game master

Chapter 404 - Auction

Chapter 404 - Auction (5)

Without the involvement of the King Chasing Dreams, there was not much competition in the auction of the Nether Terrain Dragon this time. In the end, Yao Ruoxi took it down at the price of 7 crystal coins.

In fact, Yao Ruoxi had been competing with the king chasing dreams before, just to consume more of their coins.

Angela has entered the No. 6 private room on Qin Haonan's side with the ghost dragon mount egg.Qin Haonan paid the money, and the mount egg was traded here.

"Four distinguished guests, we have received the payment. This is your mount egg, please keep it!" Angela bowed very politely and handed over Yuanyuan's pet egg.As soon as the transaction was over, Angela quickly exited the private room.

The second round of the auction ended, and there wasn't much rest time.I saw that the new auction item had been carried onto the auction stage. This time, it was different from before, with only one box.

The next third round of auction is a pet egg.

"The third round turned out to be pet eggs!" Yao Ruoxi muttered softly.

"The quality is average." Qin Haonan took a brief glance at the [Beast Controlling God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic], and immediately saw the grade of the pet egg.

At this time, the host NPC took the microphone and began to speak: "Dear guests, the third round of auction is about to begin. What we are auctioning now is a pet egg of the spirit beast level. The starting price is, 10 crystal coins."

Hearing what the host NPC said, there were exclamations in every private room.From the sound, it can be known that the quality of this auction item has made all players excited.

Qin Haonan had already turned off the loudspeaker, and the four of them could chat to their heart's content in the private room.

"A pet egg at the level of a spirit beast, are they so happy?" Brick, who ran away helplessly, helped his forehead.

Youlang smiled and said: "That's because the three of you are too strong. I think the enchanting leader just now has several contracted beasts, and they are all at the level of divine beasts. Not to mention the leader of the Floating Life Like a Dream, there are a large number of divine beasts. There are Only by comparing can you see the difference!"

"That's right, but I don't have a contracted beast yet. My dream is to be a divine beast. A super divine beast would be even better!" Brick, who was running away, quickly cast a look at Qin Haonan, signaling that he would help him make a contract. a beast.

Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but smiled, and asked, "You Lang, do you have many contracted beast players in the US?"

"Not many, there are only 20 players in the United States who have contracted beasts, and the quality is not high. I remember that the one at the top of the list is a spirit beast. There are no such beasts as you." Spirit Wolf said seriously.

"Let's take a look later. If there is a high-quality one, we can take a picture. Generally speaking, let's give up on pet eggs. I can catch them with you later." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"Oh, I see."

At this time, the price increase in the auction hall outside was already one after another. The pet egg of the spirit beast level was said by the host NPC to be a phantom rabbit.It seems that the market for pet eggs is relatively large. After returning to China, Qin Haonan plans to vigorously develop the market for pet eggs.

The third round of bidding didn't last long, and it was finally won by the Kingdom of Angels Gang, and the price of 65 crystal coins was auctioned.It can be seen how hot the pet egg market is in the United States.

With an idea, Qin Haonan rang the bell and called Angela in.

"Dear guest, do you have any orders?" Angela asked.

Qin Haonan smiled: "Excuse me, can we add new auction items to this auction?"

"Of course, there will be 10 auctions in this auction. Before the auction is completely over, new auction items can be added. Does the guest have anything to auction?" Angela hurriedly asked.

Qin Haonan nodded, and took out a pet egg from his backpack.To be honest, Qin Haonan went to some special maps to capture and practice these pet eggs in order to practice life skills.But today, when he saw that pet eggs were so popular in the United States, he thought that there would be nothing wrong with taking the opportunity to make some money.

"Spirit beast-level pet eggs?" Angela is an NPC who can tell the level of pet eggs at a glance, "Come with me, there is a certain process for keeping babies for auction with us."

"Okay." Qin Haonan responded very easy-going, then turned to look at Yao Ruoxi, "I'll leave this to you, if you find something you like, just take a picture."

"No problem, go get busy." Yao Ruoxi smiled.

Qin Haonan followed Angela to the hall on the first floor. At this time, Angela's attitude towards Qin Haonan was obviously more respectful.After all, a customer who can take out a spirit beast-level pet egg is very rare.

Behind the hall on the first floor, there is a work area for NPCs.There are NPC experts here who specialize in appraising treasures, and Angela directly brought Qin Haonan here.

"Master Owen, today there is a customer who wants to consign a pet egg, please give it an appraisal. If the pet egg meets the auction standards, we can put it up for auction today." Angela said seriously.

I saw that Master Owen was a white-haired old man, wearing a pair of glasses, and looked very wise.When Master Owen heard that there were pet eggs to be identified, the expression on his face became extremely serious. "Take out the pet egg, let me see, if the quality is lower than the pet egg of the treasure beast, it cannot be auctioned at all."

"Master Owen, please take a look." Angela confidently handed over the pet Dan that Qin Haonan brought.

At this time, Master Owen's eyes suddenly lit up, and his expression became more serious. After his appraisal, he said happily: "It turned out to be a spirit beast-level 'Xueyue civet'. This pet was produced in China. , The quality is really extraordinary! Angela, let me meet the guest who brought out such a pet egg."

Upon hearing this, Angela quickly introduced Qin Haonan to Master Owen.

After some courtesies, Master Owen called a special NPC waiter to go through the formalities.Then they began to arrange to put the pet egg of "Xueyue Civet" into the auction.

At this moment, Qin Haonan spoke again: "Master Owen, Angela, what is the starting price of this pet egg?"

"The starting price for spirit animal-level pet eggs is 10 crystal coins. There is a shortage of pet eggs in the United States now, so the price will naturally be high. Since your pet eggs are produced in China, plus this 'Xueyue' The civet' looks good, I think the auction price should be set at 11 crystal coins." Master Owen said it very pertinently.

Qin Haonan smiled when he heard that, and continued: "I actually have pet eggs in my hand, and all of them are of the spirit beast level."

"Young man, don't talk too much. This spirit beast-level pet egg is not a fruit or vegetable on the street. You can buy it if you buy it." Master Owen was unhappy when he heard Qin Haonan's tone.He thought that this young man had obtained a spirit beast-level pet egg by himself, so he was talking big and arrogant here.

(End of this chapter)

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