game master

Chapter 465 - Between Girls

Chapter 465 - Between Girls
Yao Ruoxi is well-known as the goblin queen.In fact, many female players in Mengran Jiangshan also admire her very much.At this moment, being able to get in close contact with idols and still being in the same guild, everyone is actually very happy in their hearts.

But they are friends with Nuomi Tangtang, and most of them are from the same school. Now that they have approached Yao Ruoxi rashly, they really don't know if they will offend this old classmate.Because they are not sure whether Nuomi Tangtang will be angry, some things between girls are more troublesome like this.

Yao Ruoxi led the team all the way to the forest beside the mountain, and the team obeyed the command very well.Yao Ruoxi took the lead and hid in the woods. She knelt down slowly and motioned to everyone.

So the team of 20 people all ambushed behind the stones in the woods.

"Sister Enchanting, look over there, it seems to be raining continuously." Aqua Rose has already seen Batu Dynasty and others secretly following behind Mengran Jiangshan team.

The leader was a girl, and it was really rainy at first glance.

"Just a few of them, what are you doing here? To listen to news? To sabotage?" Aqua Rose shook her head helplessly while speaking, "I really don't know what Fei Yumianmian is thinking."

"She's used to being conceited, so it's not a big deal for her to form a team and come here rashly." Yao Ruoxi smiled as she spoke.

"Let's just kill them all. They're all girls anyway, and no one will suffer when they beat anyone." Nuomi Tangtang suggested in a low voice.

Seeing that Nuomi Tangtang took the initiative to talk to Yao Ruoxi, she turned her head very happily and said, "Well, Tangtang is quite right to say that, and I also have the same idea. In terms of rank, we have the upper hand. In terms of fighting skills, I believe everyone will be stronger." It’s stronger than the Tyrant Dynasty’s team. We are the same number, 20 people.”

"Since this is the case, why don't we rush up and kill them now?" Nuomi Yingying was a straightforward person, immediately took up her weapon and was ready to go forward.

Yao Ruoxi hurriedly stopped her, and said seriously: "Don't worry, let's wait a moment. We will divide into two groups later, and I will go out first for a while, and you surrounded their team from behind. After a while Listen to my instructions later, and we will launch an attack together. Tangtang, you are the only medical fairy in our team, and the important task of replenishing blood will be entrusted to you."

"Well, don't worry, deputy gang leader, it's absolutely fine." Nuomi Tangtang said with a sweet smile, in fact, Nuomi Tangtang didn't hate Yao Ruoxi from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, then when I was talking with Fei Yumian in the past, I would like to trouble Tangtang to give you instructions." Yao Ruoxi laughed, "Actually, you don't have to be so reserved, you can call me by my name, and you don't have to be the deputy leader and deputy leader." The guild leader shouted, I hope to become friends with everyone, the guild is originally a big family."

After Yao Ruoxi joined the guild, Nuomi Tangtang was actually a little worried, wondering if Yao Ruoxi would be hostile to her.But now it seems that such speculation is completely unnecessary.The spirit of the Fairy Queen disdains such trivial matters.And the kindness of Nuomi Tangtang would not allow any inexplicable fight between the two.

"Yeah, yeah." The team members nodded.

The two girls smiled at each other, and the distance between them shortened a lot in an instant.

After setting up the battle plan, Yao Ruoxi walked out of the woods first.At this moment, Fei Yumianmian's team had already walked in front of her, and Yao Ruoxi called softly: "Isn't this Fei Yumianmian? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Fei Yumianmian didn't expect that someone would call her from behind, so she quickly turned around, and when she saw that it was Yao Ruoxi, the expression on her face suddenly became very strange.

"Sister Enchanting, it's you? Why are you alone? Could it be that the Mengran Jiangshan Gang didn't take you in? Are you a casual player now?" Fei Yumian said with some sarcasm. envy.At this time, seeing that tall goddess sinking to the bottom of the valley, I felt an indescribable joy in my heart.

Fei Yumianmian heard that Yao Ruoxi and her family had broken up in order to refuse the marriage.Yesterday, she even learned that Yao Ruoxi had withdrawn from the Fairy Demon League on the Internet. At first, she couldn't believe it. After confirming with Ba Tu@fanchen, she realized that Yao Ruoxi's withdrawal was true.

Fei Yumian has been competing with Yao Ruoxi since she was a child, and she sets Yao Ruoxi as her imaginary enemy.But since she was a child, she was no match for Yao Ruoxi.So Fei Yumianmian's heart is inevitably a little distorted, the proud princess always thinks that she is the best, and does not allow others to step on her.Seeing Yao Ruoxi fall into a trough, she felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

Originally, Fei Yumianmian wanted to see the other party's downcast appearance, but unfortunately, all the sarcasm was thrown out, and the fairy queen seemed to be nothing.

Yao Ruoxi was walking gracefully and came over slowly.Light purple dress, elegant and noble.The long wavy hair, coupled with the faintly seductive color between the brows, did not make her look kitsch, but more charming and mature.This shocking beauty cannot be described in words.

"It's really beautiful, as expected of the Fairy Queen." A female player next to Fei Yumian couldn't help but whispered, and as soon as she finished speaking, she was glared at by Fei Yumian.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi completely crushed Fei Yumian in terms of aura, temperament, and beauty.Fei Yumianmian even had a feeling that Yao Ruoxi was not only not downcast, but even stronger than before.

"Since you called me elder sister, then I would like to advise you. Stop doing these sneaky things, hurry back to your Batu Dynasty, and practice leveling with your leader." Yao Ruoxi had already walked to Fei Yumianmian's body while speaking. Before, smiling and talking.

"Xiaoluo, you only have one person, and we have 20 people. Do you think you can win?" Fei Yumianmian said angrily at this time.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Yao Ruoxi smiled and raised her two-handed fan, ready to attack.

"Hmph, you are too insane. It seems that Floating Life Ruomeng doesn't care about you. You are just like this person, and you are still showing off your power in front of me?" Fei Yumian's arrogance was vividly displayed at this time. Waving his weapon, he took the lead in attacking.

In this way, the opponent will attack first, and Yao Ruoxi doesn't have to worry about being famous.

In the meantime, Yao Ruoxi quickly took a few steps back, and instantly summoned Mu Jin and other contracted beasts.Yao Ruoxi currently has three contracted beasts, the Hibiscus belongs to the auxiliary attack, but the two giant dragons at the level of divine beasts are genuine assault-type.

The name of the red dragon is "Hong Yan", and the name of the silver dragon is "Frost".At this time, although the two 132-level giant dragons have not grown up yet, their heads are the size of a cow.They flapped their wings, one spit out fire and the other spit out ice, directly disrupting the team led by Fei Yumianmian.

"Ah? What is this?" It was the first time Fei Yumianmian saw Yao Ruoxi's two giant dragons, and she was taken aback for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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