game master

Chapter 407 - Auction

Chapter 407 - Auction (8)

The Nether Dragon God held the [Mysterious Black Slate] in his paws, and the expression in his eyes became very complicated.

"Can you see what's hidden inside?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, the Nether Dragon God just shook his head, and it took a long time before he said: "You go back first, put this stone with me first, and I will study it. There is my elder brother's breath in it, and it is mixed with that human knight. I need to research it."

"Okay, then I'll let you here first. The auction is still going on outside, so I'll go back now." Qin Haonan was not in a hurry, seeing that the Nether Dragon God had already responded, he turned around and exited the space gracefully .

As soon as Qin Haonan came out, he saw Yao Ruoxi, Runaway Brick and Youlang all staring at the auction hall with sparkling eyes.That look was like seeing a peerless treasure.

"You..." Qin Haonan was about to speak when he saw Yao Ruoxi turn around and make a silent gesture with him.

Qin Haonan immediately stopped talking. He looked out the window of the private room, and saw that pet eggs were still being auctioned in the auction hall.This is the last pet egg. I don't know how much the first 5 eggs were sold for.

"80 crystal coins, you don't earn any more at the top of the king." Snow God quoted at this time.

"Hmph, what are 80 crystal coins? The most indispensable thing in our palace of kings is money, 85 crystal coins." The top of the king immediately said boldly.

"90 crystal coins." Orod followed up.

"Your Knights Alliance and Frost Mercenary Group are against us today, right? Well, I'll show you what absolute strength is. 100 crystal coins." King Zhifeng said domineeringly.

Qin Haonan's eyes became shiny at this time, 100 crystal coins, this is not a small amount.Unexpectedly, the players in the American area are so rich, Qin Haonan felt that his eyes were going to be dazzled by the flash of the crystal coin.

"You are ruthless at the top of the king, I will offer 100 crystal coins + 1 silver coin." Orod said a little angrily.

"Orod, it's boring for you to play like this. I will offer 100 crystal coins + 2 gold coins." Xueshen said with a smile.

Orod sneered: "Aren't you similar to me!"

"It's really boring, 102 crystal coins." Top of the King continued to increase the price.

For a while, there was no more bid increase in the auction hall.It is a miracle that such a pet egg of spirit beast level can be charged such a price.Qin Haonan's heart was already overwhelmed, and suddenly he felt that the top of the king was not so annoying anymore.This guy came to offer him money.

"Is there any price increase? If not, this spirit beast-level pet egg will belong to private room No. 10. I'm counting down, 1...2...3, deal! Congratulations to the guest of private room 10, Qicai The poisonous snake pet egg belongs to you." The host NPC happily announced the result.

After a while, Qin Haonan received a message from the system that 590 crystal coins had arrived.All the money went into Qin Haonan's backpack. The sum of all the money spent on several items in this auction was not worth the fraction of the crystal coins he earned this time.

At this moment, the corners of Qin Haonan's mouth almost turned crooked.

Qin Haonan is happy here, and the 10th round of auction is about to start over there.To be honest, this 10th round of auction is actually the last round.

I don't know what kind of baby it is, but I want to put it at the end.

The players in each private room were guessing, and saw that the NPC waiters lifted a spear and shield to the table, and then walked down.It seems that this auction will be for equipment, spears and shields, which are the weapons needed by knights. It seems that this round has nothing to do with Qin Haonan and the others.

Not only Qin Haonan is guessing, but the players in each private room are evaluating the quality and value of this equipment.

"Dear guests, this is the last round of auction. I think everyone has seen that this auction is a set of equipment, spears and shields. The suitable profession is shield knight or hidden professional dragon knight." Host The human NPC spoke seriously.

It seems that this round of auction items is suitable for the top of the king, Qin Haonan has trouble reacting.Spears and shields are not used by players in the Chinese region. It seems that this auction can be given up.

"I think everyone is very curious, what grade are these spears and shields? Haha, let me give you a detailed introduction now. [Sealed Knight Lance] wearing level 120, fairy level, Growth-type equipment. [Sealed Knight Shield] wearing level 120, fairy level, growth-type equipment. These two pieces of equipment are a set, so this auction will not separate them. The starting price is 50 crystal coins "The host NPC continued.

As soon as they heard that it was a growth type, the players in the private room were excited.But no one expected the starting price to be so high.

"Master, these two items are only at the level of immortal artifacts, how expensive should they be?" Snow God asked.

"Yeah, although two pieces are a set, the set can indeed be a little more expensive, but it costs 50 crystal coins all at once, isn't it a bit too high?" Orod asked inexplicably.

The host NPC smiled, and hurriedly explained: "Everyone doesn't know, the names of these two pieces of equipment are both displayed as 'sealed', which means that the real grade of these two pieces of equipment is higher than that of immortal weapons. But whether you can trigger the equipment-related tasks and unlock the seal of the equipment depends on your luck. Think about it, if the seal is unlocked, it will be a holy weapon, or even a divine weapon, is this price very affordable? Woolen cloth?"

For a while, there were faint discussions in each private room.Above the fairy artifact is the sacred artifact, and above the sacred artifact is the divine artifact. If it is really a sacred artifact or a magical suit, and it is still a growth type, then the price is not high at all.

"Everyone has no problem, if not, the 10th round of auction starts now!"

"I will offer 60 crystal coins."

"I will offer 70 crystal coins."

"I will offer 80 crystal coins."


The addition started immediately, and Qin Haonan was about to sit in the private room to watch the fun, when the teleportation array beside him suddenly turned on automatically.Qin Haonan is actually used to it. His contracted beast is too high-level, so he often comes out to play like this.

Qin Haonan originally thought it would be Linglong or Erbai, but what he didn't expect was the humanoid version of the Nether Dragon God.

The Nether Dragon God was dressed in black, with long black hair hanging behind his back, and his handsome face seemed to be covered with thousands of years of frost.As soon as he came out, he walked up to Qin Haonan and said seriously: "Master, you must take pictures of these two pieces of equipment, they are very important to me."

Qin Haonan had already turned off the loudspeaker, thinking about leaving after the fight was over.He was taken aback by what the Nether Dragon God said, and said in surprise: "You actually called me master? It seems that this equipment is unusual to you!"

"Please be sure to take a picture, this equipment is really important." The Nether Dragon God said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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