game master

Chapter 522 - Invitation Letter

Chapter 522 - Invitation Letter
The Xuanbing Fortress is still covered in snow and white.

A team of three has already started leveling and fighting monsters. Qin Haonan commanded the contracted beasts to fight fiercely in this ice and snow world.Yao Ruoxi sat on the phoenix mount, waved the magic staff in her hand, and attacked groups of magic bombarded away.

After Immortal Di became a sword god, his attack power and large-area group attack skills increased. He easily controlled rows of flying swords and flew towards the mobs in the snow.

With the addition of Di Xianren, the speed of fighting monsters has been improved again.

"Life is like a dream, enchanting. In the "International Competition of the Century" more than two months later, I remember the link of gang battle." Immortal Di said while fighting monsters, "Have you considered forming an alliance?"

"Alliance? You mean forming an alliance during gang wars?" Qin Haonan had already guessed what Immortal Di meant.

You must know that in the early stage of the gang war, it has to go through layers of screening.Only the top 10 gangs in each country are eligible to participate in the mid-term international gang battle.In other words, when entering the international battle, there will be 10 gangs in the quota for the Chinese region.

Di Xianren has always been a lone ranger in the early stages of the game, and he only joined "Dragon Fighting the World" not long ago.

Joined "Dragon Fighting the World" Di Xianren, and is now one of the deputy gang leaders.

However, Qin Haonan had heard gossip before that the relationship between Di Xianren and Long Xingtian had always been very good, and the two seemed to be relatives.

Therefore, it will be a matter of time before Immortal Di joins the "Dragon Fighting the World" guild.

"Yeah, the first gang in China will dream of dyeing the country and the second gang will fight the world. How will our two gangs form an alliance? The chances of winning are probably very high." Immortal Di said seriously.

Qin Haonan thought for a while, and then said, "Brother Long also means the same?"

For Qin Haonan, his impression of Long Xingtian is quite good.Coupled with the fact that international wars are related to the country's reputation, Qin Haonan naturally hopes that the ranking of his country's gangs will be ahead.

As scheduled, as long as the top ten is guaranteed, but with the strength of Long Zhan Tian Tian and Meng Ran Jiang Shan, it is estimated that the ranking will not be low.When it comes to the international arena, the mid-term is a scuffle, so it is normal for Di Xianren to propose an alliance.

"Yes, if you think it's appropriate, we can sit down and talk about it later." Immortal Di hurriedly said, "But according to my estimation, after receiving the invitation letter, we can meet in reality soon."

"Well, forming an alliance is good for both of our gangs, and there is no problem with me." Qin Haonan said and looked at Yao Ruoxi beside him.

Yao Ruoxi smiled and said seriously: "Of course there is no problem on my side. Let's go back and have a meeting and discuss it with all the cadres in the guild. I think the possibility of unanimous approval is very high."

"Since you two have said so, I will go back and tell Lord Long, he must be very happy to hear that." Immortal Di happily replied.

The next fight against monsters went very smoothly. Immortal Di completed the mission first, but he still stayed in the team and helped Yao Ruoxi collect all the mission items.

After Immortal Di left the team, Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi to hand in the task.

At this moment, Qin Haonan saw that his information bar was shaking all the time.The system showed that someone was calling Qin Haonan in reality. Qin Haonan saw it, greeted Yao Ruoxi, and then went offline.

Walking out of the game cabin, Qin Haonan saw Hou Yue holding a letter in his hand.

"A'nan, here it is for you. The post office just delivered the letter." Hou Yue said and handed over the letter, "The messenger said that this item is very important, and I want you to check it as soon as possible. I'm afraid there is something important, so I will call you directly." going offline."

"Oh, thank you." Qin Haonan took the letter, immediately tore open the envelope, and a beautiful invitation appeared in front of Qin Haonan's eyes.

Hou Yue didn't know what it was, so when he took a closer look, he couldn't help being curious: "Invitation letter? What is this for?"

"The invitation letter for the "Century International Competition" was sent by the upper echelons of the country." Qin Haonan glanced at the content, and found that the invitation letter was very different from what Di Xianren said before.

As the first "Century International Contest", the competition is divided into individual battles, gang battles, national team battles and the final national battle.The invitation letter this time actually made preparations for the "National Team Battle" in advance.

"Monkey, am I the only one who received the invitation here?" Qin Haonan asked hastily.

"No, Charlotte also got the invitation letter." Hou Yue said seriously, "I'll ask the villa across the way later, if it's really an invitation to an international war, I guess Yao Ruoxi should have received it too."

"Well, let me go over and ask." Qin Haonan was about to get up when there was a knock on the door outside.

"Brother Ruomeng, Brother Monkey, it's me, Charlotte."

"Come in!" Qin Haonan responded.

Then Charlotte pushed the door and entered. At this time, Charlotte's face was full of curiosity. As soon as he saw Qin Haonan, he started to ask: "Brother Ruomeng, I heard that you also received the invitation letter?"

"Yes." Qin Haonan replied.

Charlotte became excited when he heard it, and immediately began to chatter: "Brother Ruomeng, do you know what's going on? Why did "Century International Tournament" invite us to meet in reality? It's also very strange, how can a competition in a game rise to such an important height? Besides... (a lot of words are omitted)"

"Ahem, Charlotte, this "Century" online game is now very much valued by the high-level officials of various countries. It is said that they want to use this game to solve problems that many countries cannot solve. So don't underestimate the "Century" online game. , Our international battle this time is also an honor to represent the country!"

"Oh, Brother Monkey, I still feel a little unbelievable." Charlotte didn't react for a long time.

Hou Yue smiled helplessly, and then patted Charlotte on the head: "It's okay, just listen to Anan's detailed explanation."

Qin Haonan motioned for everyone to sit down, he found a chair, sat down and said seriously: "Individual battles and gang battles will start in more than two months, I won't go into details, we just operate in the game and participate in the competition .But the next two games were different."

"Oh." Charlotte listened more seriously.

"The national team competition, according to the latest news, requires each country to send out 20 players, and then they will form a team to compete round after round. So now, in order to ensure the victory of this game, the upper echelons of the country have to start selection in advance Contestants." Qin Haonan said, "Think about it, it's impossible for players from one of our guilds to form a team. It must be the strongest 20-member team in China. Isn't this a problem?"

"Brother Ruomeng, I understand when you say that." Charlotte nodded and said, "This is the 20 people I want to be selected. Let's get to know each other in advance so that we can prepare for the future teamwork."

"Yes, the invitation letter clearly states the time and place. We just need to arrive on time. I think the first time we meet, I guess it's just getting to know each other." Qin Haonan continued.

Hou Yue thought about it for a while, and then suddenly said: "Now you and Charlotte are the ones who have definitely received the invitation letter. I don't know who else is in other gangs."

"I know Immortal Di." Qin Haonan said casually.

"It turns out there is still him. It's normal for Di Xianren to be selected." Hou Yue said, "It seems that this time the selection is indeed nationwide. We will help you, Xia Luo, and Yao Ruoxi have the highest combined combat power. The ranking of combat power is also in the top 10. I don’t know if the candidate this time is based on the invitation letter issued by this list.”

"Well, I don't know, but won't we know everything when we meet?" Qin Haonan laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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