game master

Chapter 449 - New Map

Chapter 449 - New Map

"Okay, now that I've said everything I need to say, I'm leaving. By the way, you have to collect the Qi Chao artifact set as soon as possible. And your first national weapon in China will appear soon , Don’t forget the past when the new map is opened.” Century reminded, then waved to Qin Haonan, turned and returned to the woods.

Century also comes and goes in a hurry, coming suddenly, and now leaving suddenly.To be honest, Qin Haonan couldn't figure it out either, did Century follow him just to talk about such a thing?

Sometimes when Qin Haonan thinks about it, he feels that Shiji's thinking is quite strange and confusing.

After all, the other party is the mastermind of artificial intelligence, Qin Haonan thought over and over what the century said just now.Presumably she was revealing some information to Qin Haonan, and this information was related to the progress of the game.

Seeing Shi Shi leave, Gu Fang could not help but ran over and asked, "Hey, who was that beauty just now? I thought she was quite strange, and I didn't hear clearly what you just said."

"Just an old friend, like an enemy or a friend." Qin Haonan said frankly.

"Ah? What kind of answer is this!" Gu Fang was complaining, and the two had already reached the designated place.

There was a wide flat land in front of him, and Qin Haonan immediately let the Nether Dragon God take off here.Gu Fang Bu Zi Appreciation This is the first time that Gu Fang Bu Zi Appreciates sitting on the back of a giant dragon, watching the Nether Dragon slowly fly up into the sky, and finally leaves the Forgotten Island, Gu Fang Bu Zi Appreciation is extremely happy.

"I've finally left this broken island, and I can finally go to a place where players stay." Gu Fang cheered happily, "Ah, Lord Floating Life Like a Dream, I just discovered one thing, there is still something in this game. There is a leaderboard!"

"There's always been a leaderboard." Qin Haonan was taken aback.

"No way, I haven't displayed it before on the island. I haven't seen this email function before. Hey, hey... Why are there so many game interfaces this time when I leave the island!" Gu Fang couldn't help herself. I can't help but be amazed.

Qin Haonan was also taken aback. He didn't pay attention to this area after he came to the island before, but as soon as he left the forgotten island, his information bar also lit up.When I opened it, I found that there were a lot of email messages in it, all of which were sent after I went to the island.

Does this forgotten island have the ability to seal these functions?

This is also quite strange to say.

Gu Fang was not self-admiring and chattered for a long time. In fact, "Century" was the first virtual online game he played, and he was not very proficient in the operation of the game.Faced with the many new functions that have emerged, Gufang is full of curiosity.

Qin Haonan helped him answer many questions about the game while sorting out the mail along the way.

"Master Floating Life, I just discovered that our guild is so powerful! The guild ranks first!"

"Sect Leader Floating Life Ruomeng, so you're a master of games! You're so amazing, I actually formed a team with such a powerful person, and even had such a close conversation! Haha... I'll have the capital to brag about in the future."

"Floating life is like a dream, master, your weapon looks very powerful..."


Facing Gufang's endless chatter, Qin Haonan was also a little speechless: "I said you don't pay much attention to games, right? There are many posts on the forum about Mengran Jiangshan!"

"I don't go to the forum very much, and when I do, I just browse the Raiders section, and I never read gossip." Gu Fang said innocently without admiring himself.

"Okay, okay. Let's go back to the guild's residence later, and I'll find someone to show you around, and then I'll give you some in-game knowledge." Qin Haonan said seriously. At this time, he found that Gufang was not self-respecting for " Century" game, more like a rookie.


After returning to the gang's residence, Qin Haonan arranged for Glutinous Rice Tangtang and the others to take Gufang around without admiring themselves.Afterwards, Qin Haonan chose to go offline and played games in the US for a long time. After returning to China, he continued to do tasks without taking a break. Now his body obviously felt unable to support himself.

There is not much time until the opening of the new map. Since the century said that it will go abroad this time, the dust has basically settled on this matter, and it is a certainty.

After Qin Haonan left the game room, he set the alarm clock, returned to the bed, fell asleep and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but it wasn't the alarm clock that woke Qin Haonan up, but a call from Yao Ruoxi.Although he was sleepy, he still had to answer the phone.

"Hey, Ruoxi, are you looking for me?" Qin Haonan didn't wake up when he heard the voice.

"You haven't woken up from the sound, did I disturb you?" Yao Ruoxi said.

"It's okay, what's the matter, what do you say?"

"Ruomeng, I moved out of my house. In fact, I bought a house opposite your house a few days ago. I plan to bring Qiangwei and the others to move there in a few days. Let's join your studio too. Let me also Invest in individual stocks? Haha!"

"Hey, it's a good thing that you moved here. Come and tell me the specific day, and I'll go over and help." Qin Haonan immediately woke up when he heard this. He didn't expect Yao Ruoxi to be so active, and said to leave the fairy Union left completely.

Yao Ruoxi's laughter came from over there: "Okay, I will notify you in advance. But Ruomeng, do you want to think about getting up quickly, the new map will be opened in less than 15 minutes."

"Ah? Ah! Thank you, I almost forgot the time. I'll get up right away." Qin Haonan said hurriedly.

After hanging up the phone, the brain watch rang. Qin Haonan simply tidied up and returned to the game again.

It is said that this new map is called "Penglai Wonderland".Just hearing the name, I thought it was very beautiful. The new map will be opened on the East China Sea, but I don’t know if the scene design will be as beautiful as a fairyland.

Returning to Mengran Jiangshan's residence again, Qin Haonan saw that Hou Yue and the others were already online.At this time, the station is very lively, and everyone is waiting for the new map to open.

I don't know which members Qin Haonan will bring on this "Penglai Wonderland" expedition.

Qin Haonan's team list, in fact, he has already thought about it.As soon as he went online, he formed a team of 200 people, including the vice-guild masters, elders...all of them.

Monkey fishing for the moon, Xia Luo, Xia Ming, stepping on the snow to find plums, glutinous rice sugar, without losing style... This time, a large number of former old gang members and cadres were selected, so that the cooperation is more tacit.

It's a pity that Yao Ruoxi's 12 hours have not come yet, otherwise they could have joined the team in large numbers.

But even so, Qin Haonan still added elites such as Yao Ruoxi, Aqua Rose, and Yu Flying into the team.In this way, the quality of team members is higher.

"Brother Ruomeng, shouldn't we hurry to the East China Sea? The new map will be opened soon, won't it be too late for us to go like this!" Charlotte looked at the time and said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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