game master

Chapter 515 - The Suzaku Sealed Land

Chapter 515 - The Suzaku Sealed Land (4)

"I understand. In other words, it's not clear whether Suzaku is an enemy or a friend." Qin Haonan understood what they meant, and said softly.

"Yes." Erbai, Mu Qing and Luo Yan replied at the same time.

Qin Haonan sat on the ground and began to assume various possibilities in his head.At this moment, a little boy in a red robe, each of whom was not tall, ran out from nowhere.

The boy in red looked to be only five or six years old, with long red hair and a fiery red robe.The round face is fair and rosy, and the pair of big sparkling eyes are very beautiful.The first impression of the boy in red is that he is an amazingly beautiful little boy, flamboyant like a flame, but his left half of his face is covered with dark purple patterns.

"You are?" Qin Haonan roughly guessed the identity of the little boy, but he didn't say it directly.

The little boy in red stared intently at Qin Haonan, as if he wanted to see through him.

"Big brother, why are you with that bad woman? Who are you and why did you come to the place where Suzaku was sealed?" The boy in red approached the cage and asked coldly.

"Bad woman?" Qin Haonan was taken aback by the question, but quickly realized that the bad woman the other party was talking about was probably Shi Shi.Looking at the magic lines on the boy's face, it is estimated that the little boy has a huge connection with Suzaku.

"That's right, it's the woman with long pink hair. If it wasn't for her, why would we have become what we are today?" the boy in red said sadly.

"Master, you have to be careful, this boy has the aura of Suzaku, but it doesn't feel like Suzaku." Erbai stayed in the space, and kindly reminded Qin Haonan through sound transmission.

Qin Haonan secretly remembered, turned his head to look at the little boy in red, and said calmly: "Which century are you talking about the bad woman? You should have followed me since I fell here, and you should also know that there are two centuries indivual."

"You human seem to know a lot. Century is the main god in the game. What's the big deal about her casually transforming into a clone? What's the purpose of you coming with her? Tell you human, if I didn't feel the familiar feeling in you Breath, I burned you to death earlier, what nonsense are you talking to!" The little boy in red said pretending to be angry.

When Qin Haonan heard it, he immediately said: "My name is Floating Life Rumeng. You call me by humans. I have a name. Shiji and I came to find Suzaku. Besides, what is your relationship with Suzaku?"

"I am Suzaku's avatar, I understand, you and the bad woman came here just to destroy me? Haha... No matter how hard you search, you will never find my real body!" The little boy in red Laughing, "I have been deeply corrupted by demonization, but I will never give in to that bad woman."

Qin Haonan knew that Suzaku and Shi Shi had a deep hatred, but in fact, even Erbai, Mu Qing and Luo Yan secretly asked Qin Haonan to be on guard against Shi Shi.The statement of two centuries is not believed by everyone.

"I can't explain it clearly to you now." Qin Haonan looked at the little boy in red seriously, and then summoned Erbai out.

Erbai was summoned and appeared in a ray of light.Because Qin Haonan was locked in a cage, after Erbai came out, his huge body was also trapped inside.The cage seemed a little crowded, and Erbai's health was also affected by the high temperature, and began to decline slowly.

"White Tiger?" The little boy in red suddenly froze.

"That's right, it's me. Suzaku, where is your real body? Me, Qinglong, and Xuanwu are all contracted with the master now, and we came here specially to find you." Erbai wanted to wag his tail at first, but the cage was too crowded , he leaned closer to the edge of the cage, looked at the little boy in red and said.

When the little boy in red saw Erbai, the expression on his face changed drastically, from surprise to joy, and he said softly, "No wonder I just felt a familiar aura, so it's really you, Baihu! I just heard What do you mean, this human named Floating Life Ruomeng has already made a contract with the three of you? My God, where are Qinglong and Xuanwu, I really want to meet them."

"Qinglong and Xuanwu are both in the space of the master's necklace, but the cage is too small for them to get out. Suzaku, we are here to look for you. I don't know how your demonization is going? We want to help You." Erbai said hastily.

The little boy in red nodded, and then said with a smile: "My demonization is quite serious. Alas, this is my avatar, and the main body can no longer be seen. I want to know that Qinglong and Xuanwu have completed their demonization. How did you make the contract?"

"Qinglong and Xuanwu are back to normal now. As for how we contracted with the master, it's really a long story. Where is your body? It's better for us to talk face to face after meeting." Erbai looked at the little boy in red, He looked at Qin Haonan again.

"Now you know that I didn't lie to you, right?" Qin Haonan hurriedly said, "We are here to find you, Suzaku, and want to help you solve the problem of demonization, but something unexpected happened, and now I am tied up in a cage and can't get out .”

"Well, since the white tiger has said so, I believe you. Life is like a dream, I may have a way to let you out, but I don't believe that bad woman!" The little boy in red said hesitantly.

"Uh... how should I put it... There are two centuries, the one with me is the best." Qin Haonan murmured, not knowing how to convince the little boy in red for a while.

"Forget it, I can't make the decision on this matter, I'm just a clone. I'll go back first, and I will tell Suzaku what happened here, whether to help you, whether you believe in the century, it is up to Suzaku to decide." Hong Yi After the little boy finished speaking, without waiting for Qin Haonan's reply, he turned into a ball of red flames and flew towards the distance.

"Suzaku should believe you." Erbai rubbed his head against Qin Haonan, "Master, I'm going back to the necklace space first. I can't stand the continuous loss of health while staying outside."

"Okay, you go back first, I'll wait here." After Qin Haonan finished speaking, he took Erbai back into the space, and then drank a bottle of medicine to restore his low health.

Looking at the few potions left in the backpack, Qin Haonan didn't know how long he could last.

After a while, Qin Haonan saw Shi Shi walking back not far away.When she reached the edge of the cage, she shook her head to Qin Haonan.Afterwards, Qin Haonan saw an item given to him by the century.

Qin Haonan took what Century gave him and took a closer look, it was a hat with a dull color.Coupled with the boots obtained before, it is estimated that these are the two super artifacts shown on the map.

[Mysterious hat] Unidentified.

[Mysterious Boots] Unidentified.

"I just found this piece of equipment at the bottom of this volcano. I guess it is the super artifact you are looking for. As for where Suzaku is, it may take some time." Century was a little embarrassed at this time, she originally wanted to Help Qin Haonan to level up quickly, and get all the equipment to strengthen his strength.I don't want to become like this because of the participation of another century.

But just as they were talking, the surrounding temperature rose a lot.The surrounding magma kept churning, Shi Shi and Qin Haonan both felt a strong murderous aura.

"Huh? It feels like... it's Suzaku coming!" Seeing the sudden change around him, Shi Shi couldn't help sighing.

Qin Haonan was relatively calm, and said calmly: "It should be Suzaku. I just saw Suzaku's clone. Century, Suzaku is very hostile to you. How are you going to explain to him later?"

(End of this chapter)

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