game master

Chapter 499 - In the ruins of the ancient realm

Chapter 499 - In the ruins of the ancient realm

Qin Haonan walked straight towards the side path, and the team behind had to follow.Players who are familiar with Qin Haonan firmly believe that the gang leader must have some new moves at this time, and those who cooperated for the first time are retreating in their hearts, and they leave reluctantly.

Qin Haonan didn't walk over in a single-minded manner. After walking about a dozen steps, Qin Haonan stopped.

Everyone saw that mobs began to appear in front of them, and those were level 145 "ghosts of the ruins".These little monsters are not very fast, and their reactions are relatively slow, but their attack power is surprisingly high.

Yu Fenfei stood up helplessly at this time, and continued: "Master, I walked this road last time. After killing the dozen mobs in front, I entered the range of the trap. That road will collapse, and if I fall down, I will go straight Just leave the copy."

In fact, what Rain Flying said is correct, this dungeon has many such cycles.You were walking well, but suddenly the road caved in. After falling, you won't lose blood and lose level, but you will immediately send the player back to the entrance of the instance.

And even if the dungeon clearance failed this time, if you want to enter the dungeon, you have to consume the number of dungeons you enter every day.

"Okay, I know. Come with me, we don't even want to fight these little monsters." Qin Haonan said, and walked directly to a house on the right side of the street.

"Hey, boss, what do you want?" Yu Fenfei couldn't help being taken aback.

Qin Haonan commanded his avatar and knocked down the door of the house with a weapon.Qin Haonan walked into the next house first.After Qin Haonan entered, he still didn't forget to turn around and remind everyone: "You all follow me, don't fall behind."

They were terribly surprised by the rain, they had no idea that there was such a way of moving in this maze of ruins.It's not that everyone has tried to enter the abandoned houses next to the street before, but those without doors can enter, and those with doors can't open it.

This is the first time I know that these doors can still be smashed by force.

Qin Haonan led everyone to walk in the dilapidated and abandoned houses.A rich businessman lived in this house, because the area here is very large, and there is even a huge yard.

Qin Haonan wandered around in the room, turned back to Eternal|Zi Ye and the others and said, "Look around in the room to see if there is any treasure chest. I always feel that there are treasures in this room, so everyone search carefully, but Remember not to go out of the house. There may be traps outside the house, everyone should be careful at all times."

"Okay, leader." Eternal|Ziye and the others responded, and quickly searched around.

Sure enough, after a while, Eternal|Ziye and the others found 3 treasure chests in the back room.There are a lot of gold coins, level 145 equipment and some rare medicinal materials.

After confirming that the treasure was found, Qin Haonan led the team out of the house and walked to the backyard.There was a back door on one side of the backyard, Qin Haonan went up to check it, and then kicked the back door down.

"Let's go along here." Qin Haonan said to the team behind him, and walked out through the back door first.

After walking out, a group of players were shocked.The gang leader deserves to be the gang leader, he is really amazing.At this time, Yu Fenfei was the most shocked one, because after coming out from the back door, it happened to be the direction where the street walked through the trap.

In other words, Qin Haonan bypassed the trap from the house and walked directly to the other side of the road with this walking method.

Those new gang members who followed Qin Haonan to brush the dungeon for the first time couldn't help admiring the gang leader.

Qin Haonan didn't say much, he continued along this road, and after a while, the "ghost of the ruins" mob appeared.Qin Haonan commanded his avatars and the contracted beasts, charged up and killed the little monsters. After all, the level gap was there, and the little monsters were cleaned up.

At this time, none of the gang members knew how to go along the road led by Qin Haonan.After Qin Haonan walked through an intersection, he led his team to choose a turn.

The houses here have collapsed quite badly, and the roads in front are unobstructed.

At this time, Meteor Meteor lay beside Brick's ear, muttering in a low voice: "Deputy leader, I have seen it today. You said why the leader is so amazing, no wonder the first dungeon kill was always taken by them in the past. Let's go. I even suspect, you said that the leader has participated in the development of games, why is he so familiar with these dungeons?"

"You're right. Floating Life Ruomeng is probably an internal R&D staff." Brick, who ran away, dragged his chin and made a bold guess.

Qin Haonan accidentally heard their words in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny, but he didn't want to tell the truth.

"The BOSS will appear later, everyone get ready to fight." Qin Haonan coughed, and suddenly spoke.What he said made the entire team stunned. Where is this boss? Why can't he see it?

Qin Haonan immediately summoned all the summoned beasts, forming a neat army of summoned beasts in front of Qin Haonan.Shadow Wolf, Sword Slave, Zhan Hu, Sword Spirit and others lined up in several rows, and Flamingo was also ready in mid-air.

Seeing that everything was ready, Qin Haonan blessed himself with [Sword Intent Level 10] and [Experienced in Hundred Battles], and ran towards a corner in front of him.

"Stay where you are and don't move, I'll go over by myself! Get ready to fight!" Qin Haonan shouted, and at this time he had already run to the corner area.

At this moment, several large rocks suddenly rolled down from the roof above Qin Haonan.These stones are as big as millstones. If they are really injured, they don't know how much life they will lose.

But Qin Haonan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, he didn't panic, he dodged left and right, and actually avoided all these attacks.Just after avoiding the stone, Qin Haonan quickly ran into the alley around the corner, making the players in the team confused.Master, what is this doing?
After a few seconds, Qin Haonan ran back from the corner with a ball of mud in his hands.At this time, Qin Haonan was running very fast, and he saw big stones being thrown from the roof continuously, but Qin Haonan cleverly dodged them all.

"Everyone, get ready for battle!" After all, Hou Yue has cooperated with Qin Haonan many times, so he understands what arrangements should be made at this moment, "Hunters and mechanics, shoot!"

It has to be said that the cooperation between Qin Haonan and Hou Yue this time is very good.

Just as Qin Haonan ran back, a huge "Ghost General" with a blue flame burning on his body quickly walked out from the corner.I saw this BOSS holding a huge ax and wearing armor, but it was indeed in the state of a soul and had no entity.

Level 146 - Ghost General (Spirit Beast)
Along with the "ghost general", there are countless 145-level "ruin ghosts".At this time, Hou Yue's shooting order was issued, and the arrows of the hunters and mechanism engineers shot out quickly, hitting many of the "ghosts of the ruins" in the front.The battle started, followed by magic attacks, and the boxer standing in front of the team was also ready to fight monsters.

Daji's level 200 new skill [Pure Yang True Fire Formation] was also launched at this time, and Linglong's level 200 skill [Raging Thunder Curse] followed closely behind, forming a hell of thunder and fire in front of her again.

None of the little monsters stepped over the thunder and fire to attack, and all of them were caught in the fire and lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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