game master

Chapter 528 - The Dream

Chapter 528 - The Dream

A group of people fought in this way, and their speed was much faster than imagined.

Qin Haonan was already level 250 at this time, and the team members behind him had also been upgraded.Gradually, everyone found that this place is a treasure for leveling, and everyone is not in a hurry to move forward.

According to Shiji, there is a breath of nature in the depths of this "forest of wood and tree people".Qin Haonan originally only wanted to find there quickly, and leave this high-level area as soon as possible after he was done.

But at this time, after fighting for a long time and gaining a lot of experience points, Qin Haonan was not in a hurry to leave after tasting the sweetness.

Avoiding bosses along the way, Qin Haonan led the team to only fight mobs.Even so, after 3 hours, a group of people still walked to the location indicated by the century.

"Shiji, where is the breath of nature you mentioned?" Qin Haonan asked silently in his heart.

"Don't worry, I just discovered that this breath can move, but it's just around here." Century said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll look for it." Qin Haonan said, "But are you sure there's no danger? If it's a beast or something, I'm really not going to die there."

"Don't worry, no." Century affirmed.

Now that the century has said so, Qin Haonan led the team to search around while leveling.

"Ruomeng, are you looking for something?" Yao Ruoxi noticed Qin Haonan's strangeness, so she asked.

Qin Haonan had no choice but to reply, "No, I'm just practicing leveling to see if there is any equipment I'm looking for nearby, but judging from the current situation, it seems that there is none."

"It's okay if you don't have one. Let's practice level here for a while, and then go to other places to look for it." Yao Ruoxi comforted.

At this moment, Charlotte suddenly patted Qin Haonan on the shoulder: "Brother Ruomeng, why did I hear the sound from the forest? If I guessed correctly, there should be players leveling nearby."

"No way? The players in the UK area are so powerful, have they all leveled up in the level 300 leveling area?" From Fan Luotian's tone of voice, he could feel full of doubts.

"Hey, I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, let's go and have a look." Charlotte was very determined that she heard the voice.

"Okay, don't argue, just go and have a look." Qin Haonan responded, and led the team to the direction Charlotte pointed.

Bypassing several big trees, the sound became clearer and clearer.

Everyone can now be sure that what Charlotte has heard is true.In the forest in front of him, there are really other players fighting monsters and leveling up.

Walking out from behind the tree, the first thing Qin Haonan saw was a girl with long hair waving a staff in her hand.Looking at the girl's appearance, she turned out to be an Asian.

The ID of the girl in front of her is "Dream Chuxia". At this moment, she is commanding a humanoid contracted beast, fighting fiercely with mobs.Meng Chuxia is not alone, beside her is an Asian male player whose ID is "Leng Yue Shen Ren Qing" to kill monsters together.

Seeing them, Qin Haonan was even a little curious. These two players, like Qin Haonan's team, leapfrogged to kill monsters and level up in this high-level leveling area.

"Meng Chuxia" and "Leng Yueshenren" also sensed that there was someone behind them at this time, and hurriedly turned around after killing the last mob, and were obviously relieved when they saw Qin Haonan and others.

"Life is like a dream, it's here, this girl's contract beast is the 'daughter of the Goddess of Nature'. No wonder I feel this breath is so familiar, haha..." Shi Shi suddenly sent a sound transmission to Qin Haonan.

"Eh...then why am I here? To challenge others?" Qin Haonan looked depressed.

"I'm sorry for making a mistake. I thought it was a wounded beast, or a baby beast, and I was thinking about making a contract with you. But now it seems that it has an owner... Haha... Mistake, mistake..." Century Embarrassed laugh a few times.

Qin Haonan was also speechless, looking at "Meng Chuxia" and "Leng Yueshenren" curiously at them.

"You guys are also Asian players? What a coincidence, we met in this high-level forest." Meng Chuxia was obviously quite friendly.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, we are Chinese players, here to level up." Yao Ruoxi greeted with a smile.

"Huh? A Chinese player?" Meng Chuxia's eyes widened at this time, "Leng Yue and I are also Chinese players who love each other. We are studying in the UK, so the account is registered in the UK."

"Ruomeng, I found that we can always find our compatriots abroad." Yao Ruoxi was obviously very happy at this time, and joked with Qin Haonan.

"It's quite a coincidence." Qin Haonan stroked his hair, "It's a pleasure to meet my Chinese compatriots in the UK."

"Which gang do you belong to? It seems that you are practicing collectively." Leng Yue asked hurriedly, "We have been playing in the British area for so long, why haven't we met you?"

"Uh... how to explain..." Qin Haonan was hesitating whether to tell the truth.

"I'm curious about you guys, how many levels are you, and you're actually fighting level 270 mobs in this area?" Charlotte interrupted hastily.

"Both of us are at level 240, which is a high level in the UK. Your level is not low, right? I didn't see you on the level ranking list." Meng Chuxia asked.

"Wow...the level in the UK is so high?" Charlotte was shocked, and showed his own level to the other party while speaking.

"Leng Yueshenqing and I are both top 10 players on the ranking list. I am ranked second and he is ranked fourth." Meng Chuxia laughed, "You guys are not from China, are you? I heard that Someone has opened a transnational teleportation array in the UK, and many British players have sent it abroad to play."

"You are so good, you can guess right, we are from China." Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide it when he heard it.

"China? I really want to go too. I think leveling in the motherland is the best." Meng Chuxia began to sigh as she spoke.

Qin Haonan chatted with the other party for a while before he realized that Meng Chuxia's occupation is the hidden occupation "Natural Dream".Those who belong to the category of mages and priests are good at magic attacks and recovery skills.

And her contract beast "Xiaomeng" is the daughter of the Goddess of Nature.

Meng Chuxia's partner Leng Yueshenqing's profession is Night Shadow Demon, which belongs to the assassination-type profession.

In the UK, they have always been popular in the rating list, but Chinese players are not easy to play games in the UK, and they have established a small gang by themselves.

Recently, because several big gangs united to compete for territory, they had no choice but to go to such a remote place to practice leveling.

Fortunately, Meng Chuxia's contracted beasts are very powerful, otherwise they would not be able to go beyond level 240 to fight monsters in the "Mu Shuren Forest" at level 30.

Maybe it's all because of the Chinese players, Meng Chuxia's Leng Yue told Qin Haonan a lot about the China region, and they said that as soon as the border is opened, they are ready to go back to the China region to play.

Qin Haonan asked them a lot more, and only then did he know that the level of the players in the UK region has risen very fast recently.

Now No.1 on the level list has reached level 242, although this level is still far from Qin Haonan's level 250.However, Qin Haonan's family dominates the China region, and his level has dropped a lot since No.2 Yao Ruoxi.

The players in the British region are of the highest level, which made Qin Haonan suddenly realize that the Chinese region is lagging behind.

After Meng Chuxia learned of the purpose of Qin Haonan's team, she expressed her willingness to help them.

(End of this chapter)

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