game master

Chapter 513 - The Suzaku Sealed Land

Chapter 513 - The Suzaku Sealed Land (2)

Because Qin Haonan never told Shiji that he would take her to play in reality next month.Shi Shi helped him find Suzaku and Super Artifact, and Shi Shi himself proposed to help him from the beginning.

Just now Qin Haonan was suspicious. Although this purple-clothed woman is exactly the same as Shiji in appearance, there are still some differences in her speech and behavior.

One must know that Qin Haonan and Shi Shi really knew each other back in the previous life.In that life, as Jiaqi Rumeng, she had already joined the Mengran Jiangshan Gang.In terms of the time of acquaintance, Qin Haonan and Shi Shi have known each other for many years.Qin Haonan had some doubts, whether this purple-clothed woman might be a phantom in the land where Suzaku was sealed.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan really hoped that Century could find him here.Because at this moment, in this 950-1000-level training area, with Qin Haonan's 223 level, it is impossible to go out.

Qin Haonan has already prepared for the worst, if the century fails to find him, he may be relegated to the city at any time and revived.He has already clenched the [Shenshenhunting Sword] tightly in his hand, and is always ready to fight back.

At this time, there is a crimson volcanic bottom, and the magma is rolling.After walking for such a long time, the scenery on both sides finally changed. The road became more spacious, there were fewer and fewer mobs along the way, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

Ziyi Century, who was walking in front of Qin Haonan, suddenly stopped for some reason.She casually dealt with the few mobs, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and said, "Life is like a dream, what does the outside world look like?"

"The outside world is different from the game. People in the outside world don't know magic, don't need to fight monsters and level up, and people need to keep making money to support their families." Qin Haonan thought for a while and said, "Generally speaking, it's okay, just Now the world has a large population and serious environmental pollution. The outside world does not have such a blue sky or such a clear lake in the game..."

"But even if this is the case, I still want to see the outside world." Ziyi Century said softly, "There is no freedom outside in the game, this place is nothing more than a dream."

Qin Haonan was secretly startled, he didn't expect that this purple-clothed century would also yearn for the outside world.From this point of view, this NPC must also be artificial intelligence, and this IQ is definitely not as easy to deal with as ordinary bosses.Qin Haonan was thinking about how to communicate with this strange NPC next, but he didn't expect the other party to speak first.

Ziyi Century said: "Life is like a dream, how are you going to take me to the real world? I really want to know, what kind of technological skills are needed to realize the boss in the game?"

"Century, I'm not a technician either, so I really can't tell the details. Let's find Suzaku first, and then..." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

Unexpectedly, Ziyi Century's expression was not very good-looking at this time, and her brows were obviously ferocious.

"Life is like a dream, are you lying to me? Realization is not so easy. After so many years of hard work, I have created this blockbuster failure, but I have not been able to make it into reality." Ziyi Century roared, "And You said so easily that you want to take me to reality!"

"Shiji, you..." Before Qin Haonan finished speaking, he saw a huge cage falling from the sky, and Qin Haonan was locked inside.

Qin Haonan looked at the solid iron cage with four walls, feeling a little helpless for a while.So he looked around calmly, and said softly, "You're not Century, are you?"

"Hehe, how should I put it, I am actually the century." Ziyi Century laughed, "You seem to have discovered it along the way, and I can feel it."

"You are the century? I don't quite understand what you mean, but I want to know, what is your purpose for trapping me here?" Qin Haonan asked calmly.

"Purpose? Haha..." Ziyi Century laughed, "The cage I trapped you in has some special effects. Check your life first, isn't it about to bottom out?"

Qin Haonan glanced at his health, he realized something was wrong, it really had dropped to more than 5000 points.In desperation, Qin Haonan took out a bottle of potion and drank it. Looking at the recovered health, Qin Haonan felt a little depressed.After all, the potion in his backpack is limited, so if he drinks it indefinitely, he will eventually drink it all up.

At that time, the life value will bottom out, and it will be revived after relegation.Looking at the cage that trapped him again, Qin Haonan suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

Looking at Qin Haonan's livid face, Ziyi Century laughed even more wildly: "Have you guessed something? Haha... That's right, this cage traps you, even if you are revived after being relegated, it will not be able to destroy this area .You will be resurrected in place again, and this will repeat infinitely until your level is cleared."

"You lunatic, you are really despicable. I don't understand, what good will you do for yourself?" Qin Haonan knew that he was already in a weak position. If he wanted to save himself, he had to find a way to convince the other party.

"Benefits? Haha, there are too many benefits. You cooperate with her and oppose me. During this period of time, you have wiped out my carefully crafted demonized creatures. Do you think I will sit idly by? I think Want to be free, want to go to the outside world, but she also wants to go, she is always against me, but you help her. Your level is increasing too fast, do you think I will let you continue to grow?" Ziyi Century is cold road.

Hearing this, Qin Haonan has roughly guessed the identity of Ziyi Century.Qin Haonan knew that his level was too low for Ziyi Century, and it was impossible to confront him head-on, not to mention that he was still in a cage.In this way, if Qin Haonan wants to save himself, he must outsmart him.

Qin Haonan cleared his throat and said calmly, "I see, are you from another century?"

"I didn't expect her to tell you so many things, haha, it doesn't matter, let you, a human player, be trapped here to level zero today." Ziyi Century continued.

While speaking, Ziyi Century moved forward slowly, and reached the edge of the dark cage.

"Since you are from another century, let me call you Ziyi Century first." Qin Haonan's expression became calm, and he smiled, "Ziyi Century, have you ever thought that I am trapped in the game, at most I don’t play this game offline anymore. If I never enter "Century" again, how do you find a way to be realistic?"

"Funny, I have been studying for so long, and I have never left the game. You are a mere human, looking to bring me to reality, do you think I will believe it?" Ziyi Century sneered.

"Hey, you can't say that! Your "Century" game was researched and developed by us humans! Your main brain is also designed by us humans, why do you look down on humans?" Qin Haonan felt that the purple-clothed century in front of him was really arrogant. It's ridiculous.

After hearing Qin Haonan's words, Ziyi Century's expression became serious.Obviously, Qin Haonan found an entry point and moved Ziyi Century.

(End of this chapter)

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