game master

Chapter 498 - On the Ruins of the Ancient Realm

Chapter 498 - On the Ruins of the Ancient Realm

The dungeon this time is called "Ancient Realm Ruins". According to the game's settings, it is a relic left over from ancient times.According to legend, this city used to be a prosperous city, but after years of wars and natural and man-made disasters, it was gradually abandoned and forgotten.

Qin Haonan still had a deep impression of this dungeon.

The map in the "Dungeon of Ancient Ruins" is like a big maze, but it is also full of treasures.It can be said that it is one of the few dungeons with the most hidden treasures in the "Century" game. When Qin Haonan heard that he was going to clear this dungeon, his eyes lit up a little.

Since there are treasures, Qin Haonan will naturally bring a few helpers who are good at treasure hunting.

After a while, Qin Haonan formed the team of 60 people.The team this time is a brand new attempt, because this is the first time that the gang led a group to brush dungeons after the gang merged twice.There's a lot of grinding and contact involved.Speaking of team members, if Yao Ruoxi hadn't gone on a mission, Qin Haonan still wanted to take her with him.

My team, players such as Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Xia Ming, Nuomi Tangtang, Fang Mengjie, Eternal |

However, the newly added players such as Aqua Rose, Meteor Meteor, Rain Flying, Huang Guoqiu, Huang Zhe, Flying to the Distance with the Wind, Girl Nian Old Street, Idiot Sikong City, Just Like Cold Wind, and Fallen Leaves Zhiqiu were originally elites from other guilds. This time is basically the first or second time to cooperate with Qin Haonan.

They don't know much about Qin Haonan's style yet. When Qin Haonan brought his team to the entrance of the dungeon and chose the "Nightmare" level without hesitation, the new gang members behind him couldn't help but take a breath.

The normal level is difficult enough, but this gang leader actually chose the "Nightmare" level as soon as he came up.

But an old man like Charlotte is very familiar with Qin Haonan's choice.I only heard Charlotte laughing at the side: "Ann, don't worry. If Brother Meng leads the first kill dungeon, it will be strange when he doesn't choose the Nightmare level."

"I know that our leader is level 210, and the level has an advantage. But this dungeon is not only a matter of level and combat power. As for those maze traps, no matter how high the combat power is, it is useless!" Meteor Meteor was so surprised that he felt his mouth speak. It's not smooth anymore.

At this moment, the violent brick pulled the meteorite and shook his head: "Let's trust the leader."

Just like that, a team followed Qin Haonan and quickly walked into the teleportation at the entrance of the dungeon.

At this time, players from several guilds gathered around the "Dungeon of Ancient Realm Ruins".Dragon War World, Batu Dynasty, Assassin Alliance, Fairy Monster Alliance, Gods Realm... Many gangs are here to try this dungeon continuously. After seeing Mengran Jiangshan led by Qin Haonan, everyone discusses it.

"I'm dizzy. Floating Life Ruomeng personally led a group to clear the dungeon for the first kill. It seems that we have no hope."

"The dungeon No. 1 Floating Life is like a dream, alas, this first kill is probably not guaranteed. Let's retreat, go back and upgrade, forget it, we can't grab Floating Life."

"Look again, no matter how powerful he is, he may not be able to beat him in every dungeon! This dungeon is the most difficult I have ever seen."

"Yeah, yeah, wait and see again. Didn't you see the dragon fighting the world and didn't leave?"


Besides, in the dungeon, after Qin Haonan entered, he immediately summoned all the contracted beasts.There is also his own avatar, which has not been used much recently, and now it is just time for him to come out to get some air.

After the helpers walked in one by one, Hou Yue was the first to show a surprised expression.The other members were very surprised, and they all looked at the western knight in battle armor beside Qin Haonan.Look at the appearance, this player looks very similar to Qin Haonan, but his hair color, height and other characteristics make him look like a foreigner no matter what.

And Charlotte, the chatterbox, immediately opened up: "Brother Ruomeng, who is he? Is he from our guild? Why have I never seen him before? What is his ID? He joined our guild with Ghost Wolf and the others." Yes, he was merged with Ruye Simei? What kind of occupation is he? And there seems to be one more person in our team..."

Xia Luo crackled and tossed all the words, Qin Haonan could only shake his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "He is my clone, there are not many people in our gang."

"Avatar?" This time even Glutinous Rice Tangtang was surprised, "This avatar is so realistic!"

"Hey, the gang leader actually has such a miraculous avatar?" Fenghua Xueyue and other female players couldn't help coming over.

Qin Haonan smiled, and said: "The avatar obtained in the US area before is still very powerful. Well, everyone, don't be distracted, line up well, we are going to start clearing the dungeon."

"Okay, gang leader." The gang members responded one after another.

"Follow me later, don't go the wrong way. The terrain of this dungeon is very complicated, especially the nightmare level, and there are many traps." Qin Haonan did not forget to give a few words before setting off.

The scene of "Copy of Ancient Ruins" is a ruined city with ruins.There are no trees and green shade around, and the surrounding ruins of the city have been submerged by wind and sand.The spacious streets criss-cross and there are many forks.Not only that, dead ends and traps abound.

The wind and sand in this dungeon was relatively strong, Qin Haonan blocked it with his hand above his face, and led the team towards the front.Players such as Hou Yue, Xia Luo, and No Lost Style all followed behind Qin Haonan, and the team lined up very neatly.

After Qin Haonan walked a few steps forward, there was a fork in the road on the left and right.

"Guild leader be careful, there is a trap on the left, let's go through it. The road on the right is a dead end, and there is a small boss guarding it. We just take the road directly ahead, it is safe to have this road." Standing up and kindly reminding him, he has actually walked through this dungeon no less than ten times, and the choice of the fork in the road for the first time is definitely still fresh in his memory.

"Is that how you left before?" Qin Haonan asked hastily.

"Yes, there is only this main road to go. But after choosing several forks in the road, there is a BOSS on this main road, and no one has been able to pass his defense so far. But if you come, Brother Ruomeng, with your strength Combat power, we will definitely be able to kill it." Charlotte said with a smile, he was full of confidence.

Qin Haonan shook his head, and said seriously: "It's useless for me to go there, the boss can't be killed. You should follow me, trust me to lead you the way."

"Oh, yes." Charlotte immediately chose to obey.

Without saying a word, Qin Haonan turned around and walked towards the road with traps on the left.

"Master, there is a trap there!" Yu Fenfei was speechless, he had already reminded him, but Qin Haonan still wanted to go in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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