game master

Chapter 493 - Village Upgrade

Chapter 493 - Village Upgrade
Qin Haonan worked hard all day and didn't take much rest.At this time, as soon as these things were dealt with, the upgrade plan of Mengran Jiangshan Village began.

Mengran Jiangshan Village has already been upgraded to level 19 at this time. Qin Haonan checked the supplies in the guild warehouse and was asking for some upgrade materials when he saw Hou Yue and Xia Luo walking over together.

"Brother Ruomeng, it's rare to see you go back to the guild's resident, looking for things in the warehouse?" Charlotte greeted Qin Haonan as soon as she saw Qin Haonan, "By the way, I saw the column of the guild totem light up just now, our guild totem The first totem turned out to be a nightmare! Brother Ruomeng, do you know that everyone in our guild is discussing this, where did you find this totem! Personally, I think... &#¥* (omitted many words)”

Qin Haonan stroked his forehead helplessly, and Charlotte had turned on the chattering mode again.

Hou Yue patted Charlotte on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Charlotte, speak slowly, haven't you seen that our leader can't keep up with your questioning rhythm?"

"Oh, which question should I answer first?" Qin Haonan joked.

"Ahem... I'm sorry, I can't control it, as soon as I speak..." Charlotte wiped her sweat at this moment, "Brother Ruomeng, are you looking for something in the warehouse? I am familiar with this place, so I can help you find it. "

"I'm just looking for materials to upgrade the village. I plan to upgrade Mengranjiangshan Village to level 21 as soon as possible and turn it into a town." Qin Haonan said seriously.

"Oh, those materials are all in the innermost part of the warehouse, wood, stone, steel, cement, granite... are all in the innermost." Charlotte said hurriedly, "But I feel that it may not be enough to upgrade to a township all at once. "

"It's okay, count as much as you have, let's use it today." While speaking, Qin Haonan had already walked to the innermost part of the warehouse, put the materials into the backpack, and shipped them out one after another.

Hou Yue and Xia Luo also left the warehouse, Hou Yue asked: "I called the architects who have not lost their style. If you want to upgrade the village, you have to rely on them."

"Well, yes. I think our guild can expand the number of life players. When it develops into towns and cities in the later stage, the demand for life players will increase. We will expand the enrollment early so that we will not be in a hurry later." Qin Haonan nodded in response. said, and then expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Hou Yue said and went to find someone.

After a while, the architects from the life profession arrived, and Qin Haonan directly clicked on the upgrade on the village interface.A lot of materials and a lot of gold coins were put in, and the whole village was shrouded in a golden light.

The architects started to work, and the game interface showed the time needed for the village to upgrade.From the meeting hall in the center of the village to the outermost village guardrail, the entire upgrade takes 26 hours.

"Century" uses such a time limit to increase the difficulty of the game.The higher the level of the village, the more materials, time, and manpower it will consume to upgrade.

Qin Haonan sorted out the materials used for this upgrade, and found that he was indeed lacking some materials if he wanted to upgrade to a township by another level.

After Hou Yue summoned the architects, he happened to walk to Qin Haonan's side.Looking at the supplies on the ground, Hou Yue said: "There is still a lack of a batch of wood, stone, steel and cement. I am now arranging a group of life players to mine. It will take 3 days at the earliest."

Qin Haonan quickly settled the matter, and then said: "It's okay, you can arrange for them to mine for one day. I have calculated the quantity, and I will buy some of the rest. Anyway, I have a lot of game coins on hand, so I can buy these Stuff doesn’t cost a lot of money.”

"Brother Meng, if you are a rich man, this batch of materials will be wholesaled at a low price, and it is estimated that it will cost more than a dozen purple gold coins." Charlotte analyzed, "Let's mine it, so we can save some money."

"It's okay, I can buy it without using the funds of the guild." Qin Haonan said indifferently, "You know, time is sometimes more precious than money now, you have also seen the village of Long Zhan Tian Xia, go and see the ranking The list will know."

"There are only two villages under Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​one is level 18 and the other is level 16." Hou Yue said.

"Yeah, they bite us very hard. And just now, the 18th-level village in Longzhan Tianxia has also started to upgrade to 19th level, so we can't fall behind." Qin Haonan said seriously, "I'm a little worried. If gang wars or village siege wars are started between various gangs, the higher the level, the absolute advantage."

"I'm dizzy, Dragon War World has also been upgraded in a blink of an eye, and they are fighting us!" Charlotte just opened the leaderboard at this time, and she couldn't help being surprised when she saw the information, "They... hey, they It's also rich and powerful! Long Zhan Tianxia has a strong background, what should we do if we can't spend them?"

"No, when we were the only ones in the past, we couldn't consume them. But now we have the bricks to go berserk, besides, Yaoluo also brought a lot of supplies from the Immortal and Demon League. We have a strong alliance here, and now Long Zhantianxia is the best!" The most worrying thing is not to consume us."

"This is the best way, but I heard the gossip. It is estimated that Longzhan Tianxia and Wushuang City will also be merged, in order to quickly improve the level and overall strength of the guild." Hou Yue pointed out the key point, "If the two guilds Merging, it will become three villages in a short time, but the average level of these three villages is higher than ours."

Qin Haonan couldn't help frowning when he heard this. To be honest, he was busy with upgrading and doing tasks these days, and then went to the American area to fight the village defense battle. He really didn't pay much attention to the development of the various gangs in the Chinese area.

So Qin Haonan hurriedly asked: "Monkey, please tell me about the recent situation of various gangs in China."

"Okay, I planned to tell you this today. Our guild has been in the limelight for the past few days, and the top ten guilds in China are also a little ready to move. Now the second-ranked guild, Long Zhantianxia, ​​has been looking for opportunities to surpass us. "Hou Yue said seriously, "I heard that they have secretly discussed with Wushuang City, and they will merge the gangs within 3 days."

"Oh, they also learned from our guild, knowing that guilds merge and upgrade quickly!" Charlotte couldn't help saying.

"It seems that our competitors are very powerful. Once Longzhan Tianxia and Wushuang City are merged, the two gangs will have a huge number of people. It is estimated that they will have as many as 4 gang members." Qin Haonan analyzed, "The number will increase. Slightly more than us. In terms of level, it should not be able to surpass us, but it will bite us very hard, very little difference."

"Yeah, not only that, but if they are merged, the average level of their three villages, level 19, level 16, and level 8, will be higher than ours," Hou Yue said.

"It's okay, let's step up our efforts first and upgrade a township. Long Zhan Tianxia is so desperate to surpass us, I guess they don't have much upgrade materials there. After all, we have been upgrading all the time, and we understand how much time it takes to upgrade the village. and financial resources." Qin Haonan said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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