game master

Chapter 406 - Auction

Chapter 406 - Auction (7)

Qin Haonan has been observing the stone in his hand, and the ninth round of auction has already started.The item being auctioned at this time is the 6 pet eggs that Qin Haonan just handed over to the auction.

Yao Ruoxi asked in a low voice: "Ruomeng, do I need to ask for a price later, so that I can increase the price of pet eggs?"

"No, I think those gangs can fight for themselves, we don't need to intervene." Qin Haonan said calmly.

"Okay." Yao Ruoxi said.

Sure enough, after the host NPC introduced the auction items, there was a commotion in the entire auction hall.As soon as the auction started, the mutual price increases began.

"I will offer 20 crystal coins."

"I will offer 25 crystal coins."

"I will offer 30 crystal coins."


The voices of price increase kept coming, Qin Haonan ignored it, but lowered his head and concentrated on looking at [Mysterious Black Slate].Qin Haonan just saw a little hint in the introduction of [Mysterious Black Slate].

[Mysterious Black Slate] Hidden items, it is said that it has a huge relationship with the black dragon.

black dragon?The Nether Dragon God is also considered a black dragon, right?Qin Haonan couldn't help thinking.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan greeted Yao Ruoxi and the others, and immediately got into the space inside the necklace.With the continuous upgrading of the 【Multiple Universe Necklace】, the space in the necklace has also become much larger.

At this time, the 【Sen Luo Vientiane Necklace】has opened the area where the mounts live. As soon as Qin Haonan stepped into the lawn area where the mounts were active, he saw Qingguangju and Bishui Qilin running over together.

"Master, why are you here?" Bishui Qilin looked cheerful.

"I want to find that big black dragon." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"Oh, Nether Dragon God, he's still sleeping." Bishui Qilin said and shook his head, motioning Qin Haonan to go to the cave area inside to find him.

"Okay, thank you." Qin Haonan touched the heads of Bishui Qilin and Qingguangju while speaking, and then walked quickly to the cave area.

Speaking of this mount living area, there is an outer grassland area for mounts to run freely, and there is a large clear lake on the grassland.Going inside, there is a forest area, where food for mounts grows.Inside is the cave area, where there are dwellings for mounts.

Nether Dragon God is a dragon, so he likes living in caves very much.

Qin Haonan tried to summon the Nether Dragon God in the space, but the guy responded that he was still sleeping.Qin Haonan is helpless, it seems that before his own strength reaches the corresponding level, this Nether Dragon God is not very easy to control!

There was no other way, so Qin Haonan had no choice but to walk to the cave area by himself. Sure enough, the big black dragon turned into a human and slept on a pile of gold coins.The image of the Nether Dragon God transformed into a human form was originally handsome and extraordinary.It's a pity that he was ruined by this incomparably casual sleeping appearance. His saliva flowed down his chin and onto his clothes.

Qin Haonan squatted down, and helplessly tugged at the sleeve of the Nether Dragon God. "Hey, you big lazy dragon is getting up soon."

"...I'm sleeping, don't make noise!" The Nether Dragon God turned over and continued to sleep.

Qin Haonan felt the veins on his forehead protruding, so he simply yelled: "Get up for me, work, work. You know how to sleep and sleep all day long. Don't think I don't know. Your mounts don't know. Sleeping is no big deal."

"..." The Nether Dragon God covered his ears.

Qin Haonan had no choice but to take out the [Mysterious Black Slate], and continued: "Get up and have a look, do you recognize this thing? Go to sleep after reading it, I..."

Who would have thought that just as Qin Haonan took out the things, before he finished speaking, the Nether Dragon God turned around and jumped up.With a roar, he immediately took the dragon posture.Qin Haonan was directly shaken to the outside of the cave by his huge roar. Fortunately, the mount would not cause the owner to lose health, otherwise Qin Haonan felt like he was going to be resurrected just now.

The Nether Dragon God stepped out of the cave with his huge claws.

"I said, what are you doing? Why are you so excited? Can't you speak well if you have something to say?" Qin Haonan patted the dust off his body and stood up with a helpless expression.

Unexpectedly, the Nether Dragon God directly poked his head over. He looked at the black-gray stone in Qin Haonan's hand, and there was anger in his voice: "How did you get this thing? Tell me, did you see the stone?" To that person?"

"What are you talking about? I got it at the auction today. I saw in the item introduction that it has a great relationship with your black dragon, so I brought it in and asked you." Qin Haonan hurriedly explained.

"It turns out that this thing has a relationship with our dragon clan, especially the black dragon clan. And the origin is still there..." The Nether Dragon God turned his head while speaking, and his thoughts seemed to have drifted far, far away, " This slate, alas... is what my elder brother used to have."

Qin Haonan was startled, it seems that there is really a story in it.

"This gray-black stone was produced in the hometown of our black dragon. It is said that it has a strange power to seal something in the stone, such as memory, knowledge, or soul. My eldest brother was originally the most powerful black dragon Its existence is the object of our admiration and adoration." The Nether Dragon God slowly told the story.

"Later, a human knight came to our Dragon Valley. I was exploring outside, and I didn't know what happened. I only know that the human knight fought with my elder brother, and then said something, I My eldest brother gave up the position of Dragon God, signed a contract with that human being, and became a human mount. Since then, he has left the Valley of Dragon God, and the position of Dragon God has been passed on to me."

"So, like you, your elder brother has a contract as a mount?" Qin Haonan asked.

The Nether Dragon God shook his head directly. He was quite angry about the topic of the contract.

"Our proud dragons seldom make contracts with small human beings. If they are not strong enough humans, they are not enough to be our partners. After my elder brother left, there was news at first. I heard that he and his human partners worked together. Fighting, the story of fighting together. But it's a pity, later..." The Nether Dragon God began to feel sad when he said this.

"Then there was no news from him again?" Qin Haonan answered.

The Nether Dragon God nodded, and continued: "Yes, never came back. That human knight disappeared with him. Disappeared in that battle. Sometimes I think, if my elder brother doesn't leave the Dragon Valley, no If you make a contract with that human, maybe it won’t be like this. So, don’t think that I will completely listen to you after making a contract with you. Hmph, you must become stronger, otherwise you will not be recognized by our proud dragon clan .”

"Okay, okay, I understand. I will work hard. I am only level 123 now, and my level will rise later." Qin Haonan hurriedly promised.

(End of this chapter)

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