game master

Chapter 461 - The Ancient Beast

Chapter 461 - The Ancient Beast
Qin Haonan held the long sword in his hand, rushed forward and launched the first attack.Among this group of people, he was the one with the highest level. Facing these mobs, he easily wiped out them all with a few sword strikes.

Coupled with the assistance of those skeleton soldiers and mechanism beasts, the "sealed beasts" soon fell to the ground.

The "sealed beast" in the cave released a lot of gold coins, and the mobs here couldn't release items after they died.But the gold coins and experience points given are several times those outside.So this is also a good place to upgrade and earn money.

"Brother Ruomeng, is there some powerful boss sealed in this sealed hole?" Charlotte was a little curious, so he couldn't help asking.

"I'm not very clear either. We'll find out when we go in and have a look." Qin Haonan didn't want to say more for a while, after all, if he told everyone what's inside now, it would be even more suspicious.

The more you walk in the cave, the more spacious it is, and there are many mobs along the way, but it is relatively easy for Qin Haonan to deal with them.Soon after turning a corner, a hall appeared inside.And around the hall, there are many boxes piled up.

As soon as he saw the box, Qin Haonan's eyes became much brighter.He didn't care so much, he stepped forward and tried to open one.All the treasure chests here are locked. Fortunately, Qin Haonan has lockpicking skills, so he can open the locks with ease.

The boxes were opened one after another, and the items inside were basically purple-gold level equipment, as well as some magic weapons and skill books.Qin Haonan was not very interested in the things here, so he handed everything over to Hou Yue and Brick who ran away for distribution.

Qin Haonan took out the map marked with [Beast Controlling God Suit] obtained earlier, and there was a red dot on it near this cave.In fact, Qin Haonan was researching this matter yesterday. With the opening of the new map, Qin Haonan found that a piece of equipment in the [Beast Controlling God Set] seemed to be within the scope of Penglai Wonderland.

Today, according to the instructions on the map, and with the impression that Qin Haonan had been to this map in his previous life, Qin Haonan found the sealed cave along the way.

"Hey, Brother Ruomeng, so you have a treasure map here, no wonder you know that there is a treasure in it." Charlotte didn't know the cause and effect of the matter. He was curious about why Qin Haonan knew so much before. I was looking for something according to the map, and I knew it right away.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a baby." Qin Haonan didn't explain.

At this moment, the runaway brick and Hou Yue seemed to have discovered something, and Qin Haonan heard an exclamation from them.

"What's wrong?" Qin Haonan came over and asked.

"Look, Anan, there are a lot of pictures painted on the wall." Hou Yue pointed to the paintings on the wall not far away as soon as he spoke. It seems that these paintings were painted a long time ago.

On the relatively smooth stone walls, there are many stories from ancient times.The painting style is relatively simple, with simple villains and grotesque beasts.

"What's in this painting? Why can't I understand it?" Charlotte asked curiously.

The runaway brick looked at it for a long time, but said seriously: "Why do I feel that it is a scene of ancient wild beasts harming the world! Look there, people are fighting with wild beasts together, and there..."

"Are these paintings related to the things sealed in this sealing hole?" Hou Yue made a bold guess.

Qin Haonan was also looking at the wall seriously at this time, and suddenly replied: "It should be that the ancient beast was sealed here, right? Look at the painting over there. The image on the painting is as big as a cow, looks like a tiger, and is covered with a hedgehog. It has fur and wings, and it looks like the Qiong Qi in the legend."

"Hey, it's really similar to what you said by Floating Life Ruomeng!" Brick, who ran away, was a little excited for a moment, and immediately summoned Taotie, "Take a look, Taotie, do you recognize the painting on the wall?"

Taotie was already big, but when he was summoned, he immediately occupied the entire hall.As soon as Taotie came out, he snorted, his eyes were a little anxious. "Master, you summoned me to come out and watch this!"

"Yeah, I want you to see if Qiongqi is painted on that painting. Aren't you and it the four ancient beasts?" Brick who ran away couldn't help asking.

Unexpectedly, Taotie shook his head reluctantly, and said helplessly: "Master, does Qiongqi have anything to do with me, I'm going back to sleep. I just feel that in this cave, there are people I don't like very much. the taste of."

"Wait, you are not allowed to go back, explain to me clearly." Brick who ran away was very angry at the disobedient mount.

Qin Haonan, who was at the side, felt a little relieved when he saw this scene.His contracted beasts and mounts are also so disobedient occasionally, so it's not just him, but also the runaway brick.

Sometimes people's psychology is so strange. I am unlucky and sad, but when I find that the people around me are as unlucky as him, my mentality immediately improves.

"The painting is Qiongqi, is it okay?" Taotie shook his body reluctantly, and then said, "But this hole is very strange, where are you? I really feel a kind of power here , this... this is the power of the seal. No wonder I felt uncomfortable when I came out, it turned out to be the seal of an ancient beast."

Charlotte was also excited when she heard it, and couldn't help asking: "Could it be that Qiongqi is sealed here, if that's the case, I must go in and have a look."

"Young man, please don't get excited. The seal here is very strong. It's been so many years. I don't know if Qiongqi is here or not. After all, I also experienced the seal back then. If something happened in the later stage of the seal, I'm afraid I'm now It's also... well, let's not talk about it." Taotie seemed a little sad when he said this.

"You can't blame others for being sealed. You did too many bad things back then." Linglong didn't know when she came out, and she was standing beside Qin Haonan, she couldn't help but interjected.

Taotie was affected by Nuwa's breath for a while, and the whole animal's state was not good.

"Nuwa, it's really Nuwa's breath, why are you here?" Taotie was speechless.But then he immediately felt even more helpless, because Erbai, Daji, Feimeng, Muqing...they also ran out of the necklace space one after another.

Seeing Taotie's expression, the runaway brick had no choice but to explain: "We Yaole will merge with Mengran Jiangshan in the later stage, so we will often do missions together in the future."

"Cooperate with Nuwa and the others?" Taotie was very entangled, after all, the previous lineup was different, and now it was a bit awkward suddenly, "If this is the case, I hope, Master, you can rescue Qiongqi and the others to be my companions. "

"You can have this, Taotie, do you feel Qiongqi's aura?" Brick who ran away was very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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