game master

Chapter 466 - The Fighting Power of the Girls

Chapter 466 - The Fighting Power of the Girls

Yao Ruoxi smiled slightly, flapped her hands, purple petals fluttered.Fei Yumian hastily directed everyone to adjust their formation, and launched an attack towards Yao Ruoxi.

At this time, Aqua Rose and the others who were hiding in the woods were also in a hurry.

"Do we need to go out to help? But the deputy gang leader didn't give us an order to attack?"

"Wait a minute, it's not good for us to rush out without an order."

"But I'm worried about the vice-guild leader. Fei Yumianmian's team can be regarded as masters. Although the level of the sub-guild leader is a little higher, it is not enough to fight 1 against 20! In the case of 1 vs. many, only our gang leader Can do it."

"Hey, hey, don't worry. Believe in Sister Enchanting, she is very strong." Aqua Rose hurriedly said.Aqua Rose, who has been by Yao Ruoxi's side for the longest time, knows Yao Ruoxi very well, and she will not do anything that is not sure.

Glutinous Rice Tangtang also said softly: "Everyone, please be quiet, don't worry. The vice-guild leader Yaoluo has led the Immortal Demon League for so many years, and her strength is obvious to all. She must have a sense of proportion. We will follow what she said before and follow orders."

"Oh, yes." The team members fell silent.

On the other side, Yao Ruoxi, Fei Yumianmian and others fought fiercely.Fei Yumian never imagined that Yao Ruoxi would dare to fight head-on with their team.The most irritating thing was that Yao Ruoxi's positioning was very dexterous, and many attacks that were supposed to hit all became misses.And the hibiscus next to Yao Ruoxi has the functions of returning blood and blessing, which adds a lot of trouble to the battle.

Yao Ruoxi had already taken out her staff at this time, and after a short incantation, the strong wind raged, and the group attack launched by the wind blades made Fei Yumianmian and others unable to open their eyes.

And Yao Ruoxi seized this opportunity, rushed forward and launched a melee attack.A wand wheel went up, and the two female players died.For a while, Fei Yumianmian's team was a little chaotic, but Yao Ruoxi cooperated with the two giant dragons, attacked with skills continuously, and killed 3 more players.

Yao Ruoxi was not too greedy, and retreated quickly after the attack was successful.

At this time, Fei Yumianmian had already commanded the remaining 14 people, launching an attack together with her.At this moment, a huge water curtain blocked the attack and firmly protected Yao Ruoxi.

Yaoyao was holding her pink fist, suspended in mid-air, her fish tail was shaking, and said angrily: "You are not allowed to bully my mistress. The master has said that anyone who bullies the mistress will be eliminated."

Not only Yaoyao, but also Xuemei waved their pincers and charged towards Fei Yumianmian's team.Qin Haonan was still a little worried before Yao Ruoxi acted alone, so he let her take Yaoyao and Xuemei with him.Since Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi are husband and wife, it is still allowed for the contracted beast to follow each other from such a long distance for a short period of time.

Yaoyao and Xuemei are both over 200 levels, and once the battle starts, it will be crushing.

Fei Yumianmian was a little speechless. She originally thought that Yao Ruoxi would be bullied if she placed an order. Who would have thought that Yao Ruoxi had hidden her strength at the beginning, and now she suddenly summoned these two Qin Haonan's contracted beasts to abuse them.

1 player, 2 players, 3 players, 4 players... Beside Fei Yu Mianmian, female players fell down one after another.Without Fei Yumianmian's order, they didn't dare to go back to the city to be resurrected, so they had to lie down like this.

"All of you stand up for me, I don't believe that 20 of us can't defeat one of her." Fei Yumian said angrily.

In fact, the female players in her team don't want to be relegated.If they can choose by themselves, they hope to return to the city to resurrect quickly and stay away from this place of right and wrong.But they had no choice but to follow a superior with poor leadership, so they had to slowly resurrect and stand up. Everyone seemed extremely reluctant.

"Sister Mianmian, you will lose people's hearts like this." Yao Ruoxi shook her head and said with a smile.But the attack in her hand didn't stop.

Hong Yan and Bingshuang, one after the other, saw the group of players who arrived on the ground resurrected again, so they flew up together before their health recovered.

Hong Yan first took a breath of dragon's breath, completely engulfing 20 people in a sea of ​​flames.Then Bingshuang gave it to the past, and with a bite of Frost, all 20 people were frozen in the ice.The batch that had just been revived fell down again.

Fei Yumianmian also became anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Tianci, come and help me!"

It was too late and then it was too late, Ba Tu @天浪夜 led a team of 20 people and rushed out from the woods on the other side.

Yao Ruoxi would have arrived long ago, and with Fei Yumianmian's situation, Tyrant Dynasty would not rest assured that she would lead the team alone, there must be a team secretly protecting this spoiled little princess.That's why she let Nuomi Tangtang and the others stand still, just to lure them out completely, and then catch them all in one go.

"Enchanting, do you want to be like Floating Life Ruo Meng, picking a group?" Ba Tu@天满 glanced at Fei Yu Mianmian's team with only 3 people left, and the big knife in his hand had already slashed over.

"I never thought of that." Yao Ruoxi smiled, and then shouted in the direction of the forest, "Everyone attack!"

Glutinous Rice Tangtang, Water Color Rose and the others rushed out immediately after waiting for the order.At this time, the woods they were staying in happened to encircle a group of players including Tyrant @天浪 in the center.

"As expected of being enchanting, you..." Ba Tu @天浪 couldn't help but sighed, without finishing his sentence, "You've already figured out everything, you already guessed that there would be an ambush here, so you reserved it Power. Hey..."

In fact, Tyrant @天浪 and Yaoluo have been fighting for many years, but they didn't expect that this fight would be under such circumstances.At this time, they are no longer the gang leaders.The two sub-guild leaders are facing each other head-on, but one is the sub-guild leader of the top ten gangs in "Century", while the other has become the largest sub-guild leader in "Century".

"Stop talking nonsense, let's watch the trick." Yao Ruoxi waved her magic staff, and started a frontal attack with Tyrant @天浪.

The Dragon Witch is said to be a melee mage, and her strength in melee attacks is not weaker than Ba ​​Dao at all.Waving the staff, besides launching magic, it is a series of sweeps and heavy blows... Tyrant @天浪 is confused by this powerful attack, how can a mage profession be as good as Ba Dao in melee combat? ?

But at this time, Aqua Rose, Condensed Frost, Xia Shadow Killer, Blue Sprite and others had already rushed into the team of Tyrant Dynasty, fighting with the enemy in front of them.

Yaoyao and Xuemei had already surrounded Fei Yumianmian in the center, Xuemei swiped two pincers, and Fei Yumianmian died.Frost and Hongyan are another round of dragon's breath attacks. In the sea of ​​fire and frost, Tyrant Dynasty has no power left to fight again.

Waving his cane, Nuomi Tangtang kept an eye on the health of each team member.Everyone's cooperation was flawless, and in an instant, Tyrant Dynasty's team was left with Tyrant @天浪一人.

The other players in the end also gained experience, so apart from anything else, they immediately chose to return to the city to revive.They have dropped a lot of levels today, and they are all very distressed at this moment.After all, leveling is not easy, and I scolded the provocative Fei Yumian seven or eight times in my heart.

"Ba Tu@天浪, remember it, don't let me touch you again next time." Yao Ruoxi said as she dropped the staff in her hand, and Ba Tu@天给 fell to the ground.

At this time, Qin Haonan had brought his team back, and he could see from a distance that the battle on Yao Ruoxi's side had ended.

(End of this chapter)

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