game master

Chapter 460 - The Sealed Cave

Chapter 460 - The Sealed Cave
At this time, the team has reached a huge platform in the mountains, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Ruomeng, what are you looking for?" Yao Ruoxi could see that Qin Haonan seemed to be looking for something, because after entering the back mountain of Penglai Mountain, Qin Haonan's speed slowed down obviously, and he was always looking around.

"Find a huge cave." Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide it either.

"Cave? Is this the gossip you got?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

"Um...well." Qin Haonan smiled, in fact, after so many years, it is impossible for Qin Haonan to remember 100% so clearly.But he knew that the entrance to the cave was nearby.

"Then let's help you find it together." Yao Ruoxi didn't ask much after hearing this, but she suddenly looked at the team behind, lowered her voice and continued, "Ruomeng, have you noticed that we seem to be being followed .”

"Oh, I've been leading the way at the front of the team, so I'm not very clear. Ruoxi, you were at the back of the team just now, what did you find?" Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

"I estimate that there are dozens of people following us. The methods of tracking are relatively low-level. I suspect they are from the Tyrant Dynasty." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

Yao Ruoxi and Qin Haonan were talking, and the runaway Zhuan and Hou Yue also heard them.

Brick who ran away couldn't help but angrily said: "How about I go to the rear of the team to have a look, if I come across them, I will send them all to resurrect."

"Haha, don't worry, if you go to stop it, maybe the water will be released!" Yao Ruoxi joked.

"Xiaoluo, why do you say that? I have an enmity with the Tyrant Dynasty, so how could I release the water? Unless the other party sent all girls, I am more kind to girls... Sigh, you won't say all the other party sent Is it a woman?" The runaway brick suddenly realized as he spoke.

"Isn't this too despicable?" Hou Yue said helplessly, "They think that we are a bunch of old men who are embarrassed to fight with little girls, so they sent such a team?"

"It's not despicable, if it's the Tyrant Dynasty, they can really do this. I've seen it before, that Tyrant @天浪, and the current gang leader, Tyrant @仙霜, there are a lot of crooked things." The runaway brick shook his head as he spoke.

"Ruoxi, do you want to bring someone over to have a look?" Qin Haonan already understood what Yao Ruoxi meant by saying this and couldn't help but say it.

Yao Ruoxi nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, let's use girls to deal with girls."

"Okay, you can act on your own. But be careful." Qin Haonan nodded in agreement, "By the way, Ruoxi's guild's cooldown time should have expired, hurry up and join the guild, I'll give you a position as a deputy guild leader, In this way, you will be more convincing to lead everyone.”

"Oh, I almost forgot about it." Yao Ruoxi slapped her forehead, opened the guild tab and saw that the cooling time had really passed, "I'll apply right away, you can add me."

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan opened the guild channel while speaking, and pulled Yao Ruoxi into the guild, and the name "Enchanting" was added to the column of deputy guild leader soon.

So far, there are not many deputy gang leaders in Mengran Jiangshan.Hou Yue, Fang Zhen, Xia Luo, and Yao Yao are just four people.Originally, Charlotte was just an elder, but due to the large number of guild members, the two deputy guild leaders were too busy. After repeated persuasion by Qin Haonan, this troublesome Charlotte was persuaded. helper.

Now that Yao Ruoxi has joined, Qin Haonan is quite happy.For one thing, he and Yao Ruoxi can do missions together in a legitimate way. Furthermore, Yao Ruoxi is an expert in managing the guild. Her joining will undoubtedly add wings to a tiger, bringing Mengran Jiangshan a bigger room for development.

"Okay, don't worry, leave it to me." Yao Ruoxi said, then called a group of girls including Aqua Rose, and walked towards the rear of the team.

On Qin Haonan's side, together with Hou Yue and Brick who ran away, he found the hidden cave in a short while.

The cave is located on a cliff, surrounded by vines.

But if you look for it deliberately, it is not difficult.Qin Haonan found the entrance of the cave, lifted the vines first, and walked in slowly.Probing the probe at the entrance, Qin Haonan thought of something again, and quickly turned around to remind everyone: "There is not much space in the cave, and everyone may not be able to come in. Brick who ran away, you will send 10 people, and I will also bring 10 people here." , let's form a team of 20 people to go in and explore."

"Okay, then the other people will watch outside. If there is anything, you can send us a message at any time." Said the rampant Brick.

Qin Haonan nodded and said, "Okay, let them collectively fight monsters and level up in the outer area."

"Okay." Hou Yue replied.

Qin Haonan has 10 people here, including Hou Yue, Xia Luo, No Lost Style, Treading Snow to Find Plum Blossoms, Youlang, Qin Se Xiaoxiao (Sword Immortal profession), Big Bad Guy (Poison Master profession), Kiss You After Smoking (Berserker profession) ), Xiaoshitou (swordsman profession), except for the first few elites, the latter few are all masters who joined the gang recently.

Among them were two foreign professional players who were brought in by Spirit Wolf from America.

On the side of Brick who ran away, Qin Haonan was basically not familiar with the person he chose.Qin Haonan said that the familiar Meteor Meteor and others were all left behind to lead the team to level up.

The 10 people brought by the runaway brick are Xueshen Shengtian (sword fairy profession), Longxiang (sword fairy profession), Chu Lin (sword fairy profession), Hongchenshang (shadow killer profession), Shi Ran (sword hero profession) ), Guardian (shadow killer profession), Big Hug (sword fairy profession), Tan Shao (hidden professional piano music assassin) and Fan Luotian (medical fairy).

Qin Haonan and Brick who ran away introduced each other's members.After all, we still have to cooperate in the future, and everyone is unfamiliar with the battle, and their faces are unfamiliar.

After getting to know each other, there were 20 people in total. Qin Haonan was the team leader and led everyone deep into the cave.

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you have found the hidden map 'Sealed Cave'."

Hearing the system sound, Qin Haonan was sure that he had found the right place.At this time, not only Qin Haonan, but others also heard the system's prompt.

"The Cave of the Seal, just hearing the name, I feel that there is a treasure ahead." Brick, who ran away violently, was a little excited, after all, Qin Haonan promised to help him find the beast.

At this time, Qin Haonan was walking in the front, and he had already seen a level 150 common mob "Sealed Beast" appearing in front of him.This is a guy who is completely black and looks like a little leopard.

"There are mobs ahead, everyone get ready for battle." Qin Haonan hurriedly reminded.

For a moment, everyone clenched their weapons tightly, and Ghost Wolf even summoned skeleton soldiers to stand in front of Qin Haonan.The mechanism beast was summoned without losing style, and the cave aisle, which was not very spacious, became a bit crowded in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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