game master

Chapter 494 - New Neighbors

Chapter 494 - New Neighbors

"Well, that's right. The consumption of upgrading the village is not ordinary. But now besides Dragon War World, the Assassin Alliance seems to have taken action." Hou Yue said.

"It's not just the Assassin's League, the Assassin's League has a small number of people, and the total number of the entire gang is less than 8000. They are very powerful in combat, especially good at assassination. It's a pity that this kind of gang village construction and upgrade can't fight the world. Let’s compare it to gangs with a large number of people.” Charlotte couldn’t help but interjected at this time, “The Batu Dynasty and the Fairy Monster League have recently joined forces and are planning to annex some small gangs.”

"It turns out that everyone is so active in the competition. Once the trend of annexing small gangs starts, the gang wars will become more and more fierce." Qin Haonan fell into deep thought after hearing this.

"Yeah, I'm telling you this so that you, the gang leader, know something. Anyway, those gangs are afraid to challenge us directly at this time, but there are secret efforts. Let's hurry up and upgrade the village And the gang, but the other two low-level villages cannot be ignored." Hou Yue said seriously.

"Well, okay, I understand." Qin Haonan nodded, and patted Hou Yue and Xia Luo on the shoulders while speaking, "First upgrade Mengranjiangshan Village to a township, and then we start planning the overall development. Monkey , Charlotte, I need to trouble you to think more about the planning plan."

"Don't worry, this is our gang, we will definitely take care of it." Hou Yue smiled.

Charlotte nodded in agreement and said, "Brother Ruomeng, if we all work together, the guild will only get better and better."

"Well, please keep an eye on the upgrade here. I'll go and collect the upgrade materials." Qin Haonan greeted and left the guild's residence.

Qin Haonan opened the big map and started a serious analysis.There is no auction like in the US in China, but it is estimated that no one will go to the auction for the materials for upgrading the village.

However, China also has its own characteristics, that is, street stalls.Recently, Qin Haonan heard that a new street has been built on the north side of Ziyun City.Many life players like to go there to set up stalls and sell things. Over time, players who set up stalls gather there, and it really becomes a street of street stalls.

Qin Haonan decided to go over there to take a look, maybe there will be a lot of gains.

Looking at the game time, the stalls are usually set up in the evening, and the time is not yet.

Thinking about how long I've been in the game, I didn't take a good rest and eat something.Qin Haonan decided to go offline first, eat some instant noodles and sleep, and then go shopping in the game.

After exiting the game and walking out of the game cabin, Qin Haonan stretched greatly.

As soon as I pushed the door out of my room, I saw that the corridors and halls of the villa were in a mess.I saw Fang Mengjie pushing the wheelchair, together with Fang Zhen, talking at the door.Many employees in the studio are moving things at this time.

Qin Haonan was puzzled, what happened today?He, the boss, didn't know anything about what happened.

"Are you offline? I didn't intend to tell you. You are so busy." Fang Zhen turned his head and saw Qin Haonan, so he hurriedly said, "Your girlfriend has moved here, across from our villa."

"Huh?" Qin Haonan was taken aback, "My girlfriend?"

"Brother Qin, you are too much, isn't your girlfriend Yao Ruoxi?" Fang Mengjie looked at Qin Haonan with contempt.

"Ah? She moved across from us?" Qin Haonan said involuntarily, and then crossed the corridor at the fastest speed and ran to the door of the villa.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it's really a team of moving company staff, moving boxes there.Judging by this posture, people who moved to the opposite villa may be indispensable.

At this time, a girl in casual clothes was at the opposite gate, directing everyone how to carry it.Looking from a distance, the girl was tall and tall, Qin Haonan felt a little familiar, but after a closer look, she realized, isn't this Aqua Rose?
This is the first time Qin Haonan has seen the live-action version of Aqua Rose. Compared with the game, she has more of a girl's softness and less of a heroic spirit.

Many of the employees in Qin Haonan's studio came here voluntarily to help, probably for the beauty of Aqua Rose.

Aqua Rose turned her head at this moment, and happened to see Qin Haonan too.She gave a few instructions to the staff beside her, and then walked over quickly: "Our big gang leader, are you playing a game?"

"Can I stand here if I don't play the game? Why didn't you tell me in advance when you moved, so that I can help! Look, you are so passive now." Qin Haonan said helplessly, and he was ready to go to help while speaking. "Let me help you move some things."

"No need, the move here is almost over. Elder sister Yaoluo said, we can handle the relocation by ourselves, and you are quite busy, boss, so it's rare to go offline, so go and rest." Aqua Rose said with a smile, "That's right , I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Luo Weiwei, and the game ID is Aqua Rose. You can call me Qiangwei just like you do in the game, boss.”

"Okay, Qiangwei. Is Ruoxi here?" Qin Haonan immediately asked.

"Oh? I knew you would ask this. Sister Enchanting is here, but she's in the car over there." Aqua Rose pointed to the RV next to her while speaking.

Qin Haonan looked in that direction, and his whole body was shocked.

This caravan is really luxurious. A super long white car is parked not far away.Judging by the height, this RV should have two floors. It is estimated that Yao Ruoxi can do whatever she wants in this car, watching TV, playing games, cooking... Qin Haonan dare not think about it, this is the world of local tyrants, the gap Some are big.

"Sister Enchanting has a game pod in her car, and she's still in the game." Aqua Rose added.

"Still in the game? Then I won't bother you." Qin Haonan said, looking at the moving team next to him.Judging from the current situation, the moving work is coming to an end.

Qin Haonan felt a little regretful, if he had gone offline earlier, he might have been able to be more busy.Now it's fine, nothing helps.

Aqua Rose smiled at the side, and then said: "Guangzhu, go and ask sister Yaoluo to come out. She told me before that she will be called out to play the game when the move is over. It just so happens that you are here, so it is better for you to call her. "

"Oh, yes." Qin Haonan responded, then turned and walked towards the RV.

Qin Haonan walked in a hurry, and didn't see the smirk on Aqua Rose's face behind him.When he walked to the RV, looked at the luxurious door in front of him, took a breath, and opened the door.

The space inside the car is larger than imagined, and the interior decoration is also very luxurious.Adopting the European style, Qin Haonan walked in and found that the car really has everything you need.The kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the toilet, the study... It is more complete than the house at home.

Walking to the innermost room, Qin Haonan pushed open the door and saw a limited edition pink and purple game pod.

(End of this chapter)

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