game master



"Yeah, there is a little bit of strangeness." Taotie said seriously, "It must have been extremely weak after being sealed for so long."

Hearing what the other party said, Qin Haonan said, "Let's continue on our way. The seal is probably at the bottom of this cave. Let's hurry up and go down to have a look."

"Oh, alright."

It was Qin Haonan's words that brought everyone's thoughts back to the next task.Everyone has only walked a quarter of the entire sealing hole, and there is still a long journey waiting for everyone.

A group of people allocated their equipment, and soon continued to move toward the depths of the cave.

The level of mobs was getting higher and higher along the way, but with Qin Haonan leading the way, the other team members did not feel the pressure brought by the mobs.Qin Haonan kept going down the road without putting the map back in his backpack.

Just when he turned the second intersection, Qin Haonan found that the red dot on the map was very close to him.But according to the map, the direction of the red dot was just blocked by a stone wall.

According to Qin Haonan's analysis, the terrain here is a dense and complicated maze after all, and the location shown by the red dot is likely to be at a certain intersection in the back.

Still hunting monsters along the way, Qin Haonan found the most important fork in the entire sealing cave after a while.

There are three options at this fork, only one of which is the correct path to the bottom of the cave.Of the remaining two, one is a dead end, while the other is a twisting road that leads players back closer to the entrance.There are countless branches in the middle of this revolving road, but they can definitely lead players astray, or even enter an endless loop.

Qin Haonan knew that the road in the middle would lead to the bottom of the cave, but the map in his hand showed the direction of the red dot, and it was definitely not on the road leading to the bottom of the cave.

Qin Haonan never walked this path in his previous life, so what should he do?It is absolutely impossible to give up the equipment, so the only way to do it is to give it a try.

"Master, which way shall we go?" It was the first time that Qin Haonan was so embarrassed when he walked the maze without losing his style.

"Well, let's try the road on the right first." Qin Haonan said and pointed, "I suspect that the things shown on my map may be over there."

"Brother Ruomeng, what is the red dot on your map? Treasure?" Charlotte was still very curious.

"It's equipment." Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide, "Let's find the equipment before going deep into the cave."

So a group of people, led by Qin Haonan, quickly sneaked into the fork on the right.Qin Haonan kept recording the signs along the way, for fear that he might not be able to come back after a while.Following the direction shown on the map, I soon saw a box covered in dust and cobwebs in the corner of the cave.

This box is very inconspicuous, if Qin Haonan hadn't found it according to the map, he would not have found it at all.Even if it is discovered, it may be regarded as an embellishment of the game design, and it is unexpected that it can be opened.

"Hey, it's this box? I'll go over and have a look." Brick who ran away was also very curious. He walked over quickly at this moment, and at the moment he got close to the box, Brick who ran away suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, the runaway brick gang leader, what frightened you? If you don't take me, take it first!" Charlotte jokingly just walked over, but when her eyes stopped on the box, she immediately stopped. Stay in the car.

Other members of the gang came to wonder what had happened to the two men.

It wasn't until Qin Haonan stepped forward to take a look that he understood.I don't know how the game is designed, the box is covered with dense spider webs, and there are countless little spiders crawling on it.These small spiders hovered on the spider webs and crawled around. Because they were not mobs, they were just a decoration, so they were even more creepy.

"Um... I have a mass phobia, it's really..." Brick who ran away faltered and retreated.

Qin Haonan's scalp also felt a little numb, but he just felt a little sick.At this moment, Spirit Wolf came out very calmly, approached the box, and observed it repeatedly.

Charlotte couldn't help but said: "How about it, who dares to go and get it?"

"Let me do it." Spirit Wolf said, and summoned 3 skeleton soldiers.Spirit Wolf commanded the skeleton soldiers, walked over slowly, and then began to clean the spider webs.During this process, although the little spiders did not have the ability to fight, they densely crawled onto the skeleton soldiers.

The members of the team are all awake, but fortunately they didn't go up to try it themselves, otherwise their whole body would be paralyzed at this time.It's so scary, I just felt an itchy feeling all over my body when I saw it.

Spirit Wolf calmly and intelligently led the skeleton soldier to carry the box over, leaving a short distance away from the corner, and the little spiders stopped entanglement.It seems that the game set them not to go out of the range of activities in the corner.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, the quaint box was placed in front of Qin Haonan's feet, and the skeleton soldier was taken back after completing the task.

"A'nan, quickly open it and have a look, what's inside?" Hou Yue kindly reminded, but he couldn't help but take a step back.In fact, everyone was terrified by those spiders, afraid to open the treasure chest and see something strange.

Qin Haonan knew that there must be equipment inside, so he walked forward quickly.He found that the treasure chest was still locked, so he used his skills to open the lock. As the treasure chest opened, a dull belt lay inside.

[Mysterious Belt] Unidentified.

Qin Haonan held it in his hand and looked at it, and he was basically sure that this was the equipment he was looking for.When the task here is over, Qin Haonan intends to identify the equipment immediately.

"Okay, I found the thing. Let's go back the same way. The road leading to the bottom of the cave should be the one in the middle. Follow me." Qin Haonan got the things, and didn't want to waste time, so he chose to turn around.

Just like that all the way back, on the right path again.

On the way to the bottom of the cave, the number of mobs is also increasing.Qin Haonan commanded the contracted beast and the summoned beast to clear monsters in front all the time, and didn't say much.The runaway brick wanted to relieve the serious atmosphere, and suddenly asked: "Life is like a dream, isn't the contracted beast you said you found for me just Qiongqi?"

In fact, this is also a question that Rampage Brick is very concerned about, and he has been guessing about it along the way.

"No, Qiongqi is inside the seal. What I want to find for you is the beast that guards Qiongqi." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

"Ah? There's another powerful guy in this hole!" Brick, who ran away violently, was also shocked.

"Yeah, keep your voice down, don't disturb that guy, or..." Qin Haonan suddenly made a silent gesture, but before he finished speaking, a huge roar came from the bottom of the cave.

Qin Haonan shook his head helplessly. It seems that their infiltration was discovered by the guardian at the bottom of the cave.

"Who? How dare you break into the sealed cave." A strong breath came from the bottom of the cave, and Qin Haonan could already feel the ground shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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