game master

Chapter 523 - Baby Mission

Chapter 523 - Baby Mission
The meeting time on the invitation letter is set at the weekend.Since Qin Haonan lived in the capital, it was more convenient to go there.

After a while, Aqua Rose also came over to inquire about the invitation letter, and everyone confirmed that Yao Ruoxi had also received the invitation letter.

"I'll go into the game and talk to her. Since the invitation letter has been confirmed, the three of us can go there later." Qin Haonan explained to everyone, and then returned to the game again.

After logging into the game again, Qin Haonan was standing in the main city of level 200, Illusory Spirit City.

He looked at the husband and wife interface, and it showed that Yao Ruoxi was also in this city to accept missions.

"Ruoxi, I'm online, and I'm going to level up, do you want to come with me?" Qin Haonan hurriedly dialed the communication.

Soon Yao Ruoxi replied: "Okay, I'm also planning to level up quickly. But before leveling, Ruomeng, please come to the NPC Matchmaker first. There is a task here that needs you."

"Oh, okay, then I'll go right away." Qin Haonan responded immediately, turned off the communication and went straight to the NPC matchmaker.

Riding the clear water unicorn, passing through the streets and alleys of the Illusory Spirit City, I soon arrived at a fiery red building, which was the location of the matchmaker of the Illusory Spirit City.

At this time Yao Ruoxi was already standing at the gate, waiting for Qin Haonan's arrival.

"Ruomeng, come here quickly." Yao Ruoxi waved her hand happily, "Did you know? There is a new function in the game."

"New function?" Qin Haonan was taken aback by the question.

"Yes, yes, the husband and wife form a team together, and then they can go to pick up the baby." Yao Ruoxi said happily.

"Baby? You mean a child?" Qin Haonan asked in surprise.

He had never been married in his previous life, and he only heard that after marriage, there are many functions to increase the overall combat power, but because it has nothing to do with him, Qin Haonan didn't study it much.Although I haven't studied it, I still know a little bit.

Yao Ruoxi was quite excited, and said eagerly: "Yes, it is said that the adopted baby can also increase our combat effectiveness. My friend has already adopted one, and it is said that the baby is very cute, let's hurry over and take the task."

While talking, Yao Ruoxi pulled Qin Haonan into the team, because Yao Ruoxi was the captain, and regardless of whether Qin Haonan agreed or not, she pulled him and walked towards the matchmaker.

"Ruoxi, wait a minute. Are you sure this baby is adopted, not your next life? Are you going to tell the NPC about adoption?" Qin Haonan grabbed Yao Ruoxi's hand and asked seriously.

Embarrassed for a while, Yao Ruoxi kicked Qin Haonan.

"What are you thinking? This is a game, how does it happen in the game?" Yao Ruoxi was a little dumbfounded, and she had already reached the matchmaker's place while speaking, and she accepted the task without saying a word.

The NPC matchmaker in red smiled at the two of them, and said happily, "Life is like a dream, enchanting, I'm really glad to see you coming. Are you ready to have a baby?"

"Well, yes, we want to adopt a baby from you." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

"Adopt? No, no, children cannot be adopted." The NPC matchmaker immediately became very serious when she heard this, "Of course you have to give birth to your own child!"

"Uh..." Yao Ruoxi's hair suddenly turned black. At this moment, she felt that she was being fooled by the friend who said to adopt the child.

"Matchmaker, don't get me wrong, we just want to have a baby." Qin Haonan quickly interrupted after seeing the situation.

"Well, that's the right way to say it! It's very simple, you go and collect some items and send them directly to the Son-Send Guanyin."

"Okay, thank you." Qin Haonan responded with a smile, and then saw an extra task in the task bar.

"System reminder: Life is like a dream, enchanting, you have triggered the 'Baby Mission', please take 10 'Children's Toys' and 10 'Nursing Bottles' as soon as possible, and hand them over to 'Sending Child Guanyin'. The final reward of the mission: Experience value +89500, a mysterious reward."

After coming out of the NPC Hongnian, Yao Ruoxi looked at Qin Haonan with a depressed face, and asked curiously: "Do you know what this mission is about? Don't tell me in advance."

"I told you, you kicked me." Qin Haonan joked, "Okay, let's go find the items, and you can see the baby when you find them all."

"Well, let's go." Yao Ruoxi replied, "I did research in advance, 'children's toys' and 'feeding bottles' need to be purchased at the store, and I have already bought them."

When Qin Haonan heard this, he couldn't help but sweat: "It turns out that you have already prepared it, so let's hand in the task."

The location of the NPC Songzi Guanyin is on the other side of Illusory Spirit City. Qin Haonan summoned the Bishui Qilin and rode with Yao Ruoxi.Soon they saw a clear lake with many green lotuses blooming in the lake.

Behind the lake is a quaint temple surrounded by colorful flowers.

"Ruomeng, it's here." Yao Ruoxi said and pointed to the front.

"Then let's go in." Putting away their mounts, the two quickly walked into the temple.

At this time, there are several pairs of young players in the temple, and it seems that they are also doing tasks here.When they saw Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi, they became very excited for a moment.

Soon, the world chat channel exploded.

"I saw the Floating Life Like a Dream God and the enchanting Goddess here at Songzi Guanyin. They are also here to pick up the child. Haha, what a coincidence~"

"I saw the idols today, and they are here to pick up their children from Guanyin!"

"I have a screenshot here, everyone, take a look, Floating Life is like a dream and enchanting!"


Yao Ruoxi pulled Qin Haonan, walked quickly to the place where the NPC delivered the child Guanyin, and quickly submitted the task.Qin Haonan looked around at the excited couples, and was no stranger to such behavior.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi didn't care no matter how much they chatted on the world chat channel, they were just concentrating on their tasks.

"Ruomeng, the task has been submitted, Sending Son Guanyin told us to go home and wait!" Yao Ruoxi said.

"Okay." In response, Qin Haonan quickly left here with Yao Ruoxi.

Yao Ruoxi recently planted a lot of flowers and plants in the house where Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi got married.When the two returned to the house in the game, they saw a beautiful crane flying from the sky with a cloth bag in its beak.

Xianhe looked at Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi, and landed slowly.

"This is Song Zihe?" Yao Ruoxi ran over happily while talking.

Song Zihe handed the bag to Yao Ruoxi, honked at her, and then flew away slowly.Yao Ruoxi hurriedly opened the bag, and inside was a chubby little baby.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to Fusheng Rumeng, enchanting, you have got your own baby. For the specific information about the baby, please check the baby's attribute column."

Thinking of the pleasant system sound, Qin Haonan discovered that there was a new button for "Baby Attributes" in his husband and wife system.Gently click on it, and a brand new page will open like this.

(End of this chapter)

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