game master

Chapter 524 - 9 Asgard

Chapter 524 – Nine Immortal Palace

I saw a white and chubby little doll appearing on the page, looking very cute.The little doll was wearing a small bellyband, and her big watery eyes were flickering.The attributes of the doll are marked on the side, and the level is displayed as level 1.

At this time Yao Ruoxi had already named the little baby "Baby".

name: baby

Sex: Male
Father: Floating like a dream, Mother: Enchanting

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/30
Qin Haonan looked at the baby's attributes and found that this little guy also needs to be upgraded.However, the baby's leveling up is not through fighting monsters and leveling up, but going to a special school to learn, so as to increase the experience value.

"Ruomeng, let's take the baby to study?" Yao Ruoxi said seriously, "I read the function introduction, and the baby can learn a lot of lessons. When the baby's level improves, he can learn a lot of passive skills, and eventually he can assist us. The two are fighting!"

"Okay, just look at the arrangement." Qin Haonan responded.

After hearing what Qin Haonan said, Yao Ruoxi cheerfully began to arrange for the baby to study.Qin Haonan has already begun to study the next leveling location.

After paying for the baby to arrange 10 hours of study, Yao Ruoxi turned to look at Qin Haonan: "Ruomeng, I have already arranged everything here, where are you going to practice?"

"Ruoxi, look here, level 220-240 leveling area. It is more suitable for you and me to level up. The most important thing is that the mobs here are very dense, and the experience value is relatively rich." Qin Haonan then opened the map and pointed to Yao Ruoxi refer to.

"Okay, then let's go to leveling."

Qin Haonan summoned the Nether Dragon God, and the two flew towards the map of "Nine Immortal Palace".

This map is not very far from Linghuancheng, and the flying speed of the Nether Dragon God is so fast, the two of them reached the sky above the Nine Immortals Palace in a short while.

Jiuxian Palace is a fairy mountain with pleasant scenery and beautiful mountains and rivers.The majestic Nine Immortals Palace sets off the fairy spirit in this area, making it a retreat for the immortal family.

The reason why Qin Haonan chose to practice here is entirely because there are many NPCs on this map who will give out side missions.And these missions require a large span of levels, which is just right for Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi's levels.

Slowly descending from the sky, Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts, and took Yao Ruoxi straight to the main hall of the Nine Immortals Palace.

There is a bulletin board here, and some bounty tasks are issued.Originally, I was going to kill mobs, but I just got another experience after accepting the mission.

In the next few days, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi started their monster killing upgrades on the map of Nine Immortals Palace.With the use of multiple experience symbols, the speed of upgrading here is still very fast.


The appointed time on the invitation letter will arrive soon.

On that day, Qin Haonan, Xia Luo and Yao Ruoxi made an appointment to set off together.

Brick who ran away also sent a message to Qin Haonan, telling everyone that he also got the invitation letter.This time can be regarded as a big gathering of the elites of the "Century" online game. Qin Haonan and the others specially cleaned up and dressed before setting off.

Several people drove to the designated place together. After getting off the car, Qin Haonan realized that this place was very similar to the secret base that appeared in the movie.This location belongs to the suburbs, surrounded by fresh air, surrounded by green mountains and green trees, it looks like a resort for vacation.

It's a pity that there is no one around here, only a huge Chinese-style building, which looks very much like an ancient imperial palace.The scenery here is full of classical beauty, which makes people feel that they have traveled back to ancient times.

"It's here." Qin Haonan confirmed the address again.

"I heard from my uncle that this is one of the places where the game "Century" was developed." Yao Ruoxi looked around and said, "If I remember correctly, China's research base is here."

"Wow, such a beautiful place? The game "Century" is valued. It is said that when the international joint research and development was carried out, the investment from various countries was not small." Charlotte sighed.

"Let's go in."

Qin Haonan had already walked to the door at this time, he knocked on the door, and the red door was quickly opened from the inside.

Two men in Tang suits asked very respectfully, "Who are you?"

"This is an invitation letter. We are all invited here to discuss international competitions." Qin Haonan politely handed over the invitation letter.

"Oh, so it's you guys, please come in!"

Qin Haonan and his group were welcomed in respectfully.

This classical building occupies a very large area, and two staff members hurriedly arranged a vehicle for them to take everyone to their destination.

There are still many regulations here. The cars that Qin Haonan and the others drove can only be parked in the parking lot outside, and they cannot drive in the research center at all.

The scenery along this road is very beautiful, rockery, lake, bamboo forest, garden...

Qin Haonan and the others just browsed in the car, just like visiting a park.After a while, the car finally arrived at its destination, which is the lobby of the research center.

Staff guide them to wait in the lobby.

The luxuriously decorated lobby is covered with red carpets.At this time, many people had already arrived in the hall. As soon as Qin Haonan and others arrived, everyone's eyes were fixed on them.

At this time, a young man walked over quickly. He had clean short hair and a neat suit, and he looked very familiar.

"Life is like a dream, enchanting, Charlotte, you are here!" The young man ran up to say hello, this was their first official meeting.

"Are you a brick who ran away?" Qin Haonan immediately responded.

"It's him, his real name is Cai Liangtian." Yao Ruoxi and the other party had met each other long ago in reality, so they took the initiative to introduce.

"Elder Sister Enchanting, you should have told them in advance." Brick said in a hurry.

"Hey, don't call me sister, don't be so close." Yao Ruoxi hastily joked.

"Damn, I don't even have a chance to pursue you now, I can't even call out my sister!" The rampage brick continued to joke, "I am very sad when you are like this, 55..."

Qin Haonan coughed appropriately, signaling that the runaway brick should not go too far.

It was very lively today, Qin Haonan hadn't chatted with the violent brick, but Long Xingtian came over with Immortal Di.

As a result, everyone in the hall focused their attention on this place.

"Brother Long, you guys came so early!" Qin Haonan greeted him proactively.

There is not much difference between Long Xingtian in the display and the game. He was also very happy to see Qin Haonan, and shook hands: "This is the first time we have met in real life, haha, Brother Floating Life as a Dream. You will help take care of it now." That’s pretty good, look, you’ve pulled all the enchanting and berserk bricks over.”

"Long Xingtian Tianxia has been booming recently, Brother Long's governance is amazing!" Qin Haonan did not forget to praise the other party.

"Okay, don't be polite between us. Let me tell you, it seems that an important task will be sent to us today. It seems to be related to the national equipment, do you know?" Long Xingtian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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