game master

Chapter 428 - Dragon Knight Set

Chapter 428 - Dragon Knight Set
"Okay, thank you, I see." Qin Haonan said, took the equipment, and carefully checked the prepared attributes.

At this time, Qin Haonan would sigh that his luck was overwhelming, and now he has collected a set of growth artifacts.This set is called [Dragon Knight Set], and Qin Haonan has collected 4 pieces at this time, namely [Dragon Knight Spear], [Dragon Knight Shield], [Dragon Knight Armor], and [Dragon Knight Trousers].

After the seal was released, the levels of the four pieces of equipment were all above level 4, and there was no need for a level in a short time.Qin Haonan didn't hesitate, and directly put all 200 pieces of equipment on the clone.

[Dragon Knight Set] Focus on buffing attack attributes, followed by defense and speed.Once the avatar wears 4 pieces of equipment, the attack attribute becomes very terrifying.Even Qin Haonan's comprehensive combat power has been greatly improved.

Qin Haonan looked at the attribute points obtained after the avatar was upgraded, and there has been no increase.After hesitating for a while, except for a few that were added to defense and speed, the rest were basically given to attack.

Just now, Qin Haonan learned a lot of skills from the avatar, and Qin Haonan discovered that the profession of Dragon Knight requires extremely high attack, and the higher the attack, the more the advantage of the profession can be highlighted.

In fact, Qin Haonan has already discovered the advantage of having a clone, that is, he can wear two sets of equipment.Although the attribute points of the avatar are different from those added by him, the avatar also shares the attribute blessing brought by Qin Haonan's [Beast Taming Suit].

In this way, just like a bug, Qin Haonan gained supreme combat power.

"Life is like a dream, I have taught you everything I should teach you. Now I am going to remove the independent space, let's go back to the altar." Amy saw that Qin Haonan had finished the equipment, so she spoke.

Qin Haonan nodded. In fact, he had been in the independent space for so long, and he was quite worried about what time it was outside.

For a moment, the surrounding environment became extremely blurred, and the sky and the earth seemed to be spinning and fading away.

When the sight around him became clear, Qin Haonan found himself standing on the edge of the altar.The original light on the altar has completely disappeared.The entire altar seemed to have lost its vitality and turned gray-black, without any ray of light.

"Haha, you guys are finally back. It looks like my experiment was successful." When Hyde saw the clone beside Qin Haonan, he rushed up excitedly.

Ryan also followed Hyde, looking extremely excited at this moment.

"Ruomeng, why have you been here for so long? We've been waiting here for almost an hour." Yao Ruoxi saw that the light from the altar disappeared, and guessed that Qin Haonan's avatar was successfully produced.

Yao Ruoxi, the runaway brick and Youlang ran over at this time, and they were also very happy to see Qin Haonan and his doppelgänger.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting." Qin Haonan greeted everyone with a smile.

"Life is like a dream, what have you experienced in the past hour just now?" Brick who was running away suddenly approached at this moment, and asked curiously.

"It just passed a test and completed the inheritance of the dragon knight profession." Qin Haonan laughed.

But the rampaging brick was obviously not satisfied with this answer, not only him, but even the mild-mannered ghost wolf and Yao Ruoxi were full of doubts. "One test took one hour, and you look at the leaderboard, your level of more than 1 is almost scary."

Qin Haonan was shocked and said: "Hey, how do you know? We are in the US area now, and only the leaderboard of the US area is displayed here. Since the three of us are players in the Chinese area, it will not be displayed on the list."

"You have been promoted to so many levels in one hour, and you have been discussed like crazy in China. Just now, someone from our guild sent a message and asked me how did you level up?" The runaway brick was speechless , in fact, he was also very curious about how Qin Haonan upgraded.

"Yes, yes, Aqua Rose sent a message to me just now." Yao Ruoxi also nodded in agreement.

Qin Haonan was told so by them, and hurriedly opened the shiny information bar.It was only then that I realized that there were also many letters of inquiry in my information column.There are many letters from Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Xia Ming, Nuomi Tangtang and the others.

Qin Haonan felt dizzy for a while, and quickly replied to the message briefly.While replying, he said to the runaway bricks: "One part of the content of my test is to upgrade the level to 201, so I stayed in it for a long time."

Thinking of how long he had been in there, Qin Haonan also remembered that the Nether Dragon God told him that the Dragon Clan's secret technique was about controlling time.To be honest, Qin Haonan was quite curious about this control time. He clearly felt that he had been in the independent space for several days, but only an hour had passed since he came out.

But about this, Qin Haonan didn't intend to tell Yao Ruoxi and the others, after all, even if he said it, he probably couldn't explain it clearly.

Who would have thought that after hearing Qin Haonan's explanation, the runaway brick would be so surprised. "How many experience points does this cost, and the leveling up is too fast. God, I will really follow you in the future, and I will never fight against you again."

Qin Haonan was taken aback by Brick's sudden expression of admiration, and couldn't help but smile when he realized it. "Then after I help you find a suitable contracted beast, you can come to our gang."

"Absolutely no problem." Brick ran away with seriousness on his face.

"Ruomeng, we've also completed the mission of Burial Ground, do you have any plans for the next step?" Yao Ruoxi walked up to her, checked the time in the game, and then asked.

Qin Haonan didn't answer right away, he thought for a while, and then said: "Let's meet up at Carol's place, I guess his teleportation magic circle is almost ready. After I go there, I'll take you to the nearby wilderness to fight monsters Practice leveling, once the teleportation formation is completed, we will return to China."

"Well, I think so too. Ruomeng, have you heard the news?" Yao Ruoxi hurriedly asked.

"Yeah, the monkey just sent me a message to tell me. In the China area, it is said that they will be going abroad in the past two days. Players from various guilds are very excited." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"I also heard from the guild that a new map will be opened tomorrow morning. Based on the time in the American area, it's better for us to go back as soon as possible." Brick said.

"Yeah, it's not too late. You wolf, tell the members of the original Hellfire Warsong to let everyone learn skills if they should learn skills, and buy things if they should buy items. Tonight we will go to China. When the time comes You can go back and forth between the two countries through the portal, let everyone prepare before you leave." Qin Haonan said to Youlang.

"OK, I'll do it right away." Ghost Wolf was very serious about handling things, and had already sent a message in the message bar at this time, "After arriving in China, we can join the guild. Everyone must be very excited."

(End of this chapter)

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