game master

Chapter 438 - Dream dyed Jiangshan upgrade

Chapter 438 - Dream dyed Jiangshan upgrade
Looking at the supporters of Aofeng who fell to the ground, Qin Haonan put away his weapon, turned around and returned to Yao Ruoxi's side.He said softly, "Ruoxi, shall we go?"

"Well, wait a minute, I'll have a word with everyone in the guild, and then we'll leave." Yao Ruoxi smiled.

"Okay." Qin Haonan nodded while speaking.

At this time, the resident of the Fairy Demon League, all the gang members were extremely quiet.Except for the group of people brought by Aofeng who slandered Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi on the chat channel of the gang, most of the gang members were still on Yao Ruoxi's side.

Regarding Qin Haonan's attack on the gang members of the Fairy Monster League just now, most of the gang members didn't think there was anything wrong.

The Fairy Monster League is a gang where female players gather. At this moment, what Aofeng has done has basically lost the hearts of the people.Many female players followed Yao Ruoxi and quit the guild one after another.

Yao Ruoxi looked around at this time, looked at the gang members who used to get along day and night, in fact, there was a lot of reluctance in her heart.Yao Ruoxi cleared her throat, and said very seriously: "Brothers and sisters, I am leaving the Fairy Monster League. There are many reasons for this. I think everyone knows a lot these days. The Fairy Monster League and the Fairy Monster League The studios under the Demon League are all invested by my father, and now the Fairy Demon League is handed over to my elder brother, which can be regarded as the arrangement of the above."

Speaking of this, Yao Ruoxi's eyes were a little moist.After all, the Fairy Demon League has always been managed by her, and it would be a lie to say that there is no emotion.

"Although I have left, I still wish the Fairy Demon League a better development. I am still friends with everyone. If you have any difficulties, remember to come to me as before. There will be a period later!" Yao Ruoxi finished speaking, turned and walked Beside Qin Haonan.

At this time, Qin Haonan summoned the Nether Dragon God, and helped Yao Ruoxi to sit on the dragon's back.

Seeing that the former gang leader was about to leave, most of the members of the Fairy Monster League felt extremely uncomfortable.In the Fairy Monster League guild, 30.00% of the gang members are professional players. To be precise, they all work in the Fairy Monster League studio.Their boss is now Aofeng, so they have nothing to do.

But 70.00% of the players are elite players in the game.Some of them worshiped Yao Ruoxi, some were drawn into the guild by their girlfriends, and some even simply liked the atmosphere of the Fairy Demon League... And these 70.00% of the guild members are already ready to move.

"Sect leader enchanting, you are our leader in my heart. Which guild you want to go to, leader, I will follow you!" A younger sister who was a luthier profession suddenly yelled, and she withdrew from the Fairy Demon League while speaking.

As soon as this girl shouted, the helpers, who were eager to move, finally found a breakthrough.

"Spiritual leader, do you want to establish a guild yourself, or join Mengran Jiangshan?"

"Big sister, I want to go with you, we will go wherever you go. I don't want Aofeng to be my gang leader!"


Facing this chaotic scene, Aofeng had just stood up after being resurrected, and was so angry that he almost lost his breath.But he can't help it, his personal charm is really not as good as Yao Ruoxi.Coupled with the ignoring of the speeches of the female players just now, most of the female players have already withdrawn from the gang at this time.

Throughout the guild chat channels of the Fairy Demon League, there were a series of reminders to withdraw from the guild.

What angered Aofeng the most was that the male players such as Yu Fenfei, Long Spike, Jun Mo Xiao, Long Jianxian, and Ji Xin in the Xianyaomeng studio also chose to withdraw from the gang.Their decision directly means that they will also quit their jobs at the Fairy Demon League.

"Rain Flying, Dragon Thorn, Dragon Sword Immortal, Jun Moxiao... What are you doing? I have no intention of letting you go!" Aofeng is in a bad mood at this time, because the current situation has exceeded his vision.

Aofeng thought of the worst side, that after Yao Ruoxi quit the gang, he took away some of the female players he didn't like in the first place.But now even many male players have withdrawn from the gang, and it's still a large-scale retreat at the elite level, this is no joke.

Yao Ruoxi smiled calmly, waved to the gang members on the back of the dragon, and said, "I will join Mengran Jiangshan, if you want to follow me, come along!"

"Mengran Jiangshan welcomes everyone to join us at any time, let's go!" Qin Haonan didn't forget to add a sentence at the end, which was like an advertisement and had the same effect as a blockbuster.

The Nether Dragon God slowly flew up, flapped its huge wings, and soared into the sky.

At this time, a large number of guild members in the Fairy Monster League quit the guild. On today's guild rankings, the guild leader of the Fairy Monster League first changed, and then the members of the guild shrank in a large area.

The world chat channel was also shocked. A large number of people who eat melons said, what kind of trouble is this in the Fairy Demon League?
Anyway, today is definitely the day with the most explosive news for "Century" players.First, the flying mount was thrilling in the sky above Ziyun City, then the number one god in China, Floating Life Ruomeng, got married to the leader of the Fairy Monster League, Yaoluo, and then there was a topic that the leader of the Fairy Monster League had changed...

A large number of players couldn't calm down, and some even predicted that the Fairy Monster League was going to go downhill.

In the settings of the "Century" game, if you quit a guild and want to join a new guild, you need a certain cooling time.If Yao Ruoxi quit the Fairy Demon League, if he wanted to join Mengran Jiangshan again, he had to wait 12 hours.

The setting of the game is also to minimize the frequency of players changing guilds frequently.

And Qin Haonan used the short 12-hour cooling time to quickly upgrade the guild.Over the past period of time, the ranks of several major gangs have been biting tightly.The levels of Longzhan Tianxia and Mengran Jiangshan have always been comparable, and now both gangs have just reached level 17.

Yao Le, Fairy Monster League, Assassin League, and Tyrant Dynasty followed closely behind, and they were chasing closely at level 16.

Mengran Jiangshan looked at the guild that had just been promoted to level 17, and then looked at the funds within the guild, and directly donated a lot of crystal coins to it.Seeing the rising guild funds, he clicked the upgrade button again.

In this way, Mengran Jiangshan has reached level 18.The gang with the highest rank in China can accommodate 1 gang members.

Calculated in this way, it can just accommodate the transfer players from the Fairy Monster League who will join the guild in a large scale after 12 hours.

In Mengran Jiangshan's guild chat channel, everyone saw that the guild was upgraded twice today, and seeing the vacant positions of guild members, many members of the guild popped up to ask questions at this time.

The hearse drifted: "Master, what's wrong with our guild today, the upgrade is so fast?"

Moying: "Floating life is like a dream, the master, I guess our gang will have a large number of new members to join, right? The expansion is so urgent, it must be the reason?"

Follow Rufeng: "I just saw that the guild leader donated a lot of money at once, and they were all crystal coins. It seems that it is for upgrading the guild and adding people!"

Caesar: "I just saw that the leader of the enchanting gang has withdrawn from the Fairy and Demon League. Could it be that the goddess is bringing a team to our guild? Haha, I don't know if my bold guess will win?"

Monkey fishing for the moon: "Everyone be quiet, the leader has good news to tell everyone later."

Because Hou Yue had received a message from Qin Haonan before, he knew in advance that Yao Ruoxi was coming to be the deputy gang leader, so he stepped forward to maintain order.

(End of this chapter)

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