game master

Chapter 603 - Dragon Valley

Chapter 603 - Dragon Valley (1)

"I discussed with Avril, you are now leveling in the tower in the morning. Floating Life Ruomeng will go to the British area with me, and we will call you out when we get there." Century said, "There is a map, I think 20 of you can Use it to practice your hands first, it is very suitable for you now."

"Okay, since that's the case, then we don't waste time anymore. Remember to call us when you arrive at the destination, and go to leveling, brothers!" Long Xingtian never procrastinated in his work, and as soon as he heard that he had a plan, he immediately prepared to act.

"Okay, upgrade as soon as possible, level 1000!" Charlotte was also full of energy at this time.

Everyone started to act, and Qin Haonan saw that everyone had returned to the [Nine-story Trial Tower], so he followed Shiji and stepped onto the altar.

Qin Haonan knew that Century was going to transport them to the British area through the altar.

"Century, I have a question that I don't know whether to ask or not." Qin Haonan said suddenly.

"You said, there is no need for this between us." Century said.

"Those controlled players, shouldn't we rescue them?" Qin Haonan said what he was worried about at this time. Whenever he thought of his compatriots who were still lying in the hospital, Qin Haonan felt uncomfortable.

"It needs to be saved, but with only a few of us and players all over the world, it is impossible in a short time." Century calmly analyzed, "So I decided that everyone should level up as soon as possible, as long as the dark century is defeated, everything will be solved Without the control of the dark age, those players were rescued naturally. Of course, we have to go to many countries and many large maps along the way, and we can rescue a group of people along the way."

"You're right, so let's do it this way." Qin Haonan quickly analyzed what Shi Shi said, and felt that her thoughts were very reasonable.At this moment, I can't think of a better way than this.

At this moment, a dazzling light radiated from the altar, and the teleportation began.

When the light faded, Qin Haonan had already reached the British area.There was a huge altar under his feet. Standing on the altar, Qin Haonan looked around and found that this was actually a leveling area for level 950-999.

"Life is like a dream, let's not practice leveling here, I will take you to the 'Dragon Island' not far away. There is a leveling area of ​​800-900 levels, which is just right for their level. You are over there Let’s get used to it first, try your luck, maybe you will find that skill book.” Century thought for a while, then said.

"Okay, then follow your plan." Qin Haonan responded, and then summoned the Nether Dragon God, "For the next journey, it will be faster if we go through the air."

In this way, Qin Haonan took the contracted beasts, took the air route, flew across the vast ocean, and soon flew over the "Island of the Giant Dragon".In the vast sea, an island built with the keel of a giant dragon is presented in front of everyone.

How big is this dragon!Just its skeleton can become a huge island.As for the Nether Dragon God, looking at the Dragon Island under his feet, he was full of emotions for a while.

"Master, I didn't expect the Dragon Island in the British area to look like this. Seeing it, I couldn't help but think of the days before our contract." The Nether Dragon God said leisurely, "I feel a powerful force in this area. Although the breath of the dragon clan does not belong to the same country, they all belong to the dragon clan, and it is quite friendly to say it."

"Yes, you are also a dragon. If you don't make a contract with me, you are also a super beast level." Qin Haonan also misses the old days when he said this, carefree and comfortable.

"Master, I want to tell you in advance that you must be careful when you arrive at the 'Island of the Giant Dragon'. This island is the burial place of a senior of our Dragon Clan after his death. You have also seen the mountain-like Is it the keel? I heard a legend before, saying that the soul of this dragon senior is still there and has not left... If anyone dares to misbehave on the island, this senior will cast a curse..." The Nether Dragon God thought After a while, he said.

"Oh? There is such a thing? Nether Dragon God, you are also a level 1000 existence. Why do you mention this senior with such respect? Is he stronger than you?" Qin Haonan couldn't help being curious, so he asked.

Unexpectedly, the tone of the Nether Dragon God suddenly became extremely respectful, and he said with a look of fascination: "Master, please don't say that, and I can never be compared with that senior in my prime. This senior can be said to be The ancestor of our dragon clan, in his heyday, had three pairs of wings and was proficient in many different types of magic. Everyone called him the "six-winged dragon emperor". Lord God, she also knows these things."

After hearing this, Qin Haonan couldn't help turning his head to look at Shi Shi, but he didn't expect Shi Shi to nod seriously.

"How strong is this 'Six Winged Dragon Emperor'? Could it be that it has surpassed level 1000?" Qin Haonan was shocked.

Century replied seriously: "That's right, he is a 1200-level existence, just like me. If the mainframe development of 'Six-Winged Dragon Emperor' is fully developed, then there will be nothing to do with me and Dark Century."

"Oh? What's the situation?" Qin Haonan was a little puzzled after hearing this.

"It's normal if you don't know. Before the game "Century" was successfully developed, the mastermind at that time was tentatively named 'Six-Winged Heavenly Dragon Emperor'. At that time, his name was 'Dragon Emperor', and the online game "Century" was also planned to be named "" "Dragon Emperor". But the mastermind was cut in half at the end of its development. Only then did I and Dark Century, that's it." Century looked at Qin Haonan, and then told the story of that year.

"The researcher who developed the 'Dragon Emperor' at that time always expressed regret for the loss of the mastermind. Later, in order to commemorate him, the 'Dragon Island' was established here, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a senior."

"My God, there is such a story. Then why was this 'Six Winged Dragon Emperor' cut in half?" Qin Haonan was a little puzzled when he thought of this.

"I'll just tell you all these things." Century thought for a while, and decided to tell Qin Haonan the whole thing, "'Dragon Emperor' is the first mastermind to have personal emotions, and personal emotions are very strong, if this Putting it on human beings, it should be called a man of temperament. For this reason, this mastermind was cut in half. The so-called commemoration of him is actually because this mastermind has been too deeply integrated into this game, and it wants to integrate him into the game. It is impossible to completely delete the file, so I made a 'Dragon Island' to house him."

"Ah, I didn't expect the seniors of our Dragon Clan to sleep forever because of this?" The Nether Dragon God was very helpless when he heard that, "If the seniors are still there, wouldn't it be that our Dragon Clan will be the only one in this continent!"

"Haha, Nether Dragon God, your idea is correct. But there is no what if in this world..." Century Yi couldn't help laughing, "I brought you here to try my luck. This 'Dragon Emperor' The consciousness should still be there, I just want to give it a try and see if he can help."

 The name of this chapter "Island of the Dragon (1)" cannot be changed because of the VIP. Something went wrong, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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