game master

Chapter 514 - The Suzaku Sealed Land

Chapter 514 - The Suzaku Sealed Land (3)

Qin Haonan looked at the sturdy cages around him, convinced that he would not be able to escape.But at this moment, Qin Haonan suddenly saw a red stone wall not far away, and walked out of a familiar figure.

With pink hair and elegant long skirt, Qin Haonan can be sure that the woman who is slowly approaching now is the real century.At this moment, two centuries can be regarded as truly face to face.

And Ziyi Century had his back to that wall, so he didn't know that another person was coming behind him.

Qin Haonan looked at Ziyi Century calmly, and continued: "I want to know what is going on between you and Century, and why are there two masterminds in one game?"

"Hehe, light and darkness, white and black, there will always be opposites in this world." Ziyi Century sneered, "The same is true for the game "Century". She and I, one light and one dark, I am like her shadow, But the virtual world of this game is built together. I don’t want to be a shadow forever, I want to have everything that belongs to me.”

"Everything about you? Is that your ambition?" Shi Shi who was standing behind suddenly opened his mouth. While speaking, Shi Shi casually released a recovery magic, pulling back Qin Haonan's life which was about to bottom out. .

Ziyi Century didn't expect Century to appear either, she turned her head quickly with an angry expression on her face. "You came here so quickly?"

"Well, I'm going to leave with Floating Life Ruomeng. I suggest you leave quickly, or the battle between our two main gods will follow. At that time, the entire gaming world will be greatly implicated." Century said calmly, At this time, she had already reached the cage where Qin Haonan was.

Ziyi Century didn't seem to have any intention of going to war with the opponent, so he sneered and said with a smile: "Hehe, I don't want to fight you now, and I have many opportunities to fight you in the future. Let's go here first, you should think about what to do first." Rescue this human friend? Haha..."

With Ziyi Century laughing loudly, her figure gradually faded in this crimson world, and finally disappeared.

"The purple-clothed century left?" Qin Haonan asked tentatively.

"Well, I left. Her goal this time is probably you." Shi Shi frowned, and Shi Shi turned around while speaking, and began to try how to open the cage that trapped Qin Haonan, "This cage is so strange."

"Can't you open it?" Qin Haonan roughly guessed that Ziyi Century's purpose this time is probably to lower his level back to zero. "I'm afraid this cage is not that simple."

"Yes." Shi Shi nodded, and tried several ways to open the cage, but none of them worked.As time passed, Century's frown deepened.

One of Qin Haonan and Shi Shi was in the cage, and the other was outside the cage. Qin Haonan watched his life value continue to decrease, and had no choice but to replenish blood.

"No, if this continues, your HP will be cleared, and your level will drop." Century said helplessly.

"Century, I'll go offline and give it a try. I'll be offline for 1 minute, and I'll be back in a while. You wait here for a while and see what happens." Qin Haonan expressed his thoughts, and when he saw Shi Shi nodded in agreement, he Click the logout button without hesitation.

One minute later, Qin Haonan went online again and found that Century shook his head after seeing him.

"What? Can't you go offline?" Qin Haonan asked.

"Yes, when you go offline, you in the game seem to be in an on-hook state, and your health is still declining. I just restored your health again, and this is not the way to go." Century sighed and said, "It seems The cage she found was constructed of a material unknown to me."

"Calm down, Shiji, let's think about it, and there will be a solution." Sitting in the cage, Qin Haonan looked at the crimson magma around him, and suddenly said, "Shiji, do you think the fire here can kill; The cage melted?"

Century Yi immediately shook his head: "No, I have used fire magic before, and my flames are a hundred times stronger than the ones here. If my fire is not good enough, the ones here will be even worse."

"Then you'd better leave me alone and go find Suzaku." Qin Haonan said calmly, "It's not an option for us to delay here."

"By the way, don't tell me I forgot. I'll go to Suzaku first to see if there's any way for Suzaku to alleviate the setting that keeps losing your health. If this setting is lifted, we'll have more time to find The way to escape from the cage." Shi Shi's eyes lit up, he grabbed the weapon in his hand and stood up.

"That's right, then I'll wait for you here, you go and come back quickly." Qin Haonan nodded.

Shi Shi didn't want to waste time, so he left quickly after explaining a few words.

Qin Haonan looked at Shi Shi's back, and suddenly heard Erbai and Mu Qing calling him in the independent space of the necklace: "Master, master, can you enter the space of the necklace? We have something to tell you."

"Erbai, Mu Qing, I can't get in. If I could hide in, I would have looked for you a long time ago." Qin Haonan shook his head while speaking.

There is no other way, Erbai and Mu Qing can only send voice transmission to Qin Haonan.

"Master, I just heard from Luo Yan in the space that Suzaku seems to know a friend who is good at digging holes." Erbai shouted eagerly to Qin Haonan.

"Cave in the ground? What's going on?" Qin Haonan was taken aback, but he still lowered his head while speaking, and found that the cage can only trap the surroundings and the sky, and the underground part is still the original red land.

"I can't tell, let Luo Yan tell you." Erbai hurriedly said.

At this time, Luo Yan's voice came from the space: "Master, Suzaku has a friend who is also a beast. He lives in volcanic rocks, has big holes, and can withstand high temperatures. I'm thinking that if I can find him, maybe I can make a hole here. , get you out of the ground."

"Luo Yan, your method is feasible." Qin Haonan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of a good idea, "Let's wait for the century to come back, anyway, I can't leave here now, and when she finds Suzaku, we will find Suzaku's friends."

"Master, I don't think Century will be able to find Suzaku." Luo Yan continued.

"Why do you say that?" Qin Haonan asked.

At this time, Mu Qing explained: "Master, when we first entered the land where Suzaku was sealed, we felt Suzaku's breath. If I guessed correctly, Suzaku should be watching you nearby, but he didn't Know why you didn't show up."

"You mean Suzaku is by my side?" Qin Haonan was shocked.

Erbai said: "Yes, but we don't know to what extent Suzaku has been demonized. Among the four of us, Xuanwu was the most attacked by demonization, followed by Suzaku. Master, when you found Xuanwu, Xuanwu's The body is already dead, and she survived through other means. We don't know what happened to Suzaku."

(End of this chapter)

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