game master

Chapter 518 - 2 Century

Chapter 518 - Two Centuries
Qin Haonan returned to Mengran Jiangshan Town, after appraising the two pieces of equipment, he hurriedly went offline and walked out of the game warehouse.Qin Haonan had already sent a message to "A Lone Tree Does Not Make a Forest" in the game, and the two made an appointment to meet in the laboratory the next day.

At this time, Qin Haonan was very eager to understand the secret of the century.

This "Century" online game really has too many things that Qin Haonan can't figure out.

The next morning, Qin Haonan got up early and rushed to Uncle Yang's laboratory.After Mr. Yang understood Qin Haonan's intention of coming here, he readily agreed to help.

Qin Haonan didn't hesitate, and immediately lay down in the special game room.

Uncle Yang and his staff started working immediately, trying to summon the contracted beast in Qin Haonan's necklace space through the transfer station.

Since the last experiment was successful, Linglong was summoned.

Old Uncle Yang and the others were greatly encouraged, and they began to make bold assumptions and tried many methods.This time when Qin Haonan came over, Old Man Yang just wanted him to try bringing out multiple contracted beasts at the same time.

Qin Haonan lay in the game cabin, and the staff outside began to write programs skillfully typing on the keyboard.

Soon, Qin Haonan found that he had entered the transit space after a ray of white light dissipated.A pure white room with a sofa and a table.Qin Haonan sat on the sofa and now summoned Linglong.

Linglong immediately appeared in the transit space. She looked around and immediately understood what was going on.

"Master, are you experimenting with reality again this time?" Linglong asked curiously.

Qin Haonan nodded, and then summoned Erbai, Muqing, Daji and other contracted beasts.Originally, the transit space was not very large, but it was immediately filled with stations.

At this time, Century also followed the contracted beasts and got out of the necklace space.

"Haha, this is the transit space, it looks strange!" The pink-haired Shiji looked around, his face full of curiosity.

"I haven't called you yet, but you ran out by yourself." Qin Haonan laughed.

Century is in a particularly good mood today, so he said sweetly: "I'm in a hurry to come out and see, it will become reality in a while, life is like a dream, you try to take me out first?"

"Okay, anyway, I have a lot of questions to ask you, so I will take you out first." Qin Haonan nodded in agreement.

Uncle Yang has conveyed a successful gesture to Qin Haonan through the big screen, signaling everyone to start the next step.Qin Haonan knew that there was nothing he needed to do next, so he sat down and chatted with the contracted beasts.

After a while, Qin Haonan felt that his consciousness became clearer and clearer.After walking out of the game cabin, Century was the first to be realized. Her clothes changed into an off-white dress, and her appearance remained unchanged.

Then Linglong, Erbai, Daji and other contracted beasts came out of the game room one after another.

Uncle Yang is very happy today, and his wish for many years has been completely realized.Qin Haonan watched the team of contracted beasts in his game appear in the real world, and was filled with emotion at this time.

"Master, this is the real world?" Er Bai couldn't believe it.

Old Uncle Yang and other researchers watched the huge white tiger start talking, and said excitedly, "You are the white tiger? My God, our experiment was successful. They are exactly the same as in the game."

"Old man Yang, I want to ask, can Erbai and the others use spells in reality?" Qin Haonan was always curious, so he boldly asked.

"I'm afraid it's not enough now, but Baihu and the others still have physical attacks." Uncle Yang shook his head.

"Physical attack? What does this mean?" Qin Haonan continued to ask.

Old Uncle Yang explained: "Let me give you an example. If he slaps you with a paw, you still have some strength."

"Uh, so that's how it is!" Qin Haonan felt a little disappointed. He had imagined that if Erbai and other contracted beasts could use spells in the real world, wouldn't his master be invincible.

When a group of people were chatting excitedly, Century suddenly pulled Qin Haonan's sleeve.

"Shiji, do you have something to do with me?" Qin Haonan immediately remembered that Shiji wanted to tell him something important in reality.

Century nodded, and immediately said: "Yes, I not only want to tell you about this, but I also want to tell this group of researchers. I also have a lot of things here, and I want to communicate with you."

"Okay." Qin Haonan complied, and then told Uncle Yang and others about the affairs of the century in detail.

Regarding the matter of the century, in fact, Qin Haonan had communicated with Old Man Yang yesterday, so Old Man Yang was mentally prepared.A group of staff gathered together, and everyone sat down in the meeting room.

Qin Haonan also brought in his contracted beast. At this moment, everyone wants to know what happened in the game.

"Professor Yang, you are the developer of the "Century" game. We have met in the game. I don't think I need to tell you who I am. How about we go straight to the point?" mouthed.

Uncle Yang has actually seen "Jiaqi Rumeng" in the game, and Jiaqi Rumeng told him many good ideas in the experiment.Seeing Century at this time, Old Man Yang roughly understood everything.

"Okay, Mastermind of the Century, tell me. I also want to find out what changes have occurred in the game during this period of time." Old Man Yang said slowly.

As a researcher, Uncle Yang has deeply realized that since the game was officially launched, many operations in the game are controlled by the game mastermind. As developers, they are completely unable to directly intervene.

"There are two masterminds in the game, I think you know this, Professor Yang." Century continued.

Uncle Yang nodded, and a group of assistants beside him showed surprised expressions.Only then did Qin Haonan realize that among the developers of the "Century" game, there were also many things that did not know about the two masterminds.

"Let me explain this to you. At the later stage of game development, we found that the main brain of the artificial intelligence seemed to have its own ability to choose. At that time, we were worried, and we were afraid that if the main brain malfunctioned, the entire game would be paralyzed, so we quietly developed it. A backup mastermind for emergency use." Old Man Yang said seriously.

At this time, another old professor also interjected: "Only a few of our senior researchers know about this matter, so don't be surprised by you little assistants."

"It's this backup mastermind, she and I have consciousness at the same time. At first I didn't realize it, and then she took a series of actions to replace me. She thought I was in the light, she was in the dark, she was my shadow, That's why she named herself Dark Age." Seeing that Professor Yang and others acknowledged the existence of Dark Age, they slowly talked about the two masterminds.

"You are the century, and she is the dark century. Her original purpose was to replace you, and then come to the real world?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

Shi Shi shook his head and continued: "It's been a long time to talk about this matter. In the original world of Floating Life Ruo Meng, when the game progressed to more than 600 levels, she and I fully became conscious."

"At first I just wanted to manage the game world well, and I didn't realize that the Dark Age had already started to move. When I discovered the phenomenon of demonization in the game, the ambition of the Dark Age was already very obvious. She wanted to create chaos in the game, Kill me as the main god. Gradually she discovered that the players lived in another world, and she wanted to interfere with the game world through another world." Century paused and continued.

(End of this chapter)

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