game master

Chapter 516 - The Suzaku Sealed Land

Chapter 516 - The Suzaku Sealed Land (5)

"Don't worry, Suzaku can't hurt me. When I go to the real world to explain things to you, all misunderstandings will be resolved." Century said softly.

"Okay." Qin Haonan was relieved when he heard this.

The red heat wave came wave after wave, and Qin Haonan saw a huge red firebird flying towards here not far away.Everyone could feel Suzaku's anger from such a distance.

This is an exceptionally beautiful red phoenix, its gorgeous feathers look extraordinarily beautiful against the backdrop of the crimson flames.This is Suzaku, one of the four beasts. Every time he takes a step closer, Qin Haonan will feel the pressure of the beast's power become stronger.

"It's Suzaku!" Qin Haonan murmured.

Sensing Suzaku's breath, Erbai automatically ran out of the space.Suzaku, whose body was full of flames, flew to the side of the cage. He glanced at Shi Shi, and then slowly transformed into a human form.

A red-haired man in a red robe immediately appeared in front of Qin Haonan. Suzaku's human form was very handsome, with red hair and red eyes, but the magic pattern on his face covered half of his face.Judging from the area of ​​the magic pattern, Suzaku's demonization is relatively serious.

"Little Huo, your speed is really too slow, I'm waiting until the flowers all wither." Erbai joked as soon as he saw Suzaku.

"Hmph... Xiaobai, we met again." Suzaku responded with a smile, "Where are Xiaoqing and Xiaoluo?"

Judging from this posture and hearing this address, the relationship between Baihu and Suzaku seems to be really good.Qin Haonan smiled, and answered for Erbai: "Suzaku, the space in this cage is really too small. I want to summon Qinglong and Xuanwu, but there is not enough space, and I am powerless!"

Erbai also nodded in agreement at this time: "Yes, yes, this cage is too small. Xiao Huo, you should quickly think of a way."

After Suzaku heard this, he looked at the cage.Suzaku tried it with his hands, and then said: "I can't open this cage, it looks like I need to ask my friend for help. Xiaobai, are you sure you want to ask her for help?"

"Haha, it just so happens that she has a hole." Er Bai said shaking his head.

"Yes, yes, but what does the God of the Century mean by staying here? I remember that if it wasn't for her gift, I wouldn't be imprisoned here." Suzaku turned her head to look at the century with a look of displeasure. Explain clearly what it means to not help.

Shi Shi stood aside and hadn't spoken since just now.Suzaku didn't want to talk to her at all, she really had no status as the main god at this time.Hearing Suzaku's question, Shi Shi cleared his throat and said seriously, "I know you are angry about the demonization, but I must clarify here that the one who demonized you is not me."

"If it's not you, who else could it be? Are you talking about two centuries in front of me? Just now my clone was taken back, and I know what you talked about before." Suzaku obviously responded to this. Not satisfied.

Shi Shi glanced at the other party firmly, and said seriously again: "There are two centuries, one bright and one dark, one good and one evil. Your clone should have seen it before, and there is also a purple-clothed century, who is the one who brought the floating life to life. The dream was locked in a cage."

"Xiaohuo, I think it's better for you to let my master out first, and let everyone explain clearly at this time." Erbai was a little anxious, and hurriedly interjected.

"Okay, I don't care about these things for now. Xiaobai, I will help your master first, and then I will discuss with Shiji for an explanation." Suzaku also knew in his heart that he couldn't beat Shiji. Seeing Erbai's anxious expression, he immediately raised the magic circle, The red light under the feet is flourishing.

"What is he going to do?" Qin Haonan was curious when he saw Suzaku's actions.

Shi Shi said indifferently: "This is a sound transmission spell unique to Suzaku. I guess I asked my companions to help."

As soon as Century finished speaking, the light under Suzaku's feet disappeared.The magma not far away suddenly began to surge violently.There seems to be something huge in the magma, and it is moving towards this side quickly.The temperature in the air rose again, and I saw a fiery red branch sticking out from the speech.

Only then did Qin Haonan see clearly that the friend Suzaku had found was actually a huge plant.The most amazing thing is that this plant can survive in the fire.

The whole body of this plant is crimson, blending with the flames.Thick vines stretched out from under the magma, with fiery red leaves, and Qin Haonan couldn't help but marvel when the gorgeous red flowers emerged from the magma. This is really an extremely beautiful and dangerous flower.

"This is the red lotus magic vine, which grows exclusively in the flames. It is a very magical plant. Not only that, this plant is very poisonous. Once it is attacked by her, it will basically kill you." Suzaku introduced from the side.

The red lotus magic vine appeared from the magma, and immediately transformed into a beautiful woman in red. Standing beside Suzaku, she asked softly, "Suzaku, what do you want from me?"

"Honglian, help me make a hole and let the person out of the cage." Suzaku replied.

The red lotus magic vine just glanced at Qin Haonan, then nodded, and replied, "Okay, no problem."

As soon as the words fell, the red lotus magic vine had changed back to its original shape and returned to the magma again.Qin Haonan observed carefully just now, and found that the face of the red lotus magic vine also had deep dark purple veins. It seems that all the creatures in the place where the Suzaku was sealed were all attacked by demonization.

The working efficiency of the red lotus magic vine is very high, and Qin Haonan can already feel the ground trembling under his feet.It seems that the red lotus magic vine has drilled into the ground and started to work on the big hole.

"Hong Lian is very good at making big holes, and she must have almost dug through this place by now." Suzaku laughed.

Sure enough, after a while, Qin Haonan saw huge branches protruding from his feet.The red lotus magic vine then opened a hole outside the cage. Qin Haonan put Erbai away and crawled out along the hole.

After confirming that he was rescued, Qin Haonan was still very happy.He looked at Suzaku and the red lotus magic vine that had turned into a human, and thanked them.

After coming out, the space outside was wide, and Erbai, Mu Qing and Luo Yan ran out of the necklace space at the same time.When Mu Qing came out, she brought some medicine from the space.

"Xiaobai, Xiaoqing, Xiaoluo, I didn't expect that you all made a contract with the same human being. Now the level is so low that you can't even maintain your human form. Sigh... I was very happy to see you, but I didn't expect to start feeling sad again " Suzaku saw that Erbai and the others couldn't change their human form, so he himself changed back to the form of a phoenix.

"Suzaku, I have some medicines for curing my demonization at that time, and I will give them to you now. See if these can relieve your demonization phenomenon." Mu Qing has always been concerned about Suzaku's demonization situation. Quickly took out the medicine.

Before Suzaku had time to pick it up, Century came over and said, "These medicines are not enough for Suzaku to treat demonization, because Suzaku's demonization is more serious, and the dosage needs to be increased, and some other medicinal materials are needed."

"Ah? Did you have a way to undo the demonization in that century?" Erbai couldn't care less about it at this time, so he hurriedly asked for Suzaku's salvation.

"Yes, I can help him." Shi Shi said and took out the medicinal herbs that he had prepared long ago from his backpack, "I am here to help Floating Life Ruo Meng, so I naturally understand that I want to help Suzaku and the others get rid of their demonization. to formalize the contract."

(End of this chapter)

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