game master

Chapter 453 - Penglai Wonderland

Chapter 453 - Penglai Wonderland (3)

Duxian Bridge is made of pure white jade, and it is even inlaid with green jade and emeralds.The entire bridge body is carved with exquisite dragon patterns, which looks majestic and solemn.

Qin Haonan led Mengran Jiangshan and Yaole's team, and was the first to board the Duxian Bridge.

Under the bridge is a clear river, and occasionally one or two small fish swim by in the river.Surrounded by a little mist, it gives people a feeling of being in a fairyland.

Walking through the Duanxian Bridge, you will really enter the map of Penglai Wonderland. Penglai Wonderland covers a large area. The whole map is divided into the "Penglai Fairy Pavilion" in the center and the "Penglai Fairy Forest" in the east, south, west and north. , "Penglai Waters", "Penglai Mountain" and "Penglai Dreamland" four major training areas.

There is a large area of ​​lawn and woods in the front area, which belongs to the Penglai fairy forest, and there are 115-125 level mobs in it.Further forward is the Penglai Fairy Pavilion, which belongs to the safe zone, where you can receive many quests of level 130-150.

At this time, there are several roads, which can directly enter the Penglai Fairy Forest, and pass through this forest to reach the Penglai Fairy Pavilion in the center.On both sides of the bridge, there are also two paths, which can go around to Penglai Waters and Penglai Dreamland respectively.

Qin Haonan led the team and did not directly enter the Penglai Fairy Forest, but chose to take a path leading to the Penglai Dreamland.As soon as Qin Haonan left like this, the teams of Longzhan Tianxia, ​​Batu Dynasty, Xianyaomeng and other guilds not far behind them all looked bewildered.

In fact, when entering the new map for the first time, no one knows where the two paths will lead.The normal choice is nothing more than walking along the main road to the leveling area that you have seen before.

Qin Haonan found his own way here, and did not take the usual way.

"I'm talking about the leader, let's follow Meng Ran Jiangshan's team like this, and we won't be taken to any strange place, right?" Meteor Meteor whispered in the ear of the rampaging brick.

The runaway brick immediately glared at this moment, and said helplessly: "It shouldn't happen. The previous illusions were solved by Floating Life Like a Dream, so we just believe that they can't do it once?"

"Master, as long as the relationship between Yao Le and Meng Ran Jiangshan has been bad, the brothers are still not used to your sudden alliance. It is inevitable for everyone to doubt!" Yao Le's elder "stained a little red" hurriedly explained.

Qin Haonan also heard the discussion from the Yaole guild. He didn't want internal strife between the two gangs at this time, so he walked over, looked at the runaway brick, and said, "Please believe me this time, Mengran Jiangshan and Yaole Now it's the relationship of the alliance, I can't go with my gang in chaos, right?"

"Life is like a dream, it's okay, I will explain this to everyone in the guild. In fact, as long as they cooperate with you a few times, they will naturally see your strength. I believe it, after all, we were still hostile before. After taking an adventure together in the American district, I trust you now." Brick, who ran away, laughed.

"Okay, I hope that since our two gangs are allied, we should unite. If we encounter a hidden boss or something later, how can we fight together if we don't unite?" Qin Haonan said seriously.

After hearing Qin Haonan's words, the members of the Yaole Guild couldn't say anything more because of the face of the runaway brick.However, they still have some doubts about Qin Haonan in their hearts. Although the name of the "Century" game master is outside, the two gangs have never cooperated before!

"Don't worry about this, I will definitely not let the two gangs engage in internal strife." Brick, who was running away, said in a big way at this time.

Qin Haonan didn't say much, he walked ahead and led the way.

A few mobs appeared along the path, but they were few in number and were quickly cleared away.After a while, the road ahead became wider and wider, and soon a purple flower path appeared.

This is the dreamland of Penglai. Qin Haonan couldn't help but stop as he looked at the dreamlike fairyland in front of him.

"Do you have a triple experience talisman in your backpack? If you have any, tear them up and use them now." Qin Haonan said suddenly.

Speaking of the triple experience talisman, it is not difficult to obtain.Everyone has guilds, and the guild levels of Mengran Jiangshan and Yaole are also so high. For guilds above level 15, as long as they sign in, they will get 2 tickets every day.

"Yes, we all have."

All the gang members responded unanimously, and everyone took out the triple experience symbol from their backpacks and used it for themselves.

Only then did Qin Haonan continue on his way. At this time, everyone had entered the Penglai Dreamland area.

Because Penglai Dreamland is close to Penglai Mountain, it is also surrounded by fairy mountains.The flower path in front of me is a valley in the mountain. There are many vines coiled on the mountain wall, and beautiful purple flowers bloom on the vines.

Going further, you will see some sheds made of branches.Wisteria flowers render the whole Penglai dream dreamy and charming, butterflies are flying, the whole dream is really dreamlike.

“The scenery here is beautiful!”

"Yeah, I don't know what area this is?"

"The map shows that it is Penglai Dreamland, and we have now walked to a leveling area at the back."



In other words, the mobs on this map are very suitable for everyone to level up and upgrade.

At this time, many level 130 "Penglai Butterfly Immortals" (common) appeared in front of them. Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts, and then summoned the ghost wolf, war tiger, sword slave, little devil and other summoned beasts, leading the way rushed to kill monsters.

The runaway brick also saw that the area Qin Haonan was leading at this time was a treasure land for leveling, so he immediately organized gang members and began to move forward while fighting monsters.

Those members of the Yaole Gang who had doubts about Qin Haonan didn't say much after seeing the level of the mobs.Everyone's evaluation of Qin Haonan has improved a little.

Walking along the path of the flower vines, the mobs changed from the ordinary "Penglai Butterfly Fairy" to the 132-level elite "Penglai Butterfly King", and then to the 135-level elite boss "Penglai Butterfly King"... like this Killing all the way down, the strength of the mobs gradually increased, and the players gained more and more experience points.

The map of Penglai Dreamland was originally a maze. If Qin Haonan was not leading the way, it would be very troublesome to walk.

But with Qin Haonan leading the way like this, everyone felt that killing monsters was relatively easy, and the experience value was also very rich. A few players were upgraded along the way.

At this moment, Qin Haonan stopped in his tracks.

"Everyone be careful, there seems to be a BOSS ahead." Qin Haonan kindly reminded.

For a moment, the members of the two gangs became vigilant. Qin Haonan led the team to turn a corner, and a huge open space appeared in front of him.Surrounded by continuous mountains, purple flower vines hang down along the stone wall, adding a touch of dreamy beauty to the valley bottom in front of you.

A graceful beauty in purple clothes is holding a sword and standing in the middle of the open space.

(End of this chapter)

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