game master

Chapter 487 - The Devil's Hall

Chapter 487 - The Devil's Hall (5)

Because the bookshelf where the last book is located belongs to a corner.If Qin Haonan hadn't stepped forward to look at the partition of the bookshelf in front of him, and turned around to talk to Yao Ruoxi next to him, it would have been difficult to observe this position.

It's all a coincidence, but by accident, Qin Haonan saw this book at a glance.

Yao Ruoxi hurried over and took out the book.Opened it and flipped through it casually, and saw that the curse was recorded in detail, as well as the location of the magic sound grass.

In fact, Qin Haonan's luck is still very good. This time, the method of cracking the maze of Zangshu Pavilion is actually related to the hidden mission he received before.In this way, Qin Haonan saved a lot of time searching for the magic sound grass.

Yao Ruoxi hurriedly said: "We have found all the books, where should we go next?"

"Next, we are going to find the center of the maze. It is said that there will be a boss there. After defeating the boss, there will be a mechanism. These four books are the key." Qin Haonan responded, and took Yao Ruoxi to leave the room at this time while speaking. Location.

According to the direction, Qin Haonan looked for the next way in the intricate path.After walking through several corners, I soon saw a few level 215 mobs appearing in front of me.

These little monsters are all wooden mechanism beasts, including wooden mechanism cats, wooden mechanism wolves, and wooden mechanism leopards...

Qin Haonan immediately summoned all the summoned beasts and let them rush forward to fight.Contracted beasts such as Linglong, Erbai, and Daji served as the second team to assist in the attack behind the summoned beasts.

With these summoned beasts and contracted beasts, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi didn't need to do it themselves.The two of them walked slowly behind the team, and Qin Haonan was looking for the next way to go.

"Ruomeng, I think we should be on the right path." Yao Ruoxi suddenly raised her finger and pointed ahead, and said seriously, "Look there, there are more and more mobs. We started from entering this maze, along the way There are no mobs at all. Now it is close to the center of the maze, and the mobs are slowly emerging."

"Ruoxi, what you said makes sense. Let's walk along the location where there are many mobs. Maybe we will find a way out." Qin Haonan approved Yao Ruoxi's idea.

After walking like this for a while, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi turned a corner and found a large open space in front of them.In other words, at this moment, they arrived at a huge circular open space surrounded by bookshelves.

"This should be the center of Zangshu Pavilion, right?" Yao Ruoxi looked around curiously, "But there are no mobs or bosses here."

Qin Haonan clenched the weapon in his hand, and said calmly, "It's better to be careful."

Qin Haonan directed Erbai, Mu Qing and Xue Mei to take a look at the center.Erbai was still as cheerful as ever, at this moment he was wagging his tail, and had just walked forward less than ten steps, when suddenly the ground began to shake.Qin Haonan observed that Erbai's paw had just stepped into the innermost circle at this time.

In this large circular open space, there are circles of patterns on the ground.It is estimated that Erbai touched the plot because he stepped on the innermost circle.

The ground shook violently, and only then did Qin Haonan realize that the ground at the center had opened.

There is obviously an organ here, the circle in the center is the figure of the gossip.At this time, the left and right separated, and a huge wooden mechanism beast emerged from the ground.

When the ground shook, Erbai had already stepped back a few steps, ready to fight.

At this time, the gigantic, black bear-like mechanism beast has been fully presented in front of everyone's eyes.I saw it standing up, more than five times the height of ordinary players.

Level 221 - Mechanism Guardian (Spiritual Beast)

Qin Haonan glanced at the attributes and levels of the boss. It turns out that this is a boss with high defense and attack power, but it also has a weakness, that is, its speed is relatively slow.Seeing the situation clearly, Qin Haonan immediately summoned all the summoned beasts and let them rush to the front to fight.

Of course, Qin Haonan also wanted to try the new skill [Blazing Sword Demon Summoning] that he had just learned. The 3 Blazing Sword Demons were summoned last, but they were very fast.The flaming swords in their hands were hot, and after running a few steps, they caught up with the phantom wolves who were running ahead.

Erbai saw that the summoned beast had rushed over from behind, so he took advantage of the shortest distance and jumped up to strike the first blow. [White Tiger Claw Level 10], monsters are starting.

"Mujin, you come to help everyone. Hongyan and Bingshuang, you two attack with all your strength." Yao Ruoxi held a staff in her hand and gave orders from behind.Two giant dragons were flying in the air, and they had already started to spew flames and frost.

At the beginning of the battle, skill attacks of various colors surrounded the boss.Qin Haonan clenched his weapon tightly and rushed forward at this time.Adding [Sword Intent Level 10] and [Experienced in Hundred Battles] to himself, Qin Haonan swung the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword continuously, and fought the boss together.

The "Guardian of the Mechanism" felt a huge crisis, it was surrounded, and its health declined very quickly.So the "Guardian of the Mechanism" roared, and the mobs all around ran over from the corner of the Zangshu Pavilion.

It seems that this boss can also summon mobs to assist in the battle.

Qin Haonan saw the situation, and immediately separated a small group of summoned beasts and contracted beasts to clean up the mobs around.

At this moment, the "Guardian of the Agency" didn't want to give Qin Haonan any time to think.Its huge body stood up, and suddenly the organs on its body began to move.

I saw that the chest, back, arms, legs, and mouth of the "Guardian of the Mechanism" were blocked by a wooden door.Now the cover door is opened, revealing the mechanism inside.

Oh my god, it's densely packed, all of them have hidden weapons.

The "Guardian of the Mechanism" opened its mouth wide, and spewed flames towards Qin Haonan's direction.What Qin Haonan didn't expect was that the attack was very high this time, and all the summoned beasts where the flames went were all ignited by the flames.After persisting for a few seconds, all five summoned beasts died.

"Ruomeng, this boss has a very high attack." Yao Ruoxi shouted from behind. While speaking, she raised her staff, and a series of frost magic struck, extinguishing all the flames here.

"Thank you, I will be careful. You should also be careful, try not to move forward." Qin Haonan ordered, and rushed forward again to fight the boss.

But at this moment, all the mechanisms on the BOSS were activated.

A series of hidden weapons shot out from the boss's chest, back, arms, and legs, and for a while it was still a 360-degree attack with no dead ends.After this kind of attack, many summoned beasts were unable to withstand it, and the batch with less than 60% of their health before were all killed.

Qin Haonan took a general glance. After this round of attack, he lost 80% of the summoned beasts.It's no wonder that the contracted beasts have strong combat and defense capabilities, and the amount of HP lost in this attack is not bad.

At this moment, Linglong and Feimeng are only returning blood to everyone, and there is absolutely no problem in continuing to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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