game master

Chapter 409 - The Elegy of Heroes

Chapter 409 - The Elegy of Heroes
"I haven't taken this one either. I used to like to read the game introduction on the official website. So I know that after level 600 in the US region, the main task will slowly start to approach the battle between humans and demons thousands of years ago. Actually In the opening animation of the online game "Century" in the American region, there is a large part of the plot of this battle." You Lang scratched his head as he spoke, and said embarrassedly, "I know it well, so I don't want to disturb Lord Dragon God to tell the story. .”

"It turns out that's the case. You can continue talking about the Nether Dragon God." Qin Haonan said.

The Nether Dragon God smiled and continued: "Our Dragon Clan has never been involved in these wars, especially the Black Dragon Clan. Although they are aggressive, they are never willing to interfere with human affairs. I just read the information in [Mysterious Black Slate], and now I understand that the human knight who made a contract with my elder brother at that time was called 'Amy', the general of the human kingdom and the title of God of War."

"Humans are evenly matched with the demons in terms of combat power, but the powerful extraterritorial demons came from the extraterritorial space. After joining the demons, the balance between humans and demons was broken. The demons attacked again, and human beings faced A catastrophe. So Amy wanted to seek the power of the dragon clan, eager to become a dragon knight to increase his combat power. So he came to the Valley of the Dragon, and finally won the trust of my elder brother, and successfully contracted." The Nether Dragon God said here Paused, to give everyone time to digest this information.

"It turns out that this is how the human hero Amy got the dragon? I used to think that you have to wait until level 600 to get in touch with this story. It is really a heroic elegy, and this story is very touching. "The ghost wolf sighed after hearing this.

The Nether Dragon God continued: "That battle lasted for 10 years. Because the extraterrestrial demons were really powerful, Amy finally used her own flesh and blood to seal them all in the Boneyard. And after that, there was no news of my elder brother, and it was rumored that Amy died with his dragon. But I just watched [Mysterious Black Slate] and found that Amy was guiding us to the Boneyard again.”

"Boneyard? The leveling area of ​​level 200-300 is on the north side of the map of the United States, not very far from the capital of the gods." Qin Haonan opened the map as he spoke.

"Yes, this piece of [mysterious black stone] should be in the designated location of the Boneyard, and it can play its role. If I guessed correctly, this should be a scroll with a changed appearance .” The Nether Dragon God continued.

"Job Scroll?!" Qin Haonan and the others were shocked.

"Yes, I suspect that it is the inheritance of Amy's profession. That profession seems to be called 'Dragon Knight', and the spear and shield you just photographed, master, are Amy's weapons. If you unlock the seal, you should It can reach the level of an artifact." The Nether Dragon God said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi became excited when she heard that, and hurriedly said: "Since it is so powerful, we must go to the Boneyard to see it. But our level is still over 100, so going to the Boneyard will be too dangerous? "

"Our level difference is nearly 100 levels." Spirit Wolf said a little disappointed.

"It's not bad, my equipment and attributes are relatively high. Ruoxi, you also have two sets of equipment, defense and attack are no problem. Brick and Spirit Wolf are not weak at the same level, let's protect him more There should be no problem." Qin Haonan became excited again when he thought of leapfrogging to fight monsters.

"Okay, let's give it a try." The violent brick agreed, "We haven't tried it, and no one knows the result. If we succeed, it will be great. Besides, we will return to China today. I don’t go if I have time, and I don’t know when I will go next time.”

"Then it's settled, let's go to the Burial Ground." Qin Haonan immediately made a decision on this matter.

After a group of people made up their next plan, they began to plan how to escape from the capital of the gods.

At this time, the ghost wolf has also contracted a new mount, and its combat power has been greatly improved.You Lang never expected that Qin Haonan would contribute money to help him take pictures of the "Netherland Terrain Dragon" mount egg. Meeting such a bold and forthright leader, You Lang's belief in joining Mengran Jiangshan became more firm at this time.

The rampant brick is still the same, but his overall combat power is very high, and it shouldn't be a problem to deal with three or four opponents at the same time.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi hurriedly took out the medicines that were auctioned before, and said to everyone: "These medicines can improve everyone's attack, defense, speed and other attributes in a short period of time. When I took pictures, I planned to have a PK competition later Use it. But now it seems that at this moment, it is a great time to use them."

"Hey, by the way, why did we forget this." Brick who ran away was also very happy when he saw this.

With these potions, the chances of winning have increased by one point.

[Life Blessing Potion] Within half an hour, the upper limit of the life value will be tripled, and the life value will continue to recover by 2% every 5 minutes.

[Power Potion] Within half an hour, the power triples.

[Defense Potion] Within half an hour, the defense tripled.


Yao Ruoxi divided up the bottles of medicine, and each of them had several bottles in their hands.Only then did a group of people leave the necklace space, Qin Haonan pushed open the door of the private room and walked down the stairs.

At this time, there are no players in the auction house. It seems that they have all left on the top of the king, and they are likely to be blocked at a certain gate of the capital of the gods.

"By the way, Ruoxi, did you get the photo of 'Goddess of Light'? Let's go back and hand in the mission before we can leave the capital of the gods." Only then did Qin Haonan remember the mission he had taken before, and he couldn't help but patted his own Brain, why did you forget about this business?
Yao Ruoxi smiled, then took out the medicinal materials from the backpack and handed them to Qin Haonan. "I haven't forgotten this. When you went to consign the pet eggs, we took pictures."

"Great, let's go, let's hand in the task." Qin Haonan led the team out of the auction directly.

When he walked out of the auction house, there were no players outside the door, all of them were NPCs.But Qin Haonan faintly felt that several lines of sight had already shot towards this direction.

"Everyone be careful, we are likely to be monitored by them." Qin Haonan reminded.

Qin Haonan's words made everyone vigilant.Following Qin Haonan, he soon found the previous magician NPC.He was still sitting under the big tree reading, with no expression on his face.

"Excuse me, we've already taken pictures of the herbs you want." Qin Haonan walked up and hurriedly greeted him.

The magician NPC had an impression of Qin Haonan and the others. At this moment, he hurriedly raised his head, put down the book in his hand, his face was full of joy: "Really? Can you show me the herbs?"

"Yes." Qin Haonan said and handed the "Goddess Light" over.

"Wow, that's it, it's really great. Haha... Thank you, I heard that this herbal medicine is quite expensive, and I don't want you to spend money for nothing. Although I don't have much money, I have a treasure, and I also use it If not, why don’t I give it to you.” The magician NPC was very grateful at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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