game master

Chapter 495 - Yao Ruoxi is Coming

Chapter 495 - Yao Ruoxi is Coming

Qin Haonan remembered that Yao Ruoxi liked pink and purple the most. Thinking about it, this should be Yao Ruoxi's game room.Going forward, Qin Haonan found the "Call Offline" button outside the game warehouse, and sat on the sofa next to him, waiting for Yao Ruoxi to go offline.

The entire game warehouse has its own small room. Qin Haonan looked around, and the walls were covered with cute cartoon posters.It seems that Yao Ruoxi likes anime quite a bit, it's really good to be childlike!
Besides, the whole room is clean and tidy, and the interior design and furnishings are also very particular.I have to say, looking at the decoration, one can tell that Yao Ruoxi is a girl who knows how to live.

This was the first time Qin Haonan was so close to Yao Ruoxi's life, and suddenly felt a little unreal.It seemed like a dream, Qin Haonan couldn't help pinching himself, oh, it really hurts.Everything is so real!
After a while, Qin Haonan saw that the lights in the game cabin were off.

The limited edition game compartment is different. After the lights are off, the lid of the game compartment is slowly opened from both sides, which is different from the normal way of opening one side of the game compartment.Yao Ruoxi yawned and sat up from the game cabin. She just rubbed her eyes when she froze.

At this time, not only Yao Ruoxi was stunned, but Qin Haonan was also stunned.Yao Ruoxi obviously didn't expect Qin Haonan to come to her, so she sat there and blinked, then took a coat from the side and put it on.Yao Ruoxi was wearing pajamas at this time, but the design of the pajamas was very conservative.But seeing Qin Haonan suddenly like this made her a little embarrassed.

Yao Ruoxi's slightly curly long hair let loose, and now she is indescribably bright and lazy.She looked around before speaking.

"Ruomeng, aren't you in the game? Why did you run into my car?" Yao Ruoxi asked in surprise.

Qin Haonan heard the slightly suppressed joy in the other party's voice.

"Cough, cough... If I don't play the game and I happen to meet you, you don't even know to notify me when you move, right?" Qin Haonan pretended to be angry. At this time, he turned his neck to the other side, but he didn't realize that Yao Ruoxi had left come over.

"I was wondering, did that girl Qiangwei let you come in to find me?" Yao Ruoxi asked softly, and then tapped Qin Haonan's head lightly, "What is your expression when you see me? Are you not happy at all?" ?”

"Hey? Ruoxi, you are so predictable, how can you know that she let me in after a guess?" Qin Haonan laughed, "I'm so excited to see you, I was stunned for a while!"

"Hmph, stop flattering. You go out first, I'll change my clothes and go outside to find you." Yao Ruoxi pushed Qin Haonan who had just stood up as he spoke.

Then, the door of the room was slammed shut.

Qin Haonan had no choice but to sit in the outside room obediently for a while, thinking in his head what would be a better topic to talk about when he saw the other party later.In fact, they were already very familiar with each other, but this time they met in reality suddenly, which caught Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi a little by surprise.


Yao Ruoxi's change of clothes was much faster than that of ordinary girls. It took about 10 minutes before she walked out of the room.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi had already changed into a pale pink outfit, and after she came out, she calmly sat on the sofa directly opposite Qin Haonan.Seeing that there was still a little redness on her face, it must be that the sudden meeting between the two made her a little embarrassed.

Seeing the situation, Qin Haonan had no choice but to speak first: "I didn't expect that we would meet again offline so soon. I just wanted to ask you to play the game. You didn't tell me about the big move of your studio today. Don't you?" Tell me in detail?"

"Okay... let's talk about some serious business. I think Ruomeng you are very busy recently, and I also know that if I tell you about the move, you will definitely come to help. But you have also seen that there is a move in the matter of moving. The company. Let’s talk about the group of professional players who left with me from the Fairy Demon League, we’ve been busy ourselves.” Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

Looking at Yao Ruoxi's attitude and tone of voice at this time, it seems that it is very common for her to handle this kind of thing by herself.Obviously, Yao Ruoxi is an extremely independent girl.

"Okay, you guys have already moved, so it's useless for me to say anything. Don't be so alien to me in the future, Ruoxi, you are my girlfriend." Qin Haonan was a little helpless, Yao Ruoxi's character was much more independent than he imagined.

"Okay, okay, I understand. If there are similar things in the future, I will tell you in advance and ask you to help." Yao Ruoxi smiled, stood up and walked over to pull Qin Haonan, "Come out with me to see, I bought 3 villas, which are opposite to yours. We will join your studio later, is this okay?"

"Okay." Qin Haonan hurriedly said, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, a local tyrant, he just bought three buildings casually.No matter how poor these rich families are, they are still richer than ordinary people like them!
"Great, I also brought a batch of funds, which can help you. By the way, in the game, Qiangwei and I also brought some materials for village upgrades and guild upgrades from the Fairy Demon League. After entering the game, I I'll give it to you together." Yao Ruoxi got a little excited when she mentioned the plan for the future studio, and completely forgot what happened just now.

Upon hearing this, Qin Haonan hurriedly said: "Materials for village upgrades and guild upgrades? This is exactly what I need urgently right now. Ruoxi, you have relieved the urgent need!"

"Oh, seeing that I was of great help. Let's go, I'll take you out to see the villa I bought!" Yao Ruoxi got excited as soon as she said this, and pulled Qin Haonan out of the RV.

Aqua Rose was originally standing at the door of the car to watch the excitement, but judging from the expressions of Yao Ruoxi and Qin Haonan, it seemed that nothing happened.

As soon as Yao Ruoxi opened the door, she saw Aqua Rose. The two of them had been together for so many years, and Yao Ruoxi knew a lot about Aqua Rose's thoughts.

So Yao Ruoxi deliberately pretended that nothing happened, and got out of the car calmly: "Qiangwei, you come here too, let's go to see the villa together. By the way, why did you forget to ask me to play the game? Fortunately, I set It’s time, otherwise I don’t even know when the move is over.”

"Sister Enchanting, I want you to play the game for a while longer. Besides, we will deal with these matters, so you don't need to worry about everything! Haha..." Aqua Rose was embarrassed for a while, and she also felt that her little thoughts seemed to be was found.

In the following time, Qin Haonan followed Yao Ruoxi to look at the newly bought villa.Then I helped Yao Ruoxi move some things, and then organized the group of professional players from the Fairy Monster League to meet with the players from Mengran Jiangshan Studio to get to know each other...There are many things, one by one to solve.

In this way, he was busy until the night.

In the evening, Qin Haonan treated guests, and everyone gathered for a meal in the villa, which can be regarded as a simple welcome party.After everything was done, everyone went back to play the game.Overall, today was a fulfilling and happy day.

(End of this chapter)

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