game master

Chapter 451 - Penglai Wonderland

Chapter 451 - Penglai Wonderland (1)

"Don't you believe me? When did I not fulfill the promise I made when I ran away? Last time we bet the money, didn't I pay no matter how much? Merger is nothing, the old man can't control me." As soon as Brick was in a hurry, he immediately turned his father into an old man.

"Boss, please pay attention to your words. If this word reaches the BOSS, he will be sad." At this time, the "Meteor Meteor" who was standing behind the rampaging Brick couldn't listen anymore, and kindly reminded him.As Yaole's deputy gang leader, "Meteor Meteor" feels a bit like a daddy, who needs to take care of this and that.

But the runaway brick on the side was really ungrateful, and he couldn't help but muttered: "Meteor meteor, can you stop doing this, I didn't speak ill of my father."

"Boss, you should hurry up and keep up with the team. Before you discuss the merger, our team is almost at the teleportation formation." Meteorite wiped his sweat helplessly, his mood is very complicated now.

While trying to manage the Yaole Guild well, at the same time listening to the gang leader saying that Yaole will be merged into Mengran Jiangshan.Facing an off-line guild leader like Brick running away, Meteor Meteor, the deputy guild leader, had quite a lot of psychological changes at this time.

"Oh, that's great. This time we're cooperating with Mengran Jiangshan, everyone, hurry up and enter the teleportation formation." The rampant brick said.

At this time, Qin Haonan saw that Yao Le's team had already lined up in front of the teleportation formation, and Mengran Jiangshan's team followed behind Yao Le, so that he could enter Penglai Wonderland immediately.

"That floating life is like a dream, enchanting, we'll talk later, I'll lead the team in first." Brick who ran away greeted Qin Haonan and the others, and then reluctantly led the team into the new map.

Qin Haonan waved his hand, reassuring the runaway brick to take the team there.

Mengran Jiangshan followed behind, and soon entered the Penglai Wonderland through the teleportation array.Speaking of this Penglai Wonderland, the design is really beautiful.This is an island floating above the East China Sea.The most amazing thing is that the island is suspended in mid-air, and the blue water is underneath.

Penglai Fairyland is surrounded by faint clouds and mist, which is completely like a holy land of fairy families.

Many pine trees and some exotic flowers and plants are planted in Penglai Wonderland.There are mountains, lakes, and waterfalls on the island... From a distance, there are beautiful pavilions and pavilions in front of you.The ground is paved with bluestone slabs, on which are carved patterns of flying dragons and phoenixes.Cranes fly overhead, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.

The runaway brick led his team to wait for Qin Haonan's team not far from the entrance. Seeing them all come in, he came over and said, "Life is like a dream, do you know? The group of players who came in before have not yet entered." Find the entrance to get in."

"This is normal. Looking at the front, it is guarded by a strange magic circle. If you want to enter the real Penglai fairyland, you must break the magic circle." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

Only now did Charlotte and the others understand why Qin Haonan was not in a hurry to enter Penglai Wonderland.But at this time, Charlotte and the others were also secretly amazed in their hearts. Their guild leader can even guess about this new map, isn't it a bit amazing.

"The master of Fushengruomeng saw it at a glance. I really admire it!" Meteor Meteor also came over to join in the fun. He looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't help saying, "I don't know if you have any solution? I just saw Long Xingyun, who has come to the world of Long Zhan, is also at a loss!"

"Well... let's go and have a look first." Qin Haonan didn't say anything, and took the lead to walk forward while speaking.

The members of the two gangs followed behind, cheering up a large crowd.

After walking for a short time, I saw that the road ahead was blocked.To be more precise, there is a transparent wall ahead that blocks all players out.

This wall is obviously transparent, and it can be passed through, and the scene on the other side can be seen from one side of the wall.Many gangs tried to walk over, but after entering the wall, after walking for a while, they walked back from the wall again.

No matter how you go, you can't pass through the transparent wall in front of you and reach the Penglai Wonderland inside.

At this time, there were quite a few people surrounded in front of the wall, and everyone took pictures according to the gang, and the team was not in chaos.When Qin Haonan walked over with Mengran Jiangshan, the first thing he saw was Batu @fanchen of the Batu Dynasty and glared in this direction.In fact, there is no way to do this. The relationship between the two gangs has not been good for a day or two.

Then came Aofeng, the current leader of the Fairy Demon League, who also made enemies with Qin Haonan.

Yelan Tingyu of the Assassin League showed no expression, Luoye Shengge of Shengshi Shengge really nodded with a smile, and the god-level leader of the realm of the gods just smiled.Feng Jiangling from the Sea of ​​Freedom was extremely enthusiastic and walked over to say hello.

Along the way, Qin Haonan found that all the gangs had basically arrived.

And Long Xingtian of Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​at this time, is leading a small group of players, walking out from the transparent wall.

"Floating life is like a dream leader, enchanting leader, hey, there is also a runaway brick leader here, how did the three of you get together? We have been trying this transparency for a long time here, do you have any ideas, let's study together. "Long Xingtian was still so forthright, and immediately said.

A thoughtful person like Long Xingtian has actually discovered the subtle changes here.That's why he pointed it out in a joking tone.The matter of Yao Ruoxi's withdrawal from the guild is now aroused in the entire "Century". Looking at the current trend, Mengran Jiangshan will accept Yao Ruoxi and her followers.

As for the brick who ran away, Long Xingtian also found out that the three of them went to China last time.Looking at the current situation, Yao Le and Meng Ran Jiangshan may form an alliance.

Although everyone is getting along well on the surface, Long Xingtian has already made a small calculation in his heart for the benefit of his gang.He definitely doesn't want to see Yao Ruoxi join Mengran Tianxia, ​​and he doesn't even want to see Yao Le get close to Mengran Jiangshan.

Long Xingtian has experienced the strength and wrist of the Fairy Queen.If such a powerful person is allowed to join Mengran Jiangshan, then Mengran Jiangshan, who has always been on an equal footing with himself, does not know what will happen to grow stronger.But Yao Ruoxi and Qin Haonan got married in the game, and this good relationship has already been announced to the world.It may not be easy to organize.

But Brick who ran away was different, he was just an outsider, and it was much easier to destroy the relationship between the two gangs.

"Leader Long, you should change your mind in the future. I am no longer the leader of the Fairy Demon League." Yao Ruoxi said calmly with a smile.

"Oh, I heard that you quit the guild. It's a pity. Why don't you come to our guild. Everyone is welcome to join the Fairy Queen." Long Xingtian said polite words on the side.

Yao Ruoxi just smiled. In fact, she knew in her heart that when her father sent messages to various factions to prevent them from accepting her into the gang, which gang would stand up?
Even the super powerful Long Zhantianxia had no intention of making an enemy of the Fairy Demon League.Now Long Xingtian just knows that Yao Ruoxi is going to join Mengran Tianxia, ​​and he is just saying some high-sounding good things here, but it is impossible to really accept it.

"Thank you, Lord Long, for your kindness. I already have my own plan." Yao Ruoxi politely refused.

(End of this chapter)

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