game master

Chapter 602 - Contract, Lord God

Chapter 602 - Contract, Lord God
The God of Angels was caught in a battle between heaven and man at this time, she hesitated, but seeing that Shi Shi and them were about to leave, she finally gritted her teeth and hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute..."

"What, you changed your mind?" Century asked calmly.

The God of Angels paused for a moment, then nodded slowly: "I agreed, for the sake of the overall situation, let's make a contract. But I have a problem, I am bound now, and it is impossible to actively activate the contract formation. This human Is there a way to make a contract with the main god-level BOSS?"

"Yes, I have the [Lord God's Contract] skill." Qin Haonan said seriously.

This time, the god of angels was surprised again. She widened her beautiful blue eyes and said in shock: "Beast Tamer, how can you master the skill of Beast God? Your profession is...not right..."

"My profession is Master of Gods and Demons. I inherited it from my senior Beastmaster God not long ago. The upgraded version of Beastmaster God profession is a rare third-rank profession." Qin Haonan scratched his head embarrassingly while speaking.

"So, haha, you are actually his descendant. Haha...God help me, if it's really the third turn of the beast master profession, your limit is 1200, and the master god of the century will be able to return to its full state by then, we will wait The Lord God can also display his full strength. I understand, I understand everything... The Lord God of the Century, do you want this human to defeat the Dark Age?" The God of Angels suddenly realized.

Shi Shi nodded and said seriously: "Yes, Avril, you are not confused."

"Then let me also wish you a helping hand." The God of Angels laughed loudly, "Life is like a dream, why are you still standing there, time is precious, hurry up and make a contract!"

"Okay, Lord God." Qin Haonan was overjoyed, then ran over and used the [Lord God Contract] skill at the God of Angels.Rays of light were thrown over, trying again and again.

"Ding dong~ The player's life is like a dream, the contract failed."

"Ding dong~ The player's life is like a dream, the contract failed."


"Ding dong~ Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have successfully contracted with Avril, the god of angels."

The iron chain that originally trapped the God of Angels gradually lost its effect.Because of the light of the contract, Avril Lavigne's originally scarred body recovered immediately.The HP is full, but the level has dropped to 965, which is Qin Haonan's level at this time.

Qin Haonan opened the pet bar, and obviously saw an extra contracted beast.This is already the 15th contract beast, and there are still five spaces left, and Qin Haonan's pet column will be full.

Pet: [Super Beast] Avril Lavigne (God of Angels)
Level: 965


Qin Haonan quickly glanced at Avril's attributes and skills, and couldn't help being shocked.This main god is different, Avril Lavigne, like Shiji and Linglong, belong to the omnipotent type.

As the god of angels, Avril Lavigne has powerful attributes.There are advanced skills for melee combat, group attack has powerful magic for group attack, can assist in blessing, can heal wounds and restore blood, and the most important thing is the summoning skills such as [Angel Summoning].Because Avril has wings and can fly quickly in the sky, her aerial combat ability is also very strong.

In this way, Qin Haonan's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

"Life is like a dream, I remember that you humans need to sleep and rest, and it's quite late today, you go offline to rest." Century glanced at the time in the game, and then said seriously, "I'm here with them to study Get off the altar and books, and I will give you an answer when you go online tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll go offline first." Qin Haonan knew that Shiji wanted to concentrate on research, so he nodded in response.

Looking at the time, it is already 11:58 in the evening. I have been working hard to upgrade in the game for the past few days. To be honest, I haven't had a good rest these days.Now that the century has said so, Qin Haonan decided to take a rest today.

Maybe wait until tomorrow, everything will have the answer.


When Qin Haonan logged into the game the next day, he found that Yao Ruoxi, Long Xingtian and others had already leveled up in the tower.

What happened yesterday seemed to have touched everyone a lot. Everyone felt that their level was too low, and many things were done out of will.Yao Ruoxi took the lead to reach level 801, while Long Xingtian, Di Xianren, Hou Yue, Xia Luo and others basically reached level 796 or above. Everyone's progress is similar.

Everyone was very anxious. When they saw Qin Haonan online, they clamored to go to the land of despair with Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide anything from them, so he led everyone out of the [Nine-story Trial Tower] and came to the previous secret room.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw Shiji, Linglong, Avril, Ai Li, Erbai and other contracted beasts all gathered around the altar. They seemed to have made a major discovery, and everyone was discussing intensely.

"Master, you are here." Feimeng was very happy to see Qin Haonan coming. She flapped her wings and said excitedly, "Come here, everyone, we have found the old lair of the Dark Age. Not only that, but the plan of the Dark Age is also studied by the God of the Century. Probably out."

When Qin Haonan was overjoyed, he couldn't help but quicken his pace.When he rushed up to the altar, he saw Shi Shi smiling at him.

"Life is like a dream, you guys came just in time. Our research has yielded results. The lair of the dark age is in a hidden space at the junction of China and the United States. In your words, it is a hidden copy called 'World' The end of her. It's a pity that your level is not enough, otherwise we can rush to destroy her now..." Century said seriously.

"Century Lord God, what should we do then? Just upgrade?" Charlotte was a little anxious when she heard that.

"Then how many levels do we have to reach to go to that dungeon?" Long Xingtian couldn't help asking, "Let's rush back to level up immediately, tell us the approximate level, and I will practice as soon as possible even if I don't sleep."

"If it's just a matter of rank, then it's better to talk about it." Immortal Di frowned and thought.

Century smiled, and then motioned for everyone to be quiet.She cleared her throat and said, "I know how you feel, but there is no need to rush this matter. We studied it for a long time last night, and I have also deduced the theory of the dark age's materialization experiment."

"Even you have figured out the physical experiment, so our operation will be much smoother." Qin Haonan said happily.

"Well, after the research understands this, we can deduce what Dark Age is doing now. Knowing her general itinerary, we can better arrange the next counterattack plan." Century said, "Now I hope everyone will fully upgrade , to reach the full level of 1000 as soon as possible. The Dark Age is still in the process of preparation, I guess it will take 3 months at the earliest to collect all the energy and activate the power of the altar."

"So we have to reach level 3 within 1000 months, and then clear the 'World's End Dungeon'?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

Century nodded, and then smiled: "Yes, it can be understood in this way. I have listed some plans for everyone. You 20 people can't just stay in the [Nine-story Trial Tower] in the near future. After all, I need you to grow up. It is not only the level, but also the overall combat power, combat skills, team cooperation, etc. So in the next time, in addition to the leveling in the tower, the 20 of you have to form a team and get to know each other."

"That's right, the 'End of the World Dungeon' only allows a maximum of 20 people to enter in a team, and you are our hope." Linglong said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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