game master

Chapter 439 - Career Turn 2

Chapter 439 – Second Career Change
Qin Haonan saw Hou Yue's speech, so he responded in the gang chat channel.

Floating Life Like a Dream: "Our guild has been upgraded twice today, and I don't hide it from everyone, just to welcome Yao Yao to join the gang. After the 2-hour cooldown period, not only Yao Yao, but also many elite guild members from the Fairy Monster League will join in large numbers. When the time comes, everyone will be more enthusiastic, and if you join the gang, you will be a family."

Qin Haonan's speech had just ended, and the gang was full of excitement.

Charlotte: "Brother Ruomeng, you are so powerful, can many sisters from the Fairy Monster League come here? I just saw a player uploaded a video of you with more than 1 people on the forum, and what you said, Brother Ruomeng , is really domineering!"

Ban Tang Du Zun: "I heard that guy Aofeng discriminated against female players, causing many girls to quit the Fairy Monster League. Is that guy out of his mind? But that's okay, the Fairy Queen has come to our guild, and brought a large number of beauty."

Mo dyed the world: "Ban Tang Du Zun, you know beauties and beauties. The boss is a strategy, do you understand? Didn't you listen to the heroic speech of our boss? Where there are many female players, men gather together, and the boss pulls the beauties over, yes In order to attract more elite players."

Ban Tang Du Zun: "Moran Tianxia, ​​do you think I don't understand? Of course I understand. That guy Aofeng is waiting to cry and pass out in the toilet. All the female players from the Fairy Monster League have come to our gang, and many male players have also joined us. They all followed."

Ye Qinghan: "I think Mengranjiangshan is about to become the number one gang in China, haha... In the future, I can talk to my brothers and let them join Dragon War World at that time. Now I am the number one gang in China. The master Floating Life Ruomeng is in the gang, and he is also in the gang with the number one beauty, the Enchanting Goddess, haha..."


Qin Haonan couldn't help laughing at the excitement in the gang and everyone's off-line thinking.At this moment, Yao Ruoxi patted Qin Haonan's shoulder suddenly, and said with a smile, "Ruomeng, let the Nether Dragon land for a while. I'm going to come down here and join the players who just quit the gang."

"Huh? Aren't you going to level up with me?" Qin Haonan asked in surprise.

Yao Ruoxi gave Qin Haonan a big hug, and said softly, "No, I still have work. Just now I couldn't openly recruit people at the Fairy Demon League's residence, but everyone quit for me. In 12 hours In the meantime, I can't ignore them. Aqua Rose and I are going to organize everyone to practice leveling together, and then we will join Mengran Jiangshan together."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qin Haonan commanded the Nether Dragon God to land while speaking, "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No need, you are more than 200 levels now, and you haven't changed your career to the second level yet. Go and get busy. After joining the guild, we will have plenty of time to act together." Yao Ruoxi smiled and kissed Qin Haonan's forehead lightly.

"Why are you so active today?" Qin Haonan couldn't help laughing, but just after he finished speaking, Yao Ruoxi flicked him on the head again, which not only hurt, "Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

The Nether Dragon God is now landing on a wide grassland, surrounded by mobs above level 130.Yao Ruoxi jumped off the dragon's back alone, raised her head and said: "I have agreed with Aqua Rose to gather here, but I am actually going to count the number of people gathered here. The plan this time is a bit beyond imagination. The girls have basically quit the gang. The number of people is estimated to be in the thousands, and Ruomeng's domineering performance in the resident has given you a lot of points for attracting people this time."

"Ruoxi, so you and Aqua Rose have already planned to take me to the Fairy Demon League's base today?" Qin Haonan had already guessed when he went to the Fairy Demon League's base, Yao Ruoxi must have made some preparations to withdraw .

"Yeah, it was originally my eldest brother who wanted to take the position of gang leader, so I might as well show this contradiction. In this way, it is justifiable for me to leave the gang, and Aqua Rose and the others can't be said to be me and you. It's them You left voluntarily, didn't you?" Yao Ruoxi nodded.

Qin Haonan was still a little moved, Yao Ruoxi was always thinking about him.The last time she pulled the runaway brick to dream of dyeing the country, she also spared no effort. Qin Haonan could feel Yao Ruoxi's full care for him.

"Thank you, Ruoxi, I know you have been helping me." Qin Haonan was moved.

"Okay, okay, go get busy, Aqua Rose has already sent me a message. They are at the edge of this grassland, and they will come here in 2 minutes. Your level is so high now, you can't level up with us , go to the second turn, and do what you should do well." Although Yao Ruoxi was a little bit reluctant, she urged Qin Haonan to get busy with his affairs.

Qin Haonan was not at ease, so he stayed here and chatted with Yao Ruoxi for a while.It wasn't until they saw Aqua Rose and their team coming from a distance that they waved to Yao Ruoxi, turned around and flew into the sky.

To be precise, one must first return to the Qiongshang faction for the second career change.

Qin Haonan commanded the Nether Dragon God to rush to Qiongcang faction, and was flying in the air when Feimeng suddenly ran out of the space by himself.Feimeng flapped her wings and flew directly into Qin Haonan's arms, her little purple claws grabbed Qin Haonan's collar, with an aggrieved expression on her face: "Master, you don't care about Feimeng, Feimeng is so sad."

"Huh? Feimeng, what's wrong with you, Erbai and the others bullied you?" Qin Haonan looked confused.

I saw beads of sweat clearly appearing on Feimeng's forehead, looking very helpless: "Master, what level am I?"

"What's wrong with you today? Aren't you at level 204 like me? Linglong and Erbai are also at level 204. You are all at the same level." Qin Haonan said.

A look of contempt appeared on Feimeng's smiling face.

"Is the level wrong?" Qin Haonan belatedly opened Feimeng's level bar, looked down, and suddenly remembered something, "Oh, sorry, I forgot that your level 200 is the upper limit."

"Uh...Master, you just remembered. Master, after you have changed your profession to the second level, help me remove the seal on this body? I really want to level up like Linglong, Erbai, and Daji." Feimeng begged aggrievedly road.

"Okay, I promise you. I blamed me for my carelessness before, you go back to the space first, and I will find a way after I change my career." Qin Haonan promised seriously.

Feimeng was very happy to hear that, nodded and went back to the necklace space.

And Qin Haonan had already reached Qiongcang Mountain, and Qin Haonan drove the Nether Dragon God to land slowly.Qin Haonan's landing caused quite a commotion in Qiongcang Mountain, and many players came to watch the giant dragon.

Qin Haonan was used to it, put away the Nether Dragon, summoned the Bishui Qilin, and ran towards the Strange Beast Pavilion in the back mountain.There is only one NPC Dead Wood in the Strange Beast Pavilion, because there are no missions here, so there are no players all year round.

The real dead wood was still sweeping the ground as usual. When Qin Haonan arrived, the real dead wood put down the broom and greeted him: "Apprentice, long time no see. I see that your level has improved a lot!"

"Master, I'm back." Qin Haonan walked over with a smile.

"Well, depending on your level, you're coming back to do the second career change, right?" Deadwood Master said while supporting his beard.

(End of this chapter)

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