game master

Chapter 600 - The Land of Despair

Chapter 600 - The Land of Despair

Qin Haonan briefly told everyone what the century discovered just now, and Long Xingtian and others immediately understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Floating like a dream, this is a big deal. We try to keep a distance when you are fighting. We must go to this desperate place to find out. If there is really information about the dark age materialization experiment here, it will also be helpful for us to rescue everyone. .” Long Xingtian took the lead and explained everyone’s opinions.

In the dark underground labyrinth, a group of people gathered together to discuss seriously.

"Okay, then we will act together." Qin Haonan finally made a decision, "Everyone follow me closely and be careful."

Century is at the forefront, followed by Qin Haonan, Xue Mei, Erbai and others.Yao Ruoxi, Long Xingtian and others walked behind, while Linglong, Daji, Mu Qing and other contracted beasts protected everyone at the rear.

In this way, Qin Haonan's team arrived at the lowest level of the Land of Despair without incident.The entire land of despair has a total of nine floors, and the strength of the mobs will increase with each next floor.

Qin Haonan couldn't help but lamented that his contracted beast was powerful, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to reach the ninth floor with such a large group of people.

At this time, what stood in front of everyone was a huge stone gate.The height of the stone gate is about 10 meters high. Looking up, there are vivid runes everywhere.A powerful mysterious force leaked out from this door. Qin Haonan couldn't tell what it was, but he just felt a slight chill in his heart.

"There may be a powerful BOSS inside, but there may be traps, and there may even be a dark century inside. I suggest that Fushengruomen and I go ahead later, and you all follow slowly." Century also thought twice. , and finally told everyone seriously.

"Okay, we'll listen to your arrangements." Long Xingtian nodded.

"Okay, then let's go first." Qin Haonan said, and then opened the stone door.

A cold breath suddenly came from inside, and Qin Haonan couldn't help shivering.But what Qin Haonan didn't expect was that there was no boss inside the stone gate. Inside was a huge hall, and in the center of the hall was a huge altar.

The appearance of the altar is exactly the same as the two altars sent before.

On both sides of the altar, there are several huge black iron cages, and there are many players lying in the iron cages.Qin Haonan and Shi Shi walked a few steps inside, and then saw a huge stone pillar behind the altar.

On top of the stone pillar, a person was bound with a thick chain.

Oh no, not people.He is a twelve-winged angel with six pairs of wings.I saw that extremely beautiful blond angel covered in blood, hanging on the stone pillar in a state of embarrassment.But there were no magic lines on her face and body, which meant she hadn't been eroded by magic.

"This is..." Qin Haonan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"She is the main god of the United States—the God of Angels." Century said calmly, "I didn't expect Dark Age to imprison her here, so that's good, save a lot of time, we don't have to go to the 'City of Angels' found her."

1000-God of Angels (Super Beast)

After listening to Shi Yiyi, Qin Haonan checked the other party's attributes.As expected, it is really the super boss of the American region.

"It's safe inside, everyone come in." Qin Haonan sent a message to everyone outside the door, and Long Xingtian and Yao Ruoxi led everyone in.

Shi Shi looked around and repeatedly confirmed that there were no enemies here, and then activated the [Purification Divine Light] skill. The milky white light enveloped the originally dark secret room, and the controlled players woke up from the nightmare one after another.

But Qin Haonan, Long Xingtian and others found the key and released them all from the iron cage.

But this time the situation is different from before. The number of people imprisoned on this altar is six times that of before.

The players imprisoned here include those from the US, UK, France, Germany, Korea, Malaysia, and China...

"Let's make statistics, which region the players here belong to." Qin Haonan realized that there was a problem, so he immediately gave Erbai and the others an order.

Seeing that Qin Haonan was so concerned about this matter, Yao Ruoxi also ran to help in person.

After a while, the statistics here are over.When the result came out, everyone was quite surprised. The imprisoned players here spread all over the countries on the planet.If the territory of the country is large, the number of players here will be more, and vice versa.

Shi Shi stood aside, looking for clues, and was not in a hurry to rescue the main god of the American region, the "God of Angels".

"Life is like a dream, the altar here is probably the main altar, which contains extremely powerful energy. I want to stay here for a while, plus the two books you gave me before, I want to study here. "Century said seriously, "Hurry up and arrange for those players to go offline. They'd better never come to this place again."

"Okay, Shiji, what about the God of Angels? Just let her hang there?" Qin Haonan said as he looked up at the embarrassed angel on the stone pillar.

Shi Shi shook his head and said with a smile: "She's unconscious and probably won't be able to wake up for the time being. The most important thing is that I don't want to save her right now, so just let her hang there and wait until she wakes up."

"Oh, then I'll listen to you." Although Qin Haonan didn't understand Shi Shi's intentions, he thought that Shi Shi would never deceive him, so he acted according to her consciousness.

At this time, Long Xingtian had already explained the whole story to the group of players who had just been rescued. Everyone thought that the game was too scary, so they hurriedly went offline.

The huge hall became quiet again at this time.

After Long Xingtian, Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Di Xianren, Yao Ruoxi and others finished their work, they walked to Qin Haonan's side, and everyone was going to discuss some things.

Yao Ruoxi looked at the god of angels hanging on the stone pillar, and at the century that was circling around the altar, and then said leisurely: "Ruomeng, what should we do next? Several of us discussed it, and this secret room is quite big. , we want to look around and see if we can find any clues."

"Don't act yet, this is a high-risk area after all, and your level is very dangerous here." Qin Haonan said, looking at Shi Shi, then turned around and said, "Let's give Shi Shi some time to study first. You also After a busy day, you can return to the [Nine-story Trial Tower] first, and then go offline. I have a hunch that there should be an answer tomorrow."

"Okay, this matter is important, so we won't act rashly." Long Xingtian said seriously.

"Brother Ruomeng, call us anytime if you have anything to do." Charlotte greeted reluctantly, and then returned to the [Nine-story Trial Tower] first.

(End of this chapter)

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