be the first time here, right?"

Qin Haonan nodded and said with a smile: "It's indeed the first time here, Miss Angela, please tell us in advance if there are any special rules in our auction house."

After stepping into the hall, Qin Haonan looked around while walking.

The interior of the entire auction house is very luxuriously decorated.At every interval on the wall, a colorful oil painting will be hung.The crystal chandelier at the top of the hall illuminated the entire hall very brightly. The red carpet, emerald green potted plants, and the small fountain and cherub statue built in the center of the hall...brought vitality to the entire auction house.

There are several players in the auction house, Qin Haonan just glanced at them, but he doesn't know any of them.Presumably, like Qin Haonan, they all came here to auction things with [God's Order].

"Four, please follow me up the stairs, which lead to the private rooms of the auction hall upstairs. Since this is the first time for the four of you, let me tell you about the auction process here." Angela Very enthusiastic, and told the story while leading the way.

Qin Haonan and the others followed Angela, stepped on the red carpet, and walked up the stairs slowly.

"Okay!" Qin Haonan replied.

"Our number one auction in the world has the most complete collection of rare treasures in the world. We hold an auction every three days. It is a coincidence that the four of you are here today. The auction will start in a while. I will take you to the private room of the auction hall. " Angela said, "Most of the items participating in the auction here are hidden treasures in the game, and some of them are obtained by the players themselves by fighting monsters, and they are consigned to us."

"Angela, what good things are there in today's auction?" Brick, who ran away, couldn't help asking curiously.

"Haha, this guest, you are really in a hurry! But this matter must be kept secret in advance, so I can only give you a general idea. The treasures in this auction can be said to be the best and most in history. There are high-grade mounts and Pet eggs, top-grade equipment, panacea, rare materials, and hidden skill books..." Before Angela finished speaking, the eyes of the runaway brick and Qin Haonan began to sparkle.

Yao Ruoxi knew that it was impossible for Qin Haonan, a money fanatic, not to be excited when he heard about rare treasures.

"Miss Angela, may I have a herb called 'Goddess Light' in this auction?" Spirit Wolf hastily interrupted and asked.

Angela shook her head and replied seriously: "I'm sorry for the guests, but I can't tell you the auction items in advance. But what I can say is that one part of the auction is the auction of medicinal herbs. You can pay more attention to it then."

At this time, Angela had already arrived at the door of a private room on the east side of the hall.After Angela checked the [God's Order], she led the four of them into the private room with the house number "6".

The space in the private room is larger than Qin Haonan imagined, with a sofa and TV, as well as a huge dining table and delicious food.Turning on the light, Yao Ruoxi walked to the window sill first, from here she could clearly see every move in the auction hall later.

"Four guests, I'm right at the door, you can call me directly if you need anything." Angela said and retreated.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Brick suddenly thought of something and exclaimed: "By the way, I almost forgot something important. Today's auction, do you have enough game coins on hand? Auctions can be very expensive. "

"Don't worry, I have it here." Qin Haonan was helpless, for such an important matter, the brick that ran away just thought of it.

(End of this chapter)

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