game master


It was already late at night when Qin Haonan entered the game again.He originally planned to go to bed early, but he, the leader of the guild, was really worried about many things in the guild.

Not long after going online, Qin Haonan was packing his things in the warehouse of the gang's residence, and found that Yao Ruoxi was also online.

"Ruomeng, I can't rush to find you when I am leveling in the Magic Sound Hall. I will send you all the materials for village upgrades and guild upgrades by email." Yao Ruoxi sent Qin Haonan a message, and then sent it over 6 big package.

Qin Haonan received the package, opened it, and saw that it was full of wood, stones, steel, cement, and granite... It is estimated that this time, the current leader of the Fairy Demon League, Aofeng, will be angry.Qin Haonan counted the types of materials and trees, and couldn't help but thank Yao Ruoxi in his heart.

These materials are enough to upgrade Mengran Jiangshan Village twice again.That is to say, after being upgraded to level 2 township, it can be upgraded by another level to become level 21.

The materials are enough, so Qin Haonan doesn't have to rush to the street stalls to buy them.

Look at the side without losing style, the upgrade of the village is still going on.There is nothing to use Qin Haonan here, so Qin Haonan decided to appraise the equipment first after thinking about it.

Going to Tianqing Town to find Master Wu is already familiar with the road, Qin Haonan turned around in the alley, and soon came to Master Wu's hut.After knocking on the door, Master Wu quickly opened the door.

Entering the hut this time, Qin Haonan found that the room was much tidier.The items that were originally displayed in a mess were all packed into big boxes at this time.

"Master Wu, are you moving? Or traveling?" Qin Haonan couldn't help asking.

"What are you traveling for? Prepare for the move." Master Wu said while packing his things.

"Moving?" Qin Haonan was taken aback for a while, but didn't realize it for a while.

"Isn't your village level 20? It will be upgraded to a township soon. I promised you that I will move to your town when you reach level 21, and I will appraise your equipment and items." Master Wu hurriedly said.

Qin Haonan was happy when he heard it, and immediately said happily: "That's good, we can upgrade in a few days, and I will come to pick you up when the time comes. By the way, Master Wu, help me identify another piece of equipment?"

"Appraisal again? You won't get the super artifact again, will you?" Master Wu was quite surprised. He had put down his work while speaking, and turned to look at Qin Haonan, "You kid is surprisingly lucky. Since I met you After that, I saw more super artifacts than Chinese cabbages on the market."

"Haha, Master Wu, you really know how to joke." Qin Haonan smiled embarrassedly, "But you guessed it right again this time, I really have a super artifact that needs to be identified."

While speaking, Qin Haonan took out the [mysterious wristband].

And Master Wu's eyes lit up when he saw the [mysterious wristband].

"If you live like a dream, you can do it, this seems to be another piece of your suit?" Master Wu was shocked, and at this time he had already reached out to take the equipment.

"Yes, I really want to trouble Master Wu to appraise it." Qin Haonan said.

"No problem." Master Wu said, with a faint golden light already emitting from his hand, and began to identify the equipment.

The entire identification process was the same as before, and it attracted a sky full of brilliance and visions.It is not unusual for Qin Haonan and Master Wu to see each other a lot.

The equipment was identified soon, and the name was displayed as [Beast-Traveling God Set: All-encompassing Wristband].

Qin Haonan took the equipment in his hands and read it several times.Sure enough, this is another accessory in a super artifact suit. Looking at the style of the wristband, it is very simple and exquisite.Qin Haonan bound and put on the wristband without hesitation, and immediately found that his attributes had increased significantly.

[Beast Controlling God Suit: All-encompassing Wristband] One of the Beast Controlling God suits, a growth-type super artifact.Can increase the wearer's chance to block by 45% in battle.

Wear level: level 200

Upgrading needs to devour experience: 0/20000
Defense +32000
Spirit +9999

[Phantom Substitute] Creates a substitute that resists all attacks for the wearer and lasts for 25 seconds.Cooling time 5 minutes.

Qin Haonan looked at the newly acquired equipment skills, and found that this [Phantom Stand] is very useful.In the future, when fighting against bosses, Qin Haonan will have a lot easier to fight with a stand-in to block attacks.

At this moment, Qin Haonan has collected 7 suits.There are 11 pieces in total, and more than half of them have been collected at this time.

After bidding farewell to Master Wu, Qin Haonan went to the field to fight monsters for a while, and then chose to go offline to rest.

When he logged into the game again the next day, Qin Haonan found that there were a lot of players in "Century".Whether it's the main city or the outdoor leveling area, there are crowds of people everywhere, and they have to wait in line even to do a task.

Qin Haonan was still a little puzzled, what happened?However, what he is most worried about is the village upgrade. According to the previous time calculation, Mengran Jiangshan Village should have been upgraded by this time, reaching the top village of level 20.

When Qin Haonan returned to the guild's residence, he found that the players in the guild were more active in leveling today.The group of players who are not usually online for a long time are all here today.Qin Haonan thought, there must be something wrong, and he was about to open the official website of the game to see if the game had released any exciting announcements.

At this moment, I saw Hou Yuehe walking out of the meeting room in style.When they saw Qin Haonan, they waved towards him and walked over.

"Boss, the upgrade of our village is over. Do we want to continue to upgrade to a township, or relax first?" Without losing style, he remembered that Qin Haonan was very concerned about the village upgrade these days, so he took the initiative to ask.

Qin Haonan immediately said: "You architects and players are all resting, and the township upgrade will start in a while, and the materials are already gathered here."

"Anan, you won't really spend a lot of money to buy upgrade materials in bulk, will you?" Hou Yue asked curiously.

"No, I didn't spend any money this time." Qin Haonan quickly shook his head, "The materials for upgrading the village this time were all given by Ruoxi."

Qin Haonan briefly told Hou Yue and the others about Yao Ruoxi and Shuise Qiangwei taking a batch of supplies from the Fairy Demon League before joining Yao Ruoxi and Shuise Qiangwei, and Hou Yue and the others finally understood.

"This time I also want to thank the enchanting vice-guild leader." He said without losing style, "Guild leader, the township upgrade can be done now, our guild recruits a lot of architects, and we took turns to rest and work before, so we are not tired. Let's upgrade the village in one go, and then we can really relax and rest!"

"Okay, since you have said so, let's upgrade now." Qin Haonan was very happy when he heard that, and quickly opened the village page.

At this time, Mengran Jiangshan Village was at level 20.Qin Haonan put in all the materials and gold coins he needed, and then clicked Upgrade on the village page.

(End of this chapter)

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