game master

Chapter 485 - The Devil's Hall

Chapter 485 - The Devil's Hall (3)

But judging from this map, the Zangshu Pavilion where the two are located at this time is not the only way to the Magic Sound Hall sect.In other words, if the two of them detoured through Zangshu Pavilion from the side road, they could still reach their destination.It's a pity that the two didn't think much about it at the time, and chose to come in and walk this labyrinthine path.

From the map, Yao Ruoxi found that the exit should be in the direction of the north.

Qin Haonan leaned against Yao Ruoxi, and saw the display on the map at this time.So he said: "Let's walk in that direction first, and look for purple books as we go. Maybe we will go out as we walk."

After a change of bookshelves, there are fewer forks in the road at this time.It was much easier to walk than before, but after a while, another fork in the road appeared, and Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi could only choose according to the direction.

But this time, the two made the wrong choice.

Because Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi walked all the way, only to find that after two turns, the road turned into a dead end.Not only that, but in the dead end, there was a wooden robot standing there.

This is a wooden man of the same height as a human man, without any facial features, just a blunt head, a long body, two arms and two legs.On the body of the wooden man, the wearer wears a weapon.When it saw Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi breaking in, its body clicked, and it began to move flexibly.

"This is the Book Collection Pavilion of the Demonic Sound Hall. Who are you and how did you get in?" The wooden man said in a cold tone, "You don't need to answer anymore. No one who enters here can leave again."

After the wooden man finished speaking, his body, which was originally about the same height as a normal person, suddenly started to crackle.Then, from the surrounding bookshelves, a lot of wood suddenly fell, and all of them gathered on the wooden man.The wooden man became taller and taller, and eventually became more than twice the height of Qin Haonan.

At this time, the name of the NPC of the wooden man also turned red, officially becoming a BOSS.

Level 220 - Organ Guardian (Elite)

With the appearance of the elite boss, Qin Haonan immediately summoned Linglong, Erbai, Daji and other contracted beasts.Then all the summoned beasts were summoned.

Elite monsters at level 220 are not a threat to Qin Haonan at level 208.

Qin Haonan moved quickly, dancing the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword in his hand, and rushed forward first to attack. [Phantom Hidden Kill] Hit with one blow, and hit consecutive critical strikes.

Then a large number of summoned beasts swarmed up, surrounded the poor BOSS in a circle, and then ruthlessly tortured them.

Over there, Qin Haonan's summoned beasts and contracted beasts were fighting fiercely, while Yao Ruoxi discovered a new problem here.That is, on the bookshelf behind the boss, there is a small book with a lavender cover.Noticing this, Yao Ruoxi immediately summoned Hibiscus to cover her, and Yao Ruoxi started to move towards the book.

The "Organ Guardian" who was fighting Qin Haonan immediately noticed Yao Ruoxi's actions.I saw the boss's arm raised, the hidden weapon on the arm was activated, and darts were thrown towards Yao Ruoxi.

Because Yao Ruoxi had been prepared for a long time, she moved her position deftly and avoided the sudden attack.Mu Jin also opened up a layer of defense for Yao Ruoxi, catching a large number of darts with tree vines.

"Ruoxi, I will stop the boss, you are busy with your work." Qin Haonan also saw that Yao Ruoxi was going to get the book, and the boss paid so much attention to the location of the book, which shows that the book is very important.So Qin Haonan decided to go all out to delay the boss and let Yao Ruoxi grab the book.

"OK, Ruomeng." Yao Ruoxi responded, dodged the attack, and ran towards the bookshelf.

The "Organ Guardian" was angry, but there was nothing it could do.The reason is that there are a large number of summoned beasts and contracted beasts, and it is difficult to take a step if they are so tightly surrounded.And the life value of the boss also dropped rapidly under this group of frantic bombardment.

There was really no other way, the "Organ Guardian" suddenly roared, and at this time the entire Zangshu Pavilion was shaking.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi didn't know what was going to happen, but they soon discovered that the bookshelf started to move.It turns out that the ever-changing maze of the entire Zangshu Pavilion is controlled by this elite boss!

In this way, Qin Haonan understood that this boss must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Yao Ruoxi saw that the bookshelf began to move slowly, so she quickened her steps.Because she knew that the reason why BOSS did this was to prevent her from getting that book.The more this is the case, the more the value of that book is highlighted.

"Mujin, help me!" Yao Ruoxi yelled.

Hibiscus immediately stretched out its long vines, stretching towards Yao Ruoxi at high speed.As soon as it was wrapped around Yao Ruoxi's waist, Yao Ruoxi was immediately lifted up.

The bookshelf was about to turn to the other side at this moment, Yao Ruoxi couldn't control that much, grabbed the top of the bookshelf, and stood directly on the bookshelf.After standing up, Yao Ruoxi bent down and took out the small book with a lavender cover just behind her.After success, Yao Ruoxi lightly waved the prize on the bookshelf.

Qin Haonan saw a smile from a distance, but the attack in his hand didn't stop.

The "Organ Guardian" was trapped by this group of summoned beasts and contracted beasts.During this period, several large-scale hidden weapon attacks broke out, but only a few summoned beasts were killed.Qin Haonan summoned him again, which made the boss extremely helpless.Seeing that the health value had dropped below 3%, at this moment, Qin Haonan attacked the boss in close quarters again.

[Illusion Hidden Kill], [Explosive Flame Sword Level 10], Qin Haonan launched two skill attacks in a row, and a ball of flames ignited from the body of the "Organ Guardian". The BOSS's health dropped rapidly, this time directly dropping to 0%.

I saw the BOSS crashing to the ground, and as it disappeared, a lot of items burst out.

Under a ray of light, Qin Haonan actually rose to level 210.And Yao Ruoxi even rose to level 4 in a row, reaching level 146 in one leap.It seems that the experience value given by the BOSS is still very rich, and Erbai has already started to pick up the dropped items at this time.

Yao Ruoxi and Erbai quickly returned to Qin Haonan's side. Qin Haonan first looked at the things Erbai brought back. 20 gold coins and a piece of level 220 equipment.From the display, Qin Haonan can't use the clothes belonging to the two professions after the 200th level of the mechanism division.Then there was a skill book "Summon of Blazing Sword Demon". After reading it, Qin Haonan clicked to learn without hesitation.

[Blazing Sword Demon Summoning Level 1] Skills used by the beast master profession, a total of 20 levels, summon 3 Blazing Sword Demons of the same level as yourself to participate in the battle, which can last for 30 seconds and consume 390 points of true energy.

Just from the name, the summoning skill this time should be very powerful.

Qin Haonan quickly summoned 3 Fiery Sword Demons. As expected, the summoned beasts summoned this time were as powerful as their names.I saw these three blazing sword demons were 2 meters tall, holding blazing swords in their hands, and their whole bodies were also wrapped in fiery red flames.

The summoned beast this time is a combination of physical attack and magic attack.That is to say, the sword demon was originally a melee fighter, and with the addition of flames, he could also cast fire spells.

With this skill, Qin Haonan is sure that killing monsters later will be easier.The most urgent task now is to practice this skill as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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