game master

Chapter 448 - She is the Century

Chapter 448 - She is the Century
"Huh?" The beautiful pink-haired girl couldn't help being stunned at this moment, she didn't expect Qin Haonan's observation to be so meticulous.

Qin Haonan had already put away his weapon at this time, and signaled that Gu Fang didn't need to worry if he didn't admire himself.

"Floating life is like a dream, who is she?" Gu Fang asked curiously, not knowing what kind of medicine Qin Haonan was selling in his gourd.

Qin Haonan was still so calm, and said with a smile: "It's an old friend, but with a different face."

"Huh? Changing face?" Gu Fang's self-admiration made him even more confused, but he was also a smart person, so he didn't continue to ask.

The three of them walked together like this, and Gu Fang walked ahead without self-admiration and self-consciously.Because he had already seen that Qin Haonan and the beauty in front of him seemed to have something very important to say.

"Hey, you said I was your old friend, so do you know who I am?" the pink-haired girl pretended to be calm.

"A good day is like a dream, or a drunken dream. Do you want me to be more specific?" Qin Haonan didn't completely point it out, but said indifferently.

"Haha, I'm really curious now, how did you recognize it?" The pink-haired girl had an obviously surprised expression on her face, and she sent a friend request to Qin Haonan while talking.

Qin Haonan could see the other party's name very clearly, there were only two words, that was "Century".

It seems that the other party doesn't intend to hide his identity anymore, that's fine, if you have something to say clearly, it's much better than hiding it and making fun of it secretly.

"It's the first time I saw you using this name. It seems that you don't plan to act with me anymore." Qin Haonan smiled and clicked to accept the friend request while talking.

"Century" also smiled slightly, that smile is very charming, but it always gives people a mechanical feeling.In other words, his smile doesn't seem to be distracted, it's just a fixed expression.

"Life is like a dream, you haven't answered my previous question yet."

"Well... How should I put it, a feeling." Qin Haonan said, "If I'm not wrong, we have known each other in the last life. You have been in my guild for so long as Jiaqi Rumeng. We The two of you should be considered to know each other very well, anyway, I have always regarded you as a very good friend. But what I didn't expect was that you actually hid it from me so much. You even used it."

"Since you already know everything, it will be more convenient for you when we chat. Just a feeling, can you tell it's me?" Century continued to ask.

Qin Haonan said seriously: "Yes, because you are completely different from other players. In my last life, I thought you were different, but I couldn't tell at the time. But in this life, when I knew that you were the mastermind of the century, everything was different. It all makes sense."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Your expression is very mechanical, and you are very calm in everything you do, and it can even be said to be terrifyingly calm. When we had fun and did tasks together before, you never had emotional fluctuations. Give me a It’s a feeling that’s thoughtful, methodical, and sometimes bordering on ruthless.”

Qin Haonan paused, and continued: "But you are full of curiosity, even if some things are just trivial things, you don't know. We need to explain it to you. Whenever you learn something, only then will you know it." There will be slight emotional fluctuations, which should be called happiness."

"Hey, there are quite a few very calm people in the human race!" Century argued, "Is the gap between me and you humans really that big?"

"There is still a gap, but it's not that big. You have forgotten one thing in the century. Your current image is a girl, and girls are generally more emotional. If you become a boy, you may It is even more difficult to be recognized." Qin Haonan kindly reminded.

"Oh, so that's the case. But life is like a dream, I have never been malicious to you, so please rest assured." Century said.

"I believe this. If I guess correctly, do you need my help?" Qin Haonan boldly guessed.

Century smiled and said: "You guessed it again, it is true. I need your help to speed up the process of the game."

"Speed ​​up the progress of the game? Why is that?" Qin Haonan originally thought that the other party would request to go to the real world, because the century has been doing physical experiments, and for this reason, he has created a lot of mobs and boss monsters. phenomenon.But he never imagined that the request from the world was to let him speed up the progress of the game.

"In order to survive, this online game named after "Century" must realize the value of the game itself, so that it has the meaning of existence. Money, power, fame and fortune... If one day, "Century" loses its value, then You will no longer exist in this game."

"What you said is a bit profound. Can I understand that in your last life, you felt that your own existence was threatened, so you have the current series of actions." Qin Haonan continued to make bold guesses.

Shi Shi smiled and nodded after hearing this, and said, "Life is like a dream, you are really smart, and you guessed it right again this time."

"The progress of the game in this life is much, much faster than the previous life. I have a comparison here so it is very clear. How fast do you want? If the progress is accelerated, it will affect the overall balance of the game." Qin Haonan seriously Analyzing.

"Maybe, but I hope the speed will be faster. Whether you help me or not, the ending will not change." Century said, "Life is like a dream, your hidden profession, your super artifact equipment, why did it go so smoothly? Encountered? Have you ever thought about it? The entire world's game process has accelerated."

"Can you tell me what is the purpose of speeding up the game?" Qin Haonan asked.

"For my plan, but I can't tell you yet." Century said frankly, "I have been helping you and helping you become stronger. I hope you can trust me. As long as you continue to upgrade quickly and enhance your personal strength, you will It can drive other players to continue to catch up, and the process of the game will naturally speed up."

"Okay, I promise you. In a sense, it doesn't hurt at all to help you. Even if I don't want to help you, I will work hard to level up, so that my guild and myself are on the level list way ahead.”

"Well, I can disclose a little information in advance. Not long after, each country will hold the first international competition of "Century". I hope you will participate no matter what and win the championship." Century said seriously, "Of course , in order to help you win more easily, I will make it easier for you to obtain super artifact equipment in the later stage."

"No, I can work hard on my own. But I will participate in the competition, although I don't know what you are planning." Qin Haonan said.

(End of this chapter)

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