game master

Chapter 526 - The last super artifact

Chapter 526 - The Last Super Artifact
Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi found a place to sit down at this time, and they were face to face with Ouyang Tianyu.

The staff came in to refill two cups of tea and then went out.

Ouyang Tianyu cleared his throat, and said seriously: "First thing, Ruoxi, your father came to me a few days ago, and he wants to see Xiao Qin later. I will tell you this in advance, your father's concern for you and Xiao Qin Things are very unsupportive, and you may find trouble later, so prepare yourself.”

"I've already moved out of the house. Besides, my father has cut off all my family support. Why is he still like this?" Yao Ruoxi felt helpless when she heard that, but it was her own father after all, and Yao Ruoxi couldn't take drastic measures.

"Hmph, your father is very angry, but my sister has been helping you in the middle. It's good for you, and you ran to the United States with Xiaoqin. I heard that your fiancé's gang will be messed up." Ouyang Tianyu said, "You Father is mainly angry about this matter, originally the two big consortia were planning to cooperate, but now it has completely messed up."

"Uncle Ouyang, don't blame Ruoxi for this matter. The other party was the one who found trouble first, and we fought hard. Besides, I was the one who beat up the other party, and it has nothing to do with Ruoxi." Qin Haonan hurriedly interjected.

"I generally know about this, and I actually think that kid should be beaten up, who made their gang so arrogant?" Ouyang Tianyu said with a smile, "But Ruoxi's father, who is also my brother-in-law, is so angry that he can't listen to it now."

"Uncle, I won't give in on this matter anyway. Their American gang is clearly bullying us, Meng Ran Jiangshan, what is wrong with our legitimate defense? If we make concessions on this matter, their gang will think that our Chinese gang is easy to bully What!" Yao Ruoxi said firmly.

Qin Haonan also nodded in agreement: "When the international war comes, I will give them a hard lesson."

"Okay, I know you two are good. I don't care about this matter, I just remind you, if your brother-in-law asks you to meet, you two should be careful." Ouyang Tianyu said, "The next thing is the international battle. Work hard on your own in gang battles, and Xiao Qin, I hope you can lead the team when it comes to national team battles."

"I'm the team leader? Uncle Ouyang, you have already decided on the players?" Qin Haonan was a little surprised.

Ouyang Tianyu said calmly: "It's basically decided, but it can only be officially decided after the end of the personal battle. After all, there are still more than 2 months, and there may be a lot of variables in these 2 months. Xiaoqin, you and Ruoxi practice hard , I hope you can always maintain this lead."

"Uncle Ouyang, don't worry, we will work hard."

"Uncle, don't worry."

"Well, what I told you today is to let you know first. If you have any good game players, you can also recommend them to me. This competition is of great importance, and we must not take it lightly." Ouyang Tianyu said seriously, " Xiao Qin, I checked the data recently, is your super artifact suit just short of the last one?"

"Yes, if it can be assembled together, it may be very powerful. But I heard that the last piece of equipment is no longer in the Chinese area, and may be in the British area." Qin Haonan said hastily.

Ouyang Tianyu pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, I'll make a note of this. You can get the redemption code you received today in an hour. I'll ask the background to change it a little and fill in an item for you."

"Uncle, what treasure are you going to give Ruomeng?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I've been asked so many questions, I'll know when I get it. Alright, alright, I'll talk about this today, but the thing I gave you must be kept secret, don't talk nonsense when you go out!" Ouyang Tianyu said solemnly, and then stand up.

"Oh, thank you, Uncle Ouyang." Qin Haonan was very polite.

"Okay, let's go back, I have to go to work quickly. The international war is getting closer, and I have a lot of work to do here. Xiao Qin, you have to take good care of Ruoxi during this time!"

"Uncle Ouyang, don't worry, I will treat Ruoxi better than myself." Qin Haonan promised.

"Uncle, don't worry, Ruomengren is fine." Yao Ruoxi smiled.

The conversation this time was very brief, Ouyang Tianyu left in a hurry after finishing the conversation.Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi went to the hall to meet Charlotte and Brick, and the group drove back to the villa.

The runaway brick was supposed to go home, but somehow he changed his mind and insisted on going to live with Qin Haonan tonight, saying that he was a member of the gang, and everyone contacted him.

How can I say that the runaway brick is also the vice-leader of the gang and an important investor, so it is normal to go to the villa to have a look.Who would have thought that not long after returning to the villa, Brick who ran away arranged for his family to bring his game cabin, and insisted that he would live here to practice leveling and play games with everyone.

Qin Haonan agreed without thinking too much. It would be good for several cadres of Mengran Jiangshan to live together, and it would be more convenient to discuss something later.

After arranging various matters in the studio, Qin Haonan checked the time, and it was already a long time late for the hour Ouyang Tianyu said.

Only then did Qin Haonan log in to the game.

It's almost evening, and the game is the scene of the setting sun, and the whole sky is glowing red with the sun that is about to set.Qin Haonan opened the prize at this time, and found a newly added exchange option.

After entering the redemption code, Qin Haonan immediately received a big gift package.


Qin Haonan ate the Great Experience Pill, and immediately gained 10 experience points.But for Qin Haonan at level 247, it's not enough to upgrade immediately.

Now Qin Haonan is most concerned about the two teleportation talismans. After carefully reading the introduction, he found that these two teleportation talismans are actually transnational teleportation.

[Teleportation Talisman] Special items, rare, can be teleported across borders.Users can lead their own team and teleport to any country through teleportation symbols, but the specific coordinates abroad are arbitrary.

Qin Haonan was confused when he saw it, what does it mean that the specific coordinates are random?

Yao Ruoxi was also online at this time, and when she ran to Qin Haonan's side, she saw him staring at the inventory in a daze, so she couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

"If Meng, what are you doing, so lost in thought?"

"Ruoxi, take a look at this [Teleportation Talisman]." Qin Haonan asked Yao Ruoxi to look at it too.

"That's easy to say, two [Teleportation Talismans], uncle must have asked us to teleport one over and one back. Don't we know if we try it?" Yao Ruoxi laughed.

Qin Haonan nodded: "You're right, why don't we give it a try. I'll find all the people first, and then set off after forming a team."

"Okay, that's it."

When things settled down, Qin Haonan began to consider the candidates for this team.The introduction is marked as a team, so there are only 20 people at most, and it is definitely not possible to form a team.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Haonan immediately contacted Shiji from the friend column just to be on the safe side.

I don't know if Shi Shi is willing to help at this time. If Shi Shi is willing to go, it will save a lot of trouble.Maybe she can tell Qin Haonan the exact location of the last super artifact.If the century does not go, it is really a needle in a haystack.

Unexpectedly, after contacting Shiji, Shiji actually sent a reply.

After connecting to the communication, the voice of the century sounded over there: "Life is like a dream, you brought so many team members there this time, it's not good for me to show up?"

"It's okay, they don't know you, just turn into a trumpet with a level of more than 200 and come here." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"No need for trumpet, I will go to find you right away. I will stay in your necklace space and not show up. If you have anything to ask me, just ask me." Century replied.

"That's fine, then it's settled." Qin Haonan just hung up the communication, who would have thought that the century would really show up within a minute.

Fortunately, the level of the century is hidden, otherwise the players in the ghost city must be confused.

A pink-haired beauty with a full level of 1000, just blatantly showing off on the main road.

(End of this chapter)

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