game master

Chapter 452 - Penglai Wonderland

Chapter 452 - Penglai Wonderland (2)

The runaway brick and Long Xingtian have always been in a competitive relationship, and they don't want to say anything more when they meet at this time.The runaway brick just smiled lightly, and let Long Xingtian guess other things by himself.

"Brother Long, stay safe! What's so magical about this wall, let's study it together." Qin Haonan had already seen the sparkle in their eyes, and laughed without saying anything.

"Brother Floating Life Ruomeng, come and see for yourself, you can walk over this wall no matter what." Long Xingtian said.

"Ruomeng, I'll go in with you and have a try." Yao Ruoxi said.

"If you count me in, I'll go in too." The rampant brick is afraid that the world will not be chaotic at this time.

"Okay, then the three of us go in and have a look." Qin Haonan said, and explained to the other members of the guild, telling Hou Yue to take good care of the team.

Then the three of them walked in through the transparent wall.Most of the gangs outside are holding the mentality of watching the fun at this time.In order not to let them walk over by themselves, but at this time, they just want to see what will happen to the legendary Floating Life Like a Dream God?
After Qin Haonan entered the transparent wall, he found that the scenery inside was completely different from the outside.Although there are still flowers and trees, the scenery is pleasant.But here is like a flower in a mirror, like a moon in water, everything is so hazy.

"I think this place is like an illusion. If you want to go out, there must be a way to break the environment. Ruomeng, what do you think?" Yao Ruoxi said.

"This is a protective formation. We should find the eye of the formation to break through this illusion." Qin Haonan analyzed.

At this moment, Brick who ran away suddenly said: "I don't think the matter is that simple. If it's really an ordinary illusion or a guardian formation, there's no way those people from the big gang can't solve it."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Yao Ruoxi analyzed, "Let's go a little further, I think there is always a way to crack this illusion."

Qin Haonan was extremely calm at this time, and he repeatedly recalled the strategy of Penglai Wonderland in his mind.This phantom array is an infinite endless loop. After the player enters the phantom, he will feel that he has been moving forward, but the surrounding scenery has not changed much.

Go straight ahead, or turn a corner and go to the side road, the result is the same.As long as players stay in the illusion for more than 2 minutes, they will automatically return to the starting point when they move forward.

This is also the reason why so many gangs came in to explore the way before, but they couldn't get out anyway.

But the so-called phantom formation must have a formation eye, and if you find the right formation eye, you can find a way to break the phantom formation.

"Ruoxi, the runaway brick, you two don't need to hurry and walk so fast, we can just walk slowly." Qin Haonan led the team to start moving forward slowly while speaking.

"Hey, I said that life is like a dream, so you must have found a way to break the phantom formation, right?" Brick, who ran away, has a little admiration for Qin Haonan now. Seeing Qin Haonan's calmness, he has already begun to guess whether the other party has a plan. up.

Qin Haonan smiled and said, "Yes, there is a little eyebrow."

At this time, Qin Haonan walked to the front of the team.Instead of following the path on the lawn, he looked at the trees on the left side of the path.

"Ruomeng, what are you looking for?" Yao Ruoxi was curious.

"Find an apple from the apple tree." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"Ah? Apples!" The runaway brick was also confused by Qin Haonan's leaping thinking, "Life is like a dream, why are you looking for apples? This row is mostly pine trees, how could you think of apple trees? "

"Isn't that one an apple tree just now? I'm thinking that the eyes of the fantasy formation should be something different." Qin Haonan couldn't tell them that he knew the strategy, so he could only laugh and point to the tree next to him.

The location Qin Haonan pointed to was indeed an apple tree.But there were no apples on the tree.

Yao Ruoxi looked at the trees before and after repeatedly, and seemed to have discovered the pattern, and said, "Ruomeng, how did you find out? There are the most pine trees here, and an apple tree will appear after every 8 pine trees. But there are no apple trees on the tree. No apples!"

"Not only that, but there are other things here that have their own characteristics. For example, every five meters you go, there will be a stone. Do you think the formation eye is related to the stone?" Brick who ran away suggested.

While talking, Brick who ran away has already gone to find something different in this area by himself.And Yao Ruoxi has been following behind Qin Haonan, helping him find apples.

Qin Haonan checked the time in the game, and it should automatically return to the starting point in 30 seconds.Qin Haonan didn't care so much, and immediately walked a few steps quickly, and came to the third apple tree.

"Hey, Ruomeng, you..." Yao Ruoxi hasn't figured out what Qin Haonan is doing yet.

Qin Haonan turned to the back of the apple tree, summoned Feimeng and said, "Feimeng, go up and pick the apples."

"Yes, master." Feimeng, who had just been summoned, flapped her wings and flew up quickly, picking off the only big red apple on the tree.

The moment the apple left the branch, the surrounding scenery began to blur.

The originally clear illusion disintegrated little by little, and in a few seconds, the scenery around Qin Haonan became clear.At this time, the three of them were standing 5 meters in front of the original transparent wall.

"As expected of the God of Floating Life Like a Dream, the transparent wall disappeared as soon as he stepped out."

"It's not necessarily the solution that Floating Life Ruomeng found. There are three of them in a team, as well as the Fairy Queen and the brick that ran away. Maybe it was the Fairy Queen who cracked it."

"Speaking of which, don't you think it's strange, since when did the Yaole Gang and Mengran Jiangshan have such a good relationship? The gang leaders of the two gangs are now working together in a team, isn't it weird?"


As soon as the illusion was lifted, a group of players talked and talked about everything.Qin Haonan was used to being talked about, so he was relatively indifferent at this time.Qin Haonan waved to Hou Yue and the others, and Meng Ran Jiangshan's team and Yao Le's team rushed over immediately.

"Today we are in the Yaole and Mengran Jiangshan Alliance. At this time, the two guilds will help each other in the development of the new map. After a while, all the gang members will follow behind me and the leader of the Floating Life Ruomeng. Don't get lost." Runaway Brick saw that there were many people in this area, so he couldn't help but remind him.

Qin Haonan smiled, waved his hands and led everyone forward, and said as he walked, "Everyone follow me, there will be many forks in the bridge ahead, everyone keep up with the team."

Since the illusion had just been lifted, the leaders of several other gangs also began to organize teams to start new explorations.

Mengran Jiangshan and Yao Le had the advantage at this time, Qin Haonan led the team to take the lead and walked to the stone bridge ahead.The first stop of Penglai Wonderland is actually the "Duxian Bridge" ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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