game master

Chapter 525 - Reality Meeting

Chapter 525 - Reality Meeting
"Oh, Brother Long is so well informed!" Qin Haonan laughed.

Several people exchanged pleasantries, and the following time, more and more people in the hall.

Qin Haonan saw many of the top 100 masters in the "Century" comprehensive combat power list, and some of them were gang leaders and deputy gang leaders of big gangs.

After a while, Qin Haonan saw a team in military uniforms walking in from the gate.After they came in, they lined up neatly in the hall, followed by Uncle Yang and other "Century" R&D personnel, who also entered one after another.

Later, investors from some large groups came in, and Ouyang Tianyu, the president of Shenyuan Group, which is in charge of game operation, also came to the scene.

Today's party looked very lively, Qin Haonan and other players were arranged to sit in the hall by the staff.

There were no media reporters at this gathering, and it seemed that they were not going to make it public.

President Ouyang sat on the seat, held the microphone, and spoke first: "Everyone be quiet, I think all the game masters here are very curious, and want to know what is the reason for inviting everyone to gather here today?"

"You have also seen that everyone here is basically the top 100 masters on the "Century" comprehensive battle list, or the gang leader and deputy gang leader of the big gang. I think when everyone sees the invitation letter, they are also Think, isn't it just an international competition in the "Century" game? Does it need to be so mobilizing?"

The players sitting under the stage were silent.

President Ouyang paused, and continued: "That's right, this competition is so important. The "Century" online game is an international online game developed with the participation of international high-level executives. This competition is related to the glory of the country."

For a while, the players in the audience were a little emotional.

Because Qin Haonan already knew the international influence of the "Century" online game, and that it would become a platform for various countries to compete for strength, he was very calm at this time.But other players, it was the first time they heard about it, and of course their emotions were higher.

No one expected that "Century", which was originally just an online game in everyone's mind, would become a platform for international competition.

In the following time, President Ouyang told everyone a lot about the international role of "Century".When it was said that this game was a game to win glory for the country, the players in the audience suddenly felt a great sense of honor and mission.

Then Old Man Yang, who should be called Professor Yang at this time, briefly introduced the positioning of the online game "Century" by the R&D personnel from various countries during the game development.

Then President Ouyang began to talk about the main purpose of this reality meeting: "This time, organizing all the game masters to come to the meeting is to prepare for this international competition. When the competition officially starts, I hope that there will be no internal fighting in the country. In other words, stop fighting gang battles. We should work together to increase the level of players and rapidly develop major gangs. Those village chiefs and town chiefs who have villages and towns should find ways to upgrade them to cities as soon as possible."

"Once the national war starts, we need to be strong enough to deal with foreign players." President Ouyang continued, "Of course, in the first two games of the "Century International Tournament", individual battles and gang battles will only be played. Everyone needs to operate in the game warehouse at home. But the national team battle later requires the participating players to gather in one place and operate the game on the spot.”

As soon as I said this, the audience was shocked, I didn't expect the game to be so official.

"As for the official contestants of the national team competition, we tentatively decide to invite you today. The next two months will be an observation period. When the individual competition officially starts, we will select the players who will officially participate in the competition. Also That is to say, in the next two months or so, players who want to participate in the competition must improve their level and overall combat power to a higher level, and only the strongest in the country can enter the competition stage."

As soon as the words fell, there was continuous applause from the audience.

President Ouyang talked about the rules of the game again, and finally assigned an important task to everyone, which was to collect national weapons.During the national war, the collection of national weapons is an important plus point.

So far, 14 pieces of China's national equipment have been found by players.But such a number is far from enough. President Ouyang hopes that everyone can collect all the national weapons when the national war begins.

Not only that, President Ouyang also gave a gift bag to every player who came to this reality meeting today.This is an exchange code, and it is said that you can get a big gift package with this number in the game.

It seems that as the operating organization of the "Century" game in China, Shenyuan Group also wants to contribute to improving the overall strength of the players before the international competition.

This real-life meeting only took 2 hours to end, and after that, the players finally met in real life.Keep in touch with each other if you have a good relationship.

Long Xingtian and Qin Haonan also sat down and had a good talk about cooperation. The two top-ranked gangs in China formed an alliance for the first time.

The two gangs will stop all malicious competition in the near future, such as bidding between shops.

Of course, Long Zhan Tianxia and Mengran Jiangshan have always been friendly, after all, there has never been a gang war between the two gangs.


Just when the actual meeting was over and Qin Haonan and others were about to go back, a staff member sent a message asking Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi to gather in the conference room at the back of the hall.

"Ruomeng, it should be my uncle." Yao Ruoxi seemed to have guessed something.

"Ruoxi, do you know something?" Qin Haonan asked Yao Ruoxi beside him as he followed the staff to the conference room.

Yao Ruoxi smiled and said, "I don't know the details, but I think Uncle must have something important to discuss with you. Because Uncle appreciated your game talent a long time ago!"

Sure enough, when he walked into the meeting room, Qin Haonan saw President Ouyang at a glance.

Ouyang Tianyu was the only one in the huge conference room.When he saw Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi coming in, his face was full of smiles, and he quickly motioned for them to sit down and talk.

"Xiao Qin, you kid, the last time we met, I didn't expect that you would abduct my little Ruoxi." Ouyang Tianyu also didn't see him, and got in touch with Qin Haonan as soon as he came up.

"Uncle, you're so annoying. That's why you called us here?" Yao Ruoxi's tone was a bit coquettish, she was just a little girl in front of Ouyang Tianyu.

Ouyang Tianyu laughed loudly: "Why, am I wrong?"

"President Ouyang, you didn't call us here to talk about this, but to talk about the international competition?" Qin Haonan got to the point.

Ouyang Tianyu nodded, and said casually: "Okay, you don't need to call me the president anymore, just call me Uncle Ouyang. I also know about your relationship with Ruoxi, and I have no objection here. I want you to come over today , Two things, one is a family matter, and the other is indeed an international competition."

"Uncle Ouyang, please tell me." Qin Haonan said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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