game master

Chapter 512 - The Suzaku Sealed Land

Chapter 512 - The Suzaku Sealed Land (1)

"Not good, what happened here?" Shi Shi froze in place, feeling some crisis.

She originally planned to enter the "Senza Bird Sealed Land" from the top of the mountain, but unexpectedly a big pit suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, and Qin Haonan, who was relatively low in level, fell into it.

Century frowned, thinking about what the hell was going on.

At the same time, Qin Haonan kept falling in the darkness, and he himself didn't know how deep the hole was.After all, all this happened too suddenly, the hand that was about to hold Shiji just now didn't hold back, I don't know if Shiji fell down with him.

Now Qin Haonan can't think so much, he doesn't even know if he will lose a lot of life points due to the strong impact when he lands, let alone whether the impact this time will make him hang back to the resurrection zone.

At this moment, Qin Haonan felt his back hit the hard rock wall heavily.Although there was some pain, fortunately, the drop in life value was not very severe.Getting up from the ground, Qin Haonan quickly drank a bottle of potion.

At this time, Qin Haonan looked around, only to realize that there was a fiery red world in front of him.This place should be the inside of the volcano, with hot magma everywhere, and the land under his feet are hard black stones.Qin Haonan could feel the scorching heat, and his HP was constantly declining due to the high position in this area.

Qin Haonan wanted to ask Shi Shi about the situation, but when he looked around, he realized that Shi Shi was not by his side at all.

"Could it be that the century didn't fall with me just now?" Qin Haonan said to himself, "This is troublesome. In such an area with more than 900 levels, I can hardly move by myself!"

But looking at the situation at this time, Qin Haonan and Shi Shi really got separated.At this moment, the pleasant system sound suddenly rang in Qin Haonan's ears.

"Congratulations, player Floating Dream, you have arrived at the hidden map 'Suzaku Sealed Land'. This is an extremely dangerous area from level 950 to level 1000, please be careful!"

I didn't expect that after this fall, I came to the destination of this trip.But at this moment, Qin Haonan couldn't be happy at all. Facing the crimson magma around him and his declining health, Qin Haonan felt that the resurrection point might be closer to him.

"Shiji, are you here?" There was no other way, Qin Haonan could only shout loudly.

But there was no response from all around, only a faint echo.

Qin Haonan could only open the friend column. He had added "Good Times Like a Dream" as a friend before, and Qin Haonan hoped to find some way to contact him.But some efforts seem to be in vain. The name of "Jiaqi Rumeng" is grayed out. Not only that, but even email messages cannot be sent.

"What the hell is this place? If you want to send a message, you will be blocked." Qin Haonan muttered helplessly.

At this moment, Qin Haonan suddenly noticed that the magma flow around him was not the same as before.The fiery red magma was flowing faster, and it also made the sound of liquid flowing.With the appearance of the sound, Qin Haonan saw many mobs swimming out of the fiery red magma.

A monster with a fiery red body and a pair of broken wings on its back roared and approached Qin Haonan.There are also some small birds with flames all over their bodies, also drilled out of the magma, flapping their flame wings.

Qin Haonan could clearly feel the heat waves approaching, and also saw the dark purple veins on the elite monster's body that appeared and disappeared from time to time.Although these little monsters were covered by flames, they were all attacked by demonization, and Qin Haonan could tell at a glance.

Level 980 - Demonized Fire Beast (Elite)

Level 985 - Enchanted Firebird (Elite)
Looking at more and more elite monsters in front of him, Qin Haonan felt the crisis of the situation.Looking around, he is now surrounded, and there is nowhere to escape.

A dark purple light beam came from not far away, very fast.

Then there were several purple lights, and these beams shot at the elite monsters, and they all let out painful screams.Qin Haonan couldn't believe his eyes. He watched a large number of elite monsters all perish under the purple beam.

"Shiji, is that you?" Qin Haonan asked instinctively.

Qin Haonan didn't get an answer, but in the direction of the purple light, a woman in a purple robe slowly walked out.When Qin Haonan saw the other party, many thoughts popped into his head.

Because this purple-clothed woman is exactly the same as Shi Shi.The same height, the same hairstyle, and the same facial features, but the clothes were changed and turned into a deep purple.For some reason, Qin Haonan always felt that the century in front of him was not the same as the one in the barren land before.

"Life is like a dream, I have been looking for you so hard, so you are here." Shi Shi suddenly spoke at this time, with the same voice.It seems that Century, like him, came to the ground from the barren land.

Only then did Qin Haonan let go of his vigilance, and said with a smile: "The land subsidence was too sudden just now, did you know that the entrance to the 'Suzaku Sealed Land' is here before the century? You should have told me in advance, I was shocked Jump. But it's only been a short time, why did you change your clothes again?"

Shi Shi walked to Qin Haonan's side while killing the mobs on the side, and said with a smile, "Haha, it's high temperature here, and it will lose health every little while. I changed this set of equipment to withstand the high temperature."

"So that's the case. If this is the case, let's hurry up. I don't have much potion on me. I don't know how long I can last. I don't have such powerful equipment as you. My health is slowly declining due to the influence of underground magma." Qin Haonan Hearing this, he hurriedly said.

Century sent Qin Haonan an invitation to form a team, and Qin Haonan joined the team.The two were still in front of each other, Shi Shi opened the way ahead, and Qin Haonan followed behind.

After walking for a while, the scenery in front of Qin Haonan's eyes was always boundless red, and there was no sign of Suzaku at all.Qin Haonan saw that the potions in his backpack were getting less and less, he felt a little anxious, and asked curiously: "Century, how long do we have to go? I don't have much potions here, if I can't find Suzaku and another super Artifact, I have to resurrect and return to the city."

The century ahead froze for a moment, then stopped.

"Well, I'm actually not familiar with the road ahead. To be honest, it's my first time here. Let's keep looking. If it doesn't work this time, we can come again next time." Century hesitated.

Qin Haonan became very anxious when he heard that, Shiji lost his temper in front of the battle!
"No, you are the mastermind of the game. If you are not familiar with the map here, who else is? Didn't we agree that today you helped me contract Suzaku and find another super artifact. In exchange, I will download Months will take you to play in reality." Qin Haonan looked helpless, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

"That's right, since we've made an agreement, I'll take you to find Suzaku." Century hurriedly answered.

At this time, Qin Haonan's heart had already raised a trace of vigilance. What Shiji said just now revealed a message, that is, the woman in purple in front of him was not the real Shiji at all.

(End of this chapter)

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