game master

Chapter 405 - Auction

Chapter 405 - Auction (6)

"Master Owen, you misunderstood, I really have this many pet eggs." Qin Haonan took out the five spirit beast eggs from his backpack while speaking.

In fact, to be honest, in Qin Haonan's backpack, there are more than 10 pet eggs of the "Xueyue civet" just now.But everything is rare and expensive, if you take it all out, it is probably worthless.

Heavenly Fairy Flower Demon, Dream Moon Beast, Heavenly Wind Fighting Tiger, Colorful Poisonous Snake, and Moon-Watching Wolf.

What Qin Haonan took out this time were pet eggs of different varieties.This is also to get a good price during the auction, so Qin Haonan took out one of the pet eggs in hand.

These pet eggs were originally sold in Qin Haonan's shop.But in China, these pet eggs obviously cannot be sold at such a high price in the United States.Now that I have come to the auction house today, why don't I go back after earning more money.

The expression on Master Owen's face changed at this time. He carefully looked at each pet egg, and finally confirmed that Qin Haonan was right, all of them were at the level of spirit beasts.

All these pet eggs were put on the auction list, Qin Haonan made a registration, and Angela led them back to the No. 6 private room soon.

"How about it, how many pet eggs are you going to auction?" Yao Ruoxi joked.

Qin Haonan smiled and made a "six" gesture.

"Master Floating Life as a Dream, I'm quite curious. I just heard from Master Enchanting that your occupation in life is to catch pet eggs. Then there should be more than these few pet eggs in your backpack, why don't you put them up for auction?" You The wolf couldn't figure it out, so he asked.

Qin Haonan laughed loudly: "Brother, if I take out hundreds of pet eggs, these pet eggs will be worthless."

"Life is like a dream, what you said is also reasonable." Brick who ran away thought for a while, and couldn't help agreeing.

Qin Haonan returned to his seat and sat comfortably.He looked at the auction hall below, then turned around and asked, "How many times has this been going on? I just patronized and bargained with the NPC in the appraisal office. I don't know where the auction is going at this time?"

"The seventh round is over, and the eighth round will be in a while." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

"There is nothing very good in these few rounds. We just auctioned off rare materials and some skill books, and we don't need them. However, the enchanting leader just won a few bottles of potions, and it is said that the effect is still very impressive." Ghost Wolf Hastily added.

The four of them chatted for a while, and saw that in the auction hall, the eighth round of auction was about to start.

The host NPC took down the red silk covering the auction item with his own hands, and saw a gray-black stone appear in everyone's sight.This stone is in the shape of thin flakes, and its appearance is very ordinary, and Kenben can't see anything unusual.

"What is this? A rare material?"

"It looks ordinary, what is it?"


Discussions soon came from various private rooms, and Qin Haonan did not fail to see the origin of the gray-black stone.

The host NPC finally spoke: "Dear guests, the eighth round of auction item is this stone in front of you. [Mysterious Black Slate] A magical stone, some people say that there are hidden treasures on it, and some people say that there are treasures hidden on it. It hides a job change information of a profession, and some people say it is just an ordinary stone. The starting price is 2 gold coins."

"Host, what the hell is this? You asked us to bid without making it clear. Isn't this a gamble for us? Bet on the value of this stone?"

"Then if it's just a useless fee stone, what should I do? Can I return it?"


The players of each guild are very energetic, and no one wants to waste energy on a stone whose use is not clear.

The host NPC signaled everyone to be quiet, and then began to explain: "Dear guests, this [Mysterious Black Slate] is written in the item introduction, and other information is unknown. If you want to bid, this is a gamble , come to gamble on its value. Of course, if you lose the bet, we will not accept returns.”

All the private rooms were quiet for a while.

"Since everyone has no other questions, let's start our auction." The host NPC continued.

The auction started, but for 10 seconds, no one spoke.It seems that everyone has huge doubts about this [mysterious black stone slab], so they are hesitating in their hearts, which is why everyone has been reluctant to make a move.

"I'll pay you 3 gold coins." The boy in room 5 spoke.

The host NPC was very happy when he heard that, and finally some players participated in the auction.If there is no player bidding for this exhibit within 3 minutes, it will be taken off the shelves naturally.

"I offer 4 gold coins." Qin Haonan turned on the loudspeaker and said directly.

"Oh, so there are men in this private room No. 6. I always thought there was only a mysterious lady in there?" The leader of the barbaric tribe, violent, immediately answered the question.

"Why does the voice sound so familiar to me? In my opinion, it must be the Floating Life Dream that I got from [God's Order]?" The voice that came from the private room of the King's Palace at this time was not the King's Dream Chaser from before, And it was changed to the top of the king, "If this is the case, then the one who spoke before should be enchanting?"

"We should have guessed it a long time ago. There are only a few [God's Orders] in the entire United States, and new faces suddenly appear, who else can they be!" "Orod" of the Cavaliers League also opened his mouth strangely.

The host NPC had no choice, so he hurried out to maintain order: "Now is the auction time, please don't interrupt and chat with irrelevant players, the auction continues."

As a result, the entire auction hall fell silent again in an instant.

"I'll give you 8 gold coins." This time it was Room 5 who spoke.

"I have no gold coins for 9." Qin Haonan continued to pick it up.

"10 gold coins, I don't think the black stone slab is worth such a price." The King's Peak said immediately.

"If you think it's not worth it, don't raise the price there. I'll offer 20 gold coins." Qin Haonan directly raised the price.

This time, no player asked for a price.After repeated confirmation by the host NPC, the hammer was finally knocked down, and Qin Haonan took the [Mysterious Black Slate] with 20 gold coins.

Just like before, Angela left after receiving the payment.Qin Haonan held the [Mysterious Black Slate] in his hand. The size of this stone is not big, that is, it is a little bigger than the palm of his hand.

"Is this thing useful?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

Qin Haonan shook his head first, and said, "Let me look again, from now on, it's just an ordinary rock."

Qin Haonan took the stone and checked it repeatedly, thinking that this [Mysterious Black Slate] would definitely not be so simple.In general, if the item does not respond, it is likely that the owner of the item does not meet the required attributes, or the location is wrong.There must be some secret hidden in this stone, Qin Haonan's directness has always been very accurate.

(End of this chapter)

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