game master

Chapter 527 - Going to England

Chapter 527 - Going to England

As soon as the century appeared, Qin Haonan couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect her to run to the main city where the players gathered like this.

"Life is like a dream, are you going to England? All right, I'll stay in your necklace and I won't cause you any trouble." Century didn't talk nonsense, he had already penetrated into the space of Qin Haonan's necklace while speaking.

Century, who was staying in the space of the necklace, did not forget to transmit the voice and said: "Okay, no one will find me this way, you can go about your business with peace of mind. If you have anything to do, you can transmit it to me at any time, and I will find it for you when you arrive in England." The last piece of equipment."

"OK, then it's settled." Qin Haonan smiled, and with the promise of the century, Qin Haonan was relieved.

In the following time, Qin Haonan contacted some friends in the guild, and in a short while formed a strong team.

Qin Haonan led the team, Yao Ruoxi was the vice-captain, Xia Luo, Xiaomeng Liunian, Emperor Nanchen, Shisan, Stranger in the Lane, Never Look Back, Fan Luotian, I'm a Fool, Hong Ri, Kun Shao, I laugh when I see you , Qinglian Layman, Sunset Autumn Breeze, Blooming Flowers Like Water, Chenxi and other 20 players.

The members of the team this time are basically the old gang members of Mengran Jiangshan.

Thirteen, Fan Luotian, I'm a Fool, and Flourishing Flowers are all gang cadres who have just been promoted to elders recently.

Hou Yue, Nuomi Tangtang, and Brick of Runaway have all helped manage the gang recently, but this time the UK will not be able to come.So Qin Haonan used a lot of old gang members who had not cooperated much before.

A team of 20 people gathered at the west gate of the Magic Spirit City. Qin Haonan briefly told everyone the purpose of the trip, and everyone expressed that they were looking forward to this foreign adventure.

Qin Haonan deliberately took the team farther away from the city gate, mainly because it is better to keep a low profile when teleporting abroad.

Tearing off the prepared [Teleportation Talisman], a huge colorful portal appeared in front of everyone.This transnational portal is unusual, the size of the gate is more than three times that of a normal portal, and the light around the gate is shining brightly.

"Let's hurry up and enter the portal." Qin Haonan said, and stepped into the portal first.

The other team members followed Qin Haonan and walked in in an orderly manner.

When Qin Haonan walked out of the portal, the scenery in front of him was completely different from that in China.

At this time, a group of people stood on a piece of green grass, looking around a forest.The scenery of this forest is different from the previous forests, because the trees here grow surprisingly tall.

The towering giant tree is the best description here.

"Where is this place? The trees are so tall, and there is probably no light in places where the trees are dense." Fan Luotian looked up at the sky and couldn't help admiring.

Qin Haonan looked around, turned on the translation system, opened the big map, and found that this is the 260-300 level training area "Mushuren Forest".

No wonder there isn't a single player here, this level is scary enough.

Think about the current average level in China, which is only level 200.The level of players in the British region should not be much different from that in the Chinese region. Naturally, no one cares about this kind of leveling area that is approaching level 300.

"Damn, level 260-300, this is too frighteningly scary." Chen Xi muttered, "Leader, let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

"Okay, let me look at the map later." Qin Haonan studied the map while talking.

At this time, Shiji who was staying in the space of the necklace suddenly said through a voice transmission: "Life is like a dream, don't leave here yet. This forest is bred with powerful energy, and I feel a breath of nature."

"Shiji, can I get rid of you speaking human language?" Qin Haonan looked confused.

"I speak human language, and it's still Chinese."

"I don't understand what you said so implicitly." Qin Haonan was also helpless.

Century smiled, and then said seriously: "Okay, let me tell you. Fighting monsters in this forest gives you very high experience points. You are already level 247, and it is not bad to practice here."

"It's okay for me to leapfrog monsters, but other players are only at level 200, so it's a bit difficult to practice like this?" Qin Haonan said.

"It doesn't take much effort, you can just take them. Besides, I do feel a breath of nature here. Let me point you in a direction. If you keep walking along the east side, you should be able to find the source of this breath." Century go on.

"The breath of nature? What is it?" Qin Haonan was a little curious.

"It's the power of the goddess of nature, the beast-level boss of the British region." Century said seriously.

"Dizzy, beast-level boss? Am I going to die?" Qin Haonan was depressed, "No, no, let's practice leveling and leave as soon as possible."

"Can't you listen to me once?" Century Yi was not happy when he heard it, "When did I lie to you, go and have a look, there is absolutely no problem. Even if she is really a goddess of nature, it is estimated that she has been lowered for various reasons. , otherwise the breath wouldn't be so weak."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you." Qin Haonan agreed, and then turned his head to look at his team.

Everyone in the team is studying the map, and they are discussing which side is the shortest way to get out of the Treeman Forest.

Who would have thought that Qin Haonan would open his mouth suddenly and change the original route. "I did some research just now, and I think it's good to level up here. After all, it's a treasured place for leveling without players robbing it, and the level is relatively high."

"Master, don't be kidding me. I just reached level 200. This is the leveling zone for level 260-300. I'm 60 levels behind the mobs." Molu Yuxiang said speechlessly.

"It's okay, you all tore up a multi-experience talisman, and it's quite fast to get experience and upgrade by leapfrogging." Qin Haonan said as he tore off a 5-times experience talisman first.

Yao Ruoxi always listened to Qin Haonan in this situation. The team members saw that the captain and vice-captain insisted, so they had no choice but to follow them to practice here.

Yao Ruoxi is level 229, it is still a bit difficult to level up on this map.

Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts, lined up and walked at the front.Follow the guide from a century ago and head towards the east of the forest.

However, the mobs in this forest of wood tree people are all "wood tree people" who walk slowly and are afraid of fire.Although high level, they do not actively attack.Just this point made the people in the first team breathe a sigh of relief.

Xuanwu Luoyan led the way. Since Luoyan joined the team of contracted beasts, Qin Haonan was more assured of fighting monsters at the next level.Luo Yan's defense is extremely high, even mobs and small bosses of the same level can't break her defense.

Luo Yan has the skill of attracting monsters, which can draw all the hatred of the mobs to herself.Coupled with her high defense, basically with her around, no one in the team will lose blood.

Qin Haonan often arranges Linglong behind Luo Yan to heal her blood full-time.In this way, the whole team can output with all their strength, without any worries.

This time, Qin Haonan adopted this tactic again in the Mushuren Forest to leapfrog monsters.

Luo Yan was the top monster in front, and Linglong was in charge of Luo Yan's health throughout the entire process.The other contracted beasts output all their firepower, with Qin Haonan assisting.The other players in the team can basically get experience points even if they lie down.

(End of this chapter)

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