game master

Chapter 410 - The power of 4 people can destroy the group

Chapter 410 - The power of four can destroy the group

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Goddess of Light Mission', and you have received mission rewards: experience value +266000, and a magic weapon experience funnel."

With the sound of the system sound, Qin Haonan did not expect that this mission would end up giving him a lot of experience points.And the real good thing is the magic weapon just obtained.

[Experience funnel] magic weapon, level 1, worn by the captain or group leader during leveling, which can make the whole team or group members obtain the magical effect of the magic weapon of the magic weapon.The experience gained from fighting monsters is tripled.

"I'm dizzy, this... This is simply a sharp weapon for leveling and fighting monsters to gain experience." The violent brick exclaimed, but this magic weapon does not have any attribute blessings. If it is used for PK battles, it will be the same as nothing.

No one snatched the magic weapon, so Qin Haonan put it on directly.Although the combat power value has been reduced a little, it is not very high. "I'll wear it, let's go out and try the effect later."

"Okay." A group of people marched towards the north gate.

Qin Haonan felt several pairs of eyes staring at him along the way, he became vigilant, and when he was about to reach the north gate, he could vaguely see many players shaking at the gate.

Perhaps seeing Qin Haonan and the others approaching, the group of players flashed to both sides of the door, looking from the inside of the city to the outside, they couldn't see anything for a while.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush at the door, everyone be careful." Qin Haonan said, and drank all the bottles of medicine in his hand.

Yao Ruoxi and the others also drank all the potion. At this time, looking at their attribute values, it really doubled.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi summoned all the contracted beasts and were ready to fight.At this time, the four of them swaggered out of the north gate of the capital of the gods.

Once out of the gate, the scene outside is indeed spectacular.

I saw that the top of the king personally led the team, and the 200-member team of the palace of the king blocked Qin Haonan and the others at the gate of the capital of the gods.On the other side, there is also the 200 team of the Cavaliers Alliance, which is also led by the leader Orod.

Qin Haonan looked to the other side, I'll go, the 200-member team of the Frost Mercenary Corps is also here.

"I'm so sorry, I know you guys are very strong, but in the US region, you Chinese players can't just hang around casually." Arrogant, it makes people feel a little annoying.

"Hmph, I really don't know where your confidence comes from? It's a pity that we have something to do today, so we really don't have time to waste time here with you." Qin Haonan snorted coldly, and immediately put the little devil, flamingo, war tiger, and sword spirit together. And the sword slave was summoned.

These summoned beasts stand on the periphery and can block the menacing attacks of the 600 players.

The ghost wolf did not show weakness, and summoned all the skeleton soldiers, skeleton archers, and skeleton mages, and immediately formed a second line of defense around the periphery.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, attack!" The King's Peak yelled, and rushed up with the team.

Qin Haonan didn't want to play any tactics with them today, he wanted to show this group of people his strength.After Qin Haonan added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, he rushed out of the protective circle formed by the summoned beasts.

Today, he is going to start a killing spree.

The top of the king led the team to attack the sword slaves in front first, and Qin Haonan had already received a reminder from the system.Afterwards, Snow God and Orod also attacked Sword Slave.

In this way, the system concluded that the Hall of Kings, the Knights Alliance, and the Frost Mercenary Group took the initiative to attack, so Qin Haonan didn't have to worry about being famous.

Qin Haonan rushed directly into the team of the Palace of Kings, and the players in the team frantically attacked Qin Haonan, but the rows of MISS immediately made people feel desperate.

[Wind-Chopping Demon Blade], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10], [Nine Elements Sword Formation Level 10], normal attack, critical strike...

Qin Haonan's attack was already high, but now with the triple blessing of the potion, the damage is simply astronomical.In the team of the Palace of Kings, every player can be hit instantly by one move.Qin Haonan has never been so excited like today, this is simply the rhythm of killing the Quartet, how cool it is.

"Boss, this guy is too damn tough. Let's fight..." A player from the Hall of Kings was sent back to life by Qin Haonan before he could finish his sentence.

20, 40, 80, 100...

In just 40 seconds, Qin Haonan almost wiped out the original 200-member Palace of Kings team like cutting straw.He wasn't satisfied yet, so he went directly to the Cavaliers League team.

"Pastor, quickly revive everyone!" The King's Peak was very depressed, they only killed a dozen of Qin Haonan's summoned beasts, and Qin Haonan had almost killed the team behind them.

"Report to the Lord, the pastors have all been resurrected."

"What? Don't they take medicine to revive in place? Why go back to the city to revive?" King Zhifeng was furious for a while.

"Guard master, not only priests, but even swordsmen, mages, summoners and other professional players have returned to the city to be resurrected." The only remaining swordsman in the Hall of Kings said helplessly.

In fact, this little swordsman had already made a plan in his heart. If he was killed by Qin Haonan, he would return to the city and be revived.If you are killed once, you will drop 1 level. If you are resurrected in situ, if you are killed again, you will lose 1 level again.How can it be so easy to practice at level 1 now, he doesn't want to take the risk to deal with a master who can't beat at all.

Qin Haonan didn't think too much about it. He had already killed nearly 150 players from the Knights Alliance.

At this time, there was a sword knight in the Knights Alliance who was very smart. Seeing Qin Haonan approaching, he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

After all, it is so chaotic now that no one can notice such a small corner.After Qin Haonan's side had been killed, he lay still unable to get up.After a while, when the battle cools down, open the city return scroll and go back to the city, so I won't be crazy with these stupid gang leaders here.

On Yao Ruoxi's side, Qin Haonan's summoned beasts and ghost wolf's summoned skeletons provided the first and most peripheral defense and protection.Qin Haonan's contracted beasts came to do the second level of defense and protection.Yao Ruoxi's contract beast is the innermost layer of defense and protection on the third level.

At this time, the outermost summoned beasts and skeleton soldiers have all been wiped out, but the second layer of defense is indeed so indestructible.The King of Kings felt that he was almost desperate. In 1 minute, just 1 minute, 600 of them wiped out all the summoned beasts.But none of the players hit it.

At this time, when King's Peak turned around, he found a very terrible thing.

That is, his 200-member team in the Palace of Kings, he is the only one left at this time.

And the more frightening thing is that there is no one in the Cavaliers League.With the Frost Mercenary Group and their leader Snow God, there are less than 10 people left.

Devil, this is simply a big devil.

The King's Peak directly defined Qin Haonan.

 It’s been a long time since there was an update, and at the request of readers, let’s do it today.The 6th is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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