game master

Chapter 517 - Fire and Red Lotus

Chapter 517 - Fire and Red Lotus

Qin Haonan sat aside and took a bottle of potion to recover his health. Qin Haonan looked at his declining health, and then looked at the little potion left. He just wanted to get out of this hot volcano.

Fortunately, this time the plan has been basically completed, and Qin Haonan has nothing to do now, so Qin Haonan sat aside and watched intently as Mu Qing and the others helped Suzaku and Red Lotus Demon Vine to de-enchant.

To be honest, Qin Haonan didn't expect that Shi Shi had already prepared the materials to disenchant before he came here.Before Qinglong lifted the demonization, those materials were basically prepared by Qinglong himself.If Qin Haonan was asked to collect these materials, it would not be possible until the level reached 800 or above.

So the century did Qin Haonan a big favor this time.

Seeing that the demonization of him and the red lotus magic vine has been lifted, Suzaku's attitude towards Shiji has improved a lot.Suzaku believed it a little now, maybe there really were two centuries, and this century was here to help them.

Suzaku and Red Lotus Demon Vine, who had been de-enchanted, signed a contract with Qin Haonan together.In this way, Qin Haonan had two more contracted beasts.

The number of Qin Haonan's contracted beasts has reached 10 at this time.

Pet: [Divine Beast] Huo Lian (Suzaku)

Suzaku is one of the four divine beasts, good at fire spells, and very powerful in combat.His spell attack has a wide range, like a mage class, which can output powerfully.

Pet: [Divine Beast] Red Lotus (Red Lotus Magic Vine)

The red lotus has some spells of the earth and fire systems, and is also good at using poison and making holes. This plant can also play a powerful and unique role in Qin Haonan's contracted beast.

Erbai told Qin Haonan that Suzaku's original name was "Huo Lian" and Red Lotus Demon Vine's original name was "Red Lotus", so Qin Haonan didn't change their names.Just like Qinglong was called "Muqing" and Xuanwu was called "Luoyan" before, their names have not changed.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan realized that he really didn't know what Erbai's previous name was.Among the four divine beasts, the names of the three remained unchanged, but the name of the white tiger was changed to "Erbai".However, when Qin Haonan thought of the stupid look he had when he first met Baihu, he really felt that the name "Erbai" was quite appropriate and cute.

Erbai seemed to have thought of this too, shaking his head, not very happy.

"Master, I strongly request to change my name. Now this name is too old." Erbai shook his head and wagged his tail.

But Suzaku "Huolian" was quite happy to be at the side. When he knew Erbai's name at this time, he lay on the ground and laughed for a long time, but he never stood up.

"I think this name is good, it fits your personality quite well. Xiaobai, no no, I will call you Erbai from now on." Suzaku laughed until his stomach ached, and said while laughing.

The phoenix, whose level has dropped to more than 200, can no longer transform into a human form at this time, with its fiery red head shaking, red wings flapping, and a very happy smile.

"Why did I make such a bad friend like you? Xiaohuo, you are too much, see if I don't use my big claws to scratch you to death!" Erbai pretended to be angry, and rushed forward with a cat punch.

Qin Haonan also couldn't figure it out, Erbai was obviously a white tiger, why did he look so much like a little white cat with fried hair at this moment?Seeing Erbai and Huo Lian scuffle together, the big white cat and the little red bird couldn't see their majesty as divine beasts at all.

"Master, they used to be like this, you get used to it slowly." Mu Qing was relatively calm, he rolled up his body, hung it on Qin Haonan's shoulder, and said earnestly.

Luo Yan was at the lowest level at this time, she turned into a palm-sized tortoise, and was hugged by Qin Haonan.Luo Yan nodded in agreement: "Well, in my impression, this is the scene when the two of them met. Now that our four gods and beasts are together, it will be lively again."

"Oh, since that's the case, then I don't care about them." Qin Haonan originally thought about trying to persuade them to fight, but now it seems that they are just playing around, so Qin Haonan doesn't bother to care so much.

As a plant, the "red lotus" is more obedient after the contract.She briefly told Qin Haonan about her specific attributes, and then followed Luo Yan back to the necklace space.

At this time Shi Shi walked over, looked at the red magma around, and said with a smile: "Life is like a dream, how long are you going to stay here? Our mission has been completed, why don't you go back quickly?"

"Well, if I stay here again, my life value will be exhausted." Qin Haonan hurriedly echoed.

Now that he decided to leave, Qin Haonan put away all the contracted beasts, leaving only "Huo Lian" outside to guide everyone. "Huolian" is very familiar with this generation, he knows that at the end of the magma, there is a teleportation array.

This teleportation array will only appear after the demonization of Huolian and Honglian is lifted.

Qin Haonan and Shi Shi followed the fire, and soon came to the teleportation array, walked into the teleportation array, and in a brilliant light, they finally left this hot and dangerous area.

When the surrounding light dissipated, Qin Haonan found that he and Shi Shi had returned to the outskirts of the "Desolate Land", completely away from the volcano.His health was finally no longer threatened by the high temperature, and Qin Haonan immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Qin Haonan benefited a lot from this trip to the bottom of the volcano.Two contract beasts, two pieces of equipment, this time it can be said to be a bumper harvest.

Shi Shi led Qin Haonan out of the "barren land", and after dealing with the mobs along the way, Shi Shi suddenly stopped.Qin Haonan thought Shi Shi wanted to say goodbye to him, but he didn't expect Shi Shi to say very seriously: "Life is like a dream, take me to your necklace space."

"Ah? Why do you want to go to the necklace space in Shiji?" Qin Haonan was taken aback, completely unresponsive.

"Hey, didn't we agree that if there is a chance afterwards, I will explain to you the two centuries? I can't say it in the game, because there are certain restrictions in it. You want to bring me to the real world, It’s going to go through your necklace.” In desperation, Shi Shi had no choice but to explain, “Linglong went to the real world before, and it was through the medium of the necklace.”

"I understand when you say that, but we are not in a contractual relationship, can you come in?" Qin Haonan was not sure, so he tried to invite Shiji.

Unexpectedly, this method really works, Century was able to enter the space of the necklace.

"It's quite miraculous. I didn't expect you to come in. To be precise, only the contracted beasts, Yao Yao and I can come in this necklace space. How did you do it in the century?" Qin Haonan looked at the necklace and asked curiously .

Century didn't plan to come out, so he said through the necklace: "I set up a program to create an illusion, as long as you invite me in, the system will assume that I am your contracted beast."

"Ah? That's okay too!" Qin Haonan was shocked.

"Don't be surprised, Floating Life is like a dream, your level is too low now. If you are above level 900 at this time, I will directly make a contract with you. But it is not possible now, my contract with you will directly drop to more than 200 levels." "Century "The game lacks a mastermind, and another century will definitely make up for it, and then you will be in serious trouble. So promise me, and improve yourself quickly." Century's words floated into Qin Haonan's mind.

Qin Haonan didn't expect Shiji to say such a thing at all. Looking at this posture, Shiji really wanted to make a contract with Qin Haonan.

(End of this chapter)

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