game master

Chapter 459 - Penglai Wonderland

Chapter 459 - Penglai Wonderland (9)

Qin Haonan led two teams and marched mightily towards the location of Penglai Mountain.

In Qin Haonan's memory, the valuable locations of this new map are the Penglai Dreamland and Penglai Mountain.The other missions and leveling areas are all dispensable, and are of little use to the improvement of combat effectiveness.

Along the way, Hou Yue walked up to Qin Haonan and whispered, "A'nan, you haven't forgotten what happened today, have you?"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Qin Haonan was taken aback by Hou Yue's question, but then he saw Hou Yue secretly pointing at Yao Ruoxi, and then he understood, "Monkey, you are asking about the wedding, parade and other items in the game between me and Ruoxi ?”

"Yes, yes, I remember it was today." Hou Yue nodded hurriedly.

"Thank you, don't worry, I haven't forgotten." Qin Haonan said, "I've already calculated the time. As long as we hurry up, we can find the beast in Penglai Mountain as soon as possible."

"Okay, since you've made the plan, I won't say anything." After Hou Yue finished speaking, he returned to the original team.

Qin Haonan looked at Yao Ruoxi, didn't say anything, turned around and continued to lead the way.When he arrived at Penglai Mountain, Qin Haonan saw a familiar team from a distance.

Penglai Mountain is evergreen all year round, and lush trees grow among the steep rocks.At this time, Batu Dynasty's team and Qin Haonan's side happened to be installed again. This should be regarded as a narrow road to enemies, right?

"Er...why is it them again?" Brick who ran away was the first to show his dislike, with an unattractive expression on his face.

"It's really a coincidence." Qin Haonan felt a little gloating at this time, "It's nothing if you encounter it, why don't Mengran Jiangshan and Yao Le fight with their gang again?"

"That's a good idea." Brick who ran away immediately agreed.

The expression on the face of Ba Tu@fanchen on the opposite side was even uglier. He also saw Qin Haonan and others.At this moment, Ba Tu@fanchen thinks about the level he dropped just before, and he has the heart to turn around and leave.But because of face, what's the face of leaving Ba Tu Dynasty like this?

"Leader, let's go another way. We don't want to lose another level. The level of Floating Life Ruomeng is too high, and it can't even break through the defense. The Dragon Fighting World and the Assassin's League are all down, and we are not far behind." !” An elder of the Tyrant Dynasty asked for instructions with a cheeky face.

Ba Tu@天满 snorted coldly beside him, the expression on his face showed that he was quite shameless for the other party's remarks.

Tyrant @风虫 really hesitated, and now I'm in a dilemma.

But at this moment, the runaway brick thought that this gang wanted to snatch their boss, but he was fighting monsters there at that time, and he couldn't clone himself to fight with him, so he felt very upset.Now let him meet the Tyrant Dynasty, with the character of a runaway brick, he is not ready to count.

"Hey, hello, Ba Tu@fanchen, let's meet again. What's the matter with your level, it looks so low!" Brick who ran away was actually finding fault on purpose, and he walked over ostentatiously.

"Hmph, those barbed words of yours don't work for me." Ba Tu@fanchen is worthy of being the leader of a gang, although he was a little angry at first, but luckily he adjusted immediately, and his tone calmed down again.

Qin Haonan didn't bother to tangle with them, and walked up at the same time: "Ba Tu@fanchen, what a coincidence, are you Ba Tu Dynasty also going to Penglai Mountain?"

"Life is like a dream, I don't want to see you. We want to find a way from this direction, to Penglai Dreamland." Ba Tu@fanchen had an idea and immediately changed the original walking route.

"Penglai Dreamland? That's so polite, I planned to go to Penglai Mountain to explore and explore together." Brick who ran away shook his head while talking.

"Don't disturb the interest of your two guilds, we're leaving." Ba Tu@fanchen hurriedly led the team to spare him while he was speaking.In fact, Batu@fanchen knew in his heart that the Batu Dynasty only had 200 people at this time, and the other party was an alliance of two gangs, with a total of 400 people, plus Qin Haonan, it was simply invincible!
Now Tyrant @fanchen is praying in his heart that these two gangs will not join hands to find trouble.

"Okay, time is running out, let's hurry up!" Who is Qin Haonan, who is too lazy to entangle with this guy at this time, and immediately led the gang members towards Penglai Mountain.

Seeing Mengran Jiangshan and a large group of people from the Yaole Gang immediately enter Penglai Mountain, Tyrant @fanchen is so angry that he can't let go!Who would have thought that at this moment, Fei Yumian stood up and said angrily, "Brother Gang Leader, why do you just let it go like this?"

"If not, what should we do? Could it be possible to PK with them?" Tyrant @fanchen said this, and he was also full of anger.

"Why don't we sneak behind them and sneak attack at the right time." Fei Yumian hastily suggested.

As soon as he finished saying this, Batu@fanchen gave him a hard look. "Sneak attacking who, you still want Floating Life Ruomeng to send me back to resurrect? I'll be really ugly if I lose another level."

In fact, Fei Yumian can't blame her for saying this, it's because she didn't participate in the team battle to grab the boss just now.Qin Haonan wiped out many players in that battle, and many players were low-level after being relegated, and they were unwilling to come to Penglai Wonderland again.Fei Yumianmian, the elder who stayed in the guild to look after the house, came in as his replacement.

Fei Yumianmian didn't believe anything, just how strong Qin Haonan could be.Fei Yumianmian is fine in other aspects, but she is a bit jealous and arrogant.

"Brother Gang Leader, why don't you give me a small team, and I'll lead the team to take action." Fei Yumianmian refused to let go, this princess patient with severe illness was determined to try Mengran Jiangshan's strength at this moment.

"I said Mianmian, can you stop being so capricious?" Tyrant @fanchen felt helpless for this cousin.

"Master, why don't you let the young miss try it out." An elder named Ba Tu@罗风 ran out and said, Fei Yumianmian was very happy to hear his words.

"All right, all right, you can do whatever you want." Ba Tu@fanchen also had no choice but to take this Fei Yumianmian, so he immediately allocated a team of 20 people to let Fei Yumianmian go to sneak attack.


Besides, on Qin Haonan's side, he had already boarded Penglai Mountain.The mobs at level 135-145 along the road are not that troublesome to fight.Since the players in the guild have used the triple experience talisman, and the experience gained from fighting monsters is relatively rich, many players have upgraded along the way.

Qin Haonan didn't plan to take the winding road either, it would be a waste of time.He soon came to the back mountain of Penglai Mountain according to his memory.

In Qin Haonan's memory, there is another huge cave here.The terrain is relatively hidden, but if you enter the cave, you can definitely harvest a lot of treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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