game master

429 - Chapter Country

Chapter 429 - Returning to China
It was almost night when we met Carol, and Carol told everyone to wait another 2 hours.The magic teleportation array has basically taken shape, and Qin Haonan led everyone to practice until night.

When everyone returned to the meeting place, Qin Haonan found that many players had already gathered here.This is the first time that Qin Haonan has seen the group of players who have collectively seen Hellfire War Song. There are a total of 19 players who are willing to go to China with them.This of course also includes Spirit Wolf, Carol and the others.

Youlang introduced Qin Haonan one by one, and everyone added each other as friends.Qin Haonan formed a team and included everyone.

Qin Haonan saw that on the lawn not far away, a huge magic circle had taken shape.

Carol came over and briefly explained the function of this magic teleportation array to Qin Haonan: "Master Floating Life Like a Dream, this teleportation array is permanent. I have adjusted it here. There is no requirement for the first trial. But after Next time, I set the condition to be members of the guild, so that anyone who is a member of Meng Ran Jiangshan can use this magic circle."

"Okay, this is really much more convenient. It will save time and effort for you to go back to the United States to learn skills later. I plan to build a village on this open land in a few days, and I can transfer players from China to help." Qin Haonan told everyone about his plans and ideas.

Spirit Wolf, Carol and the others agree very much, but they are not without concerns.

Youlang pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "Floating life is like a dream leader, after the village is established, I am worried that other American gangs will come and attack. We only have so few people in the American region, plus activation and players from the Chinese region. , may not be able to defeat several gangs!"

"Don't worry about this. I've thought about this for a long time. But if you don't build a village, it will be easier to destroy this magic teleportation array once they find it. It only takes about 5 minutes. After the attack, they can Destroy our connection between the two countries. It is not that easy to build another teleportation array, so I thought, I will come to the United States to build a village with you in the later stage. When the level of the village is high, it will not be so easy to attack " Qin Haonan said seriously.

"When there is a village, Mengran Jiangshan can recruit people in the American region. I remember that there is this setting in the game. In fact, Youlang, you can recruit more players in the American region in the later stage. When the number grows, it will be the palace of kings They don't dare to bully you blatantly." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Yes, there are many people and there is great strength." Brick who ran away echoed.

Qin Haonan assured: "You don't have to worry about this, I have a way to grow the gang. Now that the magic teleportation array is ready, let's not worry about it so much, just follow me to the China area."

The players in the team were very happy when they heard this, and hurriedly followed Qin Haonan to the front of the magic teleportation array.

I can finally go back to my country. Only when I leave my homeland can I feel the longing for my hometown.Qin Haonan was the first to step into the teleportation array, followed by other players.

The magic teleportation array emitted a dazzling light for a moment, and Qin Haonan's vision blurred instantly.When he opened his eyes again, Qin Haonan found that they were already standing on the teleportation array in the center of Mengranjiangshan Village.

In fact, when Carol started to draw the array, he asked Qin Haonan for the coordinates of Mengran Jiangshan Village in China, because the magic teleportation array is two-way, and it cannot be teleported without the coordinates.

Qin Haonan asked Hou Yue for the coordinate information of the village, and when the magic teleportation array was activated, everyone returned to their hometown.

After the efforts of a large number of gang members in the gang, Mengran Jiangshan Village has been promoted to level 16 at this time, and it is truly a big village.When you reach level 20, you need to issue a town building order to upgrade to a township.

Looking at the antique buildings in the village, Youlang and other players couldn't help being shocked.The beauty here is completely different from that in the United States.

"China is so beautiful. I like it here. It's as beautiful as a fairyland."

"Yeah, this place is like an ink painting scroll."


Several foreign players couldn't help admiring, looking extremely excited.

Qin Haonan directly opened the guild list and invited the 19 players to join the Mengran Jiangshan guild.At this time, Mengran Jiangshan has more than 9000 gang members, and it can be regarded as the leading gang in China.

Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Xia Ming, Nuomi Tangtang, Bu Shi Style and others were all near the teleportation formation. When they saw Qin Haonan and the others coming back, they immediately rushed over to greet them.

"Guangzhu, you are finally back." Without losing style, he was the first to rush over.

Hou Yue came to Qin Haonan's side, looked at Youlang and the others beside him, and hurriedly said, "A'nan, you've leveled up so fast in the US region, you've already reached level 200. Take a look at the forum, everyone is going crazy. And then welcome new players to join the guild, this will be your home from now on.”

A group of players greeted each other, Charlotte and Xia Ming ran over and volunteered to form a team.He said that he would take Spirit Wolf and the others for a stroll around the village, and then visit the China area.

For Ghost Wolf and the others, everything is new at this time.After saying hello to Qin Haonan, the 19 people followed Charlotte and the others to tour China.

Seeing everyone leaving one after another, Hou Yue looked at the runaway brick, and then asked curiously: "Yao Le's gang leader, why are you here?"

"I will follow you to develop in the future, not here or there!" The rampant brick had a bad relationship with Mengran Jiangshan before, and now he must adjust immediately to get closer, "Deputy leader of Monkey Fishing Moon, don't forget Yes, I made a bet last time and donated a lot of money to you. So I decided that Yaole and Mengran Jiangshan will merge in the future."

"Ah? What's wrong with you, runaway brick?" Hou Yue was startled by the sudden change of runaway brick, "I'm not dreaming, am I? You mean you want to join our gang?"

"Yeah, I'm going to bring the gang over later." The runaway brick spoke with a serious expression.

Hou Yue couldn't believe his ears, even the glutinous rice Tangtang who was standing by was surprised.Hou Yue turned his head to look at Qin Haonan, asking him for details.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide it from them, so he told them about the general experience in the American region and the later development of the gang.

"In this case, let's help the runaway brick contract beast? I heard that a new map will be opened recently. I don't know if there will be any huge discoveries. There is also the establishment of a village in the US area. I also want to discuss with other deputy gang leaders. , Elders discuss and discuss, Anan, please hold a meeting within the gang as soon as possible." Hou Yue said hastily.

"Okay, no problem. But I can't do it now, I still have important things to do." Qin Haonan looked at Yao Ruoxi, and then said to Hou Yue and the others, "I'll go to Ziyun City for a while, you first Get busy with what you're doing."

While speaking, Qin Haonan kicked the violent brick out of the team, and now only Yao Ruoxi and him were left in the team.

(End of this chapter)

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