game master

Chapter 601 - God of Angels

Chapter 601 - God of Angels
Everyone went back to the [Nine-story Trial Tower] and went offline, while Qin Haonan stood alone near the altar.

Century was still immersed in the study of the altar, Qin Haonan looked around, and at this moment, the god of angels who was tied to the stone pillar opened his eyes.

"Human... who are you?" The angel god's voice was nice, but it revealed a majestic aura. Even if she was seriously injured, it did not weaken her aura as the main god.

"I am living like a dream." Qin Haonan raised his head and said.

At this time, Shiji also put down his research and turned to look at the God of Angels.And the God of Angels also noticed Shiji at this moment, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face: "Are you the Lord God of Century?"

"Otherwise, who else but me?" Century said seriously.

Qin Haonan immediately discovered the subtle relationship between Shiji and the God of Angels, so he obediently kept his mouth shut.Shiji will never cheat himself, after all, they are now in a contractual relationship, and the grasshoppers on the same rope will prosper and lose each other, so what Shiji does should naturally be considered by Qin Haonan.

"Although you are no longer the Lord God, you were once the ruler of this world after all. Could you please help me, I am trapped here now... Really..." The God of Angels hesitated, and then asked for help.

Seeing that Shi Shi was not in a hurry, she took a few steps forward slowly, and said softly: "Oh, you are still proud of yourself, and you used to be unwilling to lower your proud head even to me, the Lord God. Save you It's not difficult, you answer my question first, and I will consider saving you."

"The main god of the century... please forgive me for my ignorance! Now the situation is urgent, the dark age has usurped the position of the main god, and wants to endanger the whole world. I wanted to fight her, but in the end..." the angel god said He lowered his head.

"You're okay, at least you got cold feet and went to Dark Age. Let me ask you, did Dark Age make any big moves in your area? How much do you know about these altars and her materialization experiments?" Century He straightened his face immediately, with a very serious expression.

The God of Angels sighed immediately, and said: "It's all my negligence. The dark age has set up three large formations here, two of which are in this 'Abyss Desert', and one is in the west of the 'Mo Luo Hedao'. I only recently found out that she plans to set up three large formations, two auxiliary formations, and one main formation in all areas, so as to activate the energy she collects...she wants to... oh... She wants to take the whole continent into another world."

"How do you know this?" Century continued to ask.

"After the dark age usurped the position of the main god, I have been sending my angels to investigate her. Although she is the main god of this world in name, her behavior is not acceptable to the angelic family. When she began to act on a large scale, endangering us When there was order in the American region, I chose to fight against it. Unfortunately, my skills are not as good as others... Sigh..." The God of Angels was a little annoyed as he said.

Shi Shi nodded: "Although you are noble, your three views are quite upright."

"Three Views?" The God of Angels was taken aback.

"Cough...cough... don't worry about this word, I learned it from humans recently." Century smiled awkwardly, "Avril, the god of angels, I choose to give you a choice, you make a contract with my master, We'll get you out."

"Master? Contract? Are you kidding me? I am the God of the United States, and I have a contract with humans?" But this human being called Floating Life Like a Dream?"

"Well, that's right." Century nodded calmly, "Avril, don't be so lofty, I knew before that you have a bad temper, and you have to suffer a lot. Even I have made a contract with Floating Life, what's so good about you Hypocritical. Let me tell you right now, in fact, the only way to save you from that bondage is the contract, you can choose for yourself."

"You don't need to talk about it, the God of the Century. Even if Avril, the God of Angels, dies, she will not make a contract with humans." The God of Angels replied coldly and decisively, and then turned his head aside.

Qin Haonan stood aside and didn't speak. He probably understood why Shi Shi was not enthusiastic about the God of Angels in the first place.I dare say this guy is too lofty, probably the god of angels, Avril Lavigne, contradicted her when she was the main god in the previous century!
However, Qin Haonan deduced that the reason why Century wanted to give Avril a blow was entirely to let her understand the current situation, so that Qin Haonan was willing to make a contract.

After all, if the [Lord God Contract] skill is fully coordinated, it will be easier to contract it.But if the opponent resists to the death, it will take a lot of trouble.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that more work is needed to make the God of Angels nod.

"Floating Life Ruomeng, don't worry about her, she has a very stubborn temper, just let her hang around there." Shi Shi saw that Qin Haonan was lobbying forward, and then shook his head at Qin Haonan.

"Well, in fact, this guy just can't figure out anything. I don't want to make a contract with her, contract a stubborn angel, and waste my pet pen, how precious this pet pen is!" Qin Haonan sighed helplessly, "Century Don't you think so many BOSS at the main god level want to cooperate with us, why don't we go."

Shi Shi didn't expect Qin Haonan to say that, he was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood that the other party wanted to use aggressive methods.Shi Shi smiled, and then said: "You make sense, let's go, their American district is about to fall, and the main god is still stubborn, not thinking about the overall situation.'s a pity, I guess the American district The main god is about to be replaced, and it will be troublesome to replace one controlled by the dark age."

"Century God, etc., are you saying that the American region is about to fall?" The God of Angels was shocked when he heard that.

"Yeah, you, the main god, are like this, how can the American region be better?" Shi Shi said with a sad face, and the frustration was extremely real.

Linglong suddenly walked out of the necklace space, and she saw everything that happened outside in the space.At this time, Linglong ran out to assist: "Master, let's go back quickly, the American area is not safe, let's go back to the Chinese area first."

"Wait, are you Nuwa, the former main god of China?" The God of Angels immediately recognized Linglong's identity and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, Avril, we have met before, and we have even fought." Linglong said casually, "But now I am a contracted beast, and I have also contracted with a human master."

"You also made a contract with Floating Life Ruomeng? He is an ordinary human being, what virtue and ability can he have?" The God of Angels was very puzzled.

"My master is amazing. There are so many main gods queuing up to make a contract with the master. We are not surprised. But you, think about what to do first. You can't live without a main god in the United States!" Linglong said. With a sad expression, "Avril Lavigne, this is an extraordinary time, and we must do extraordinary things!"

"In extraordinary times, extraordinary things must be done..." the God of Angels muttered to himself, repeating these words over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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