game master

Chapter 486 - The Devil's Hall

Chapter 486 - The Devil's Hall (4)

After reading the dropped items, Qin Haonan took over the book that Yao Ruoxi got.

I saw that this book was a little different from the previous two.Not only is the color darker, but the book is also slightly larger in size.

"Ruomeng, this book seems to record the history of the Devil's Sound Palace and all kinds of grievances and grievances with the Mengmo family." Yao Ruoxi was beside Qin Haonan. After the two of them read a few pages together, Yao Ruoxi said, "I also mentioned later. The question of the curse."

"Well, the amount of information in this book is quite large, let's read it carefully." Qin Haonan nodded and said.

Qin Haonan continued to flip through the page until he saw the last page.Qin Haonan already understood the content of the whole book. This book can be said to have recorded the entire history of the Magic Sound Hall, and it also briefly mentioned the Magic Sound Grass.However, the content of the book, the most important part at the end, talked about the method of cracking the maze of the library.

"Ruomeng, according to this book, in order to crack this maze, you need to defeat the 'organ guardian' first, which we have achieved. The next step is to find the book with a lavender cover, and we can start the game when all the books are complete. The cracking array of Zangshu Pavilion." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

Qin Haonan nodded, and responded: "Yeah, it seems that we killed the 'Organ Guardian' by mistake before, canceled the setting that the maze would change every once in a while, and got the three This book is the key to cracking the maze. According to the book, this book is the main one, and there are three other books as supplements. Put them together on an altar in the center to crack the maze."

"Then let's not delay, let's go find the last book now." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Okay." Qin Haonan responded, put away the items, and continued to look for the way with Yao Ruoxi.

Now there is no organ guardian, so Qin Haonan is not worried about the maze changing again.In this way, the two of them only need to continue forward along the maze route.

After the last change, the maze is not as complicated as before.There are at most three forks in the road, and basically there are two forks for Qin Haonan to choose from.

Qin Haonan tried to shuttle through the entire maze according to the direction.A huge maze, to find the remaining book, is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

At this moment, Yao Ruoxi suddenly stopped.She looked around, then opened the world map, she frowned and said: "Ruomeng, I suddenly remembered something. Do you remember the map you got before, which is the map that recorded your super artifact suit? "

"Well, what's the matter?" Qin Haonan took out the map while speaking.

Opening the map, Qin Haonan was also stunned.He didn't expect Yao Ruoxi's memory to be so good. On this map, there is a red dot, which is basically the magic sound hall in front of him.Qin Haonan magnified the map several times, and then took a closer look at the world map opened by Yao Ruoxi. If the two maps overlap, the location of the red dot should be within this maze.

"Ruoxi, how did you come up with the location of the red dot?" Qin Haonan asked in surprise.

Seriously, such a detailed thing.In addition, before Qin Haonan came to the Magic Sound Hall, he had never compared the world map at all.If you didn't look for it with the super artifact map, you wouldn't have thought that the location was the same place.

"Ruomeng, look at the painting on the wall over there." Yao Ruoxi pointed to the wall in front of her while speaking, "I just remembered that painting just now."

Qin Haonan looked in Yao Ruoxi's direction, and as expected, there was a large map hanging on the wall in front of him.This is a map of China, with a red dot marking the location of the Zangshu Pavilion of the Magic Sound Hall.It was this red dot that reminded Yao Ruoxi of another equipment map he had seen before.

"Ruoxi, you are amazing, you remember the map so clearly." Qin Haonan couldn't help but praised, and then he carefully looked at the map of the distribution of super artifacts in his hand, and began to think.

Yao Ruoxi stood aside quietly and did not disturb him.

After a while, Qin Haonan finished studying the map, then raised his head and said with a smile: "Let's look for the location of the super artifact first according to this map. Maybe on the way to find the super artifact, we will find the book."

"Okay." Yao Ruoxi nodded.

According to the map in his hand, Qin Haonan started to walk the maze according to the direction.It has to be said that with this map along the way, Qin Haonan walked much faster.After a while, Qin Haonan found a large bookshelf.It's a pity that the position of this bookshelf just blocks the way forward.

From the map, the red dot is at the position of the bookshelf, or behind the bookshelf.

"We have to think about how to get there." Qin Haonan said, looking around.

But at this moment, the careful Yao Ruoxi shook her head.She took a few steps forward and came to the bookshelf.Yao Ruoxi put her hand on the book, as if she was looking for something.

Qin Haonan is also very smart, he immediately understood what Yao Ruoxi meant.So Qin Haonan didn't say a word, he also stepped forward and started searching with Yao Ruoxi.

Sure enough, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi discovered at the same time that in the center of the bookshelf, there was a partition carved from wood that could be opened.

"Ruoxi, how did you come up here?" Qin Haonan couldn't help asking when Yao Ruoxi opened the drawer on the partition.

Yao Ruoxi took out a dull-colored wristband from the drawer of the partition.Yao Ruoxi handed the wristband to Qin Haonan, and said with a smile: "Because I have looked for books on many bookshelves before, I remember those bookshelves before, there is no partition in this position!"

"Hey! So you observe so carefully, I admire, admire!" Qin Haonan exclaimed.

"Okay, put this wrist guard away, it looks like it needs to be appraised." Yao Ruoxi said seriously, "Ruomeng, you have to thank me, if I didn't think of the super artifact map today, you will have to run again later. Come on! It is very likely that you will miss this super artifact equipment."

[Mysterious Bracer] Unidentified.

Qin Haonan glanced at the equipment, although it has not been identified.It seems that I have to go back to Master Wu to have a look, and then he put away the equipment.Looking up at Yao Ruoxi with an apologetic smile: "Yeah, thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find this piece of equipment. How should I thank you? Let me think..."

"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you. Let's continue on our way. There is still a book to look for." Yao Ruoxi laughed.She was just joking, and didn't want Qin Haonan to take it seriously.

"You don't need to look for that book, don't you think it's over there?" Qin Haonan looked up at this moment, and saw a lavender book at the bottom of the bookshelf facing him.Although the location is inconspicuous, Qin Haonan's current location can just see it.

Speaking of which, the location of this book is really a bit hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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